Problem Formulation Objectives of the Study

his daughter. In this case, Grand Pabbie complies the King request by comforting his daughter by saying “Cuties. Im gonna keep you.” The King also applies politeness strategy called negative politeness strategy in delivering his request. It is shown by the use of the word “Please” at the beginning of his utterance. Hence, the factor influencing the relationships between the King’s request behaviors towards Grand Pabbie is because of familiarity of each other and the king is one who needs a help from Grand Pabbie. Based on the example above, I am interested in analyzing the requesting speech act in Frozen by Walt Disney. Therefore, I conduct a research entitled Analysis Of Requesting Speech Act In The Movie Frozen By Walt Disney.

B. Problem Formulation

The problem formulation in this research is: 1. What strategies of request expression of speaker-based condition and hearer-oriented condition are employed by characters in Frozen? 2. What types of politeness strategy are used to make a request employed by characters in Frozen?

C. Objectives of the Study

The objectives of studying this research are: 1. To describe the types of request expression of speaker- based condition and hearer-oriented condition employed by characters in Frozen. 2. To describe the types of politeness strategy used to make a request employed by characters in Frozen. D. Definition of Terms The analysis in this research provides some definitions of “Speech act”, “Request”, and “Politeness” to make it clear and to avoid ambiguity. Searle 1969: 16 state that the unit of linguistics communication is not the symbol, word or sentence, but rather the production or issuance of the symbol or word or sentence in the performence of the speech acts. It means that the basic minimal unit of linguistic comunication are speech acts. Meanwhile, Yule 1996: 47 says that speech act is action pearformed via utterence. Request speech act subsumes utterances which have been referred to, in the speech act literature as request, invite, ask for permission, and offer Tsui, 1994: 91. Meanwhile, Trosborg 1995: 187 gives definition that “Request is an illocutionary act whereby a speaker convise a hearer to peform an act which is for the benefiit of the speaker.” Brown and Levinson 1987: 13 define politeness as a complex system for softening face threats. Meanwhile, Leech 1983: 19 state that politeness is strategic conflic avoidance which can be measured in terms of the degree of effort put into the avoidance of a conflict situation. Then, politeness is defined as using communicative strategies to create and maintain social harmony as stated by Culpeper 1996: 349. Politeness can be done in PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI many various ways, they are being contextually appropriate, following social and cultural nouns, and being socially positive by addresing face needs. 6