The Strategy of Hearer-Oriented Conditions in Request Speech Act

that Duke of Weselton makes a request to soldiers directly by showing his demand.

2. The Strategy of Hearer-Oriented Conditions in Request Speech Act

In this kind of request speech act, the hearer is in a position of control to decide whether or not to perform the request. In this research, there are 10 data showing request of hearer-oriented condition. The data use ability willingness and suggestory formula. There are 5 datum that show the strategy of willingness or ability and 5 data that show the strategy of suggestory formulae. The description of each strategy of hearer-oriented conditions in request speech act can be shown in the following table Table 4.2. The strategies of hearer-oriented conditions in request speech act Kinds of strategies in Datum Number Number of Occurrences Willingness or ability 03 F SBC A P, 04 F SBC A P, 05 F SBC A P, 06 F HBC A P, 08 F SBC A P 5 Suggestory formulae 09 F HBC S P, 13 F HBC S P, 14 F HBC S N, 5 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI a Ability or Willingness The condition of ability refers to hearer’s capacity to perform the desired act. In this research, there is only 5 datum using this kind of request strategy and it is related to hearer’s capacity of both physical and mental. 1 Datum number : 03 F SBC A P Duration : 00:23:43,753  00:23:46,650 Context of situation : Anna meets Hans in the dance’s floor. Hans helps Anna because Anna almost falls down after Anna and Elsa have a little trouble. Hans asks Anna to dance with him. After that, Anna asks Hans to get out from the dance’s floor. They then get exciting conversation in the balcony of dance’s floor. Anna : Okay, Can I just say something crazy? Hans : I love crazy. The datum above shows Anna becomes the speaker and Hans becomes the hearer, t hen it is marked by the expression “Can I” as a kind of request using hearer-oriented condition which focuses on the hearer’s willingness. It means that Hans as the hearer is the person who will do or refuse the Anna ’s request. In this context, Anna asks for Hans’ permission to say something crazy that is to marry him. It 15 F HBC S P, 16 F HBC S P Total 10 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI can be said that Anna makes a request to Hans by asking for Hans ’ willingness. 2 Datum number : 04 F SBC A P Duration : 00:25:28,732  00:25:30,933 Context of situation : Hans and Anna talk each other in the balcony. Anna tells Hans why Elsa shuts her out. And then Hans says that he will not shut her out because Hans has falling in love with her. Anna also loves him and then Hans asks Anna to marry him. Hans : Can I say something crazy? Will you marry me? Anna : Can I just say something even crazier? Yes The datum above shows, Hans becomes the speaker and Anna becomes the hearer, t hen it is marked by the expression “Can I” is a kind of request using hearer-oriented condition which focuses on the hearer’s willingness. It means that Anna as the hearer is the person who will do or refuse Hans ’ request. In this context, Hans asks for Anna’s permission to say something crazy that is to marry him. It can be said that Hans makes a request to Anna by asking for Anna ’s willingness. 3 Datum number : 05 F HBC A P Duration : 00:25:32,976  00:25:35,196 Context of situation : Hans and Anna talk each other in the balcony. Anna tells Hans why Elsa shuts her out. And then Hans says that he will not shut her out because Hans has falling in love with her. Anna also loves him and then Hans asks Anna to marry him. Hans : Can I say something crazy? Will you marry me? Anna : Can I just say something even crazier? Yes From the datum above, it can be said that Hans makes a request to Anna by asking for Anna’s willingness. It means that Hans becomes the speaker and Anna becomes the hearer, then it is marked by use of object “you” as the person who will do or refuse the speaker’s request, to emphasize the request towards the hearer. In this context, Hans asks something crazy to Anna that is to marry him. Hans makes a request to by using the word “Will you....” to ask Anna’s willingness that is hearer’s condition both physical and mental. 4 Datum number : 06 F SBC A P Duration : 00:25:53,134  00:25:55,631 Context of situation : Because Anna has agreed Hans’ request to marry him, Anna and Hans go into the dance’s floor to meet Elsa. They ask Elsa for her blessing to their marriage. They ask for it by using request. Anna: May I present, Prince Hans of the Southern Isles. Hans : Your Majesty. Elsa : - surprised The datum shows that Anna becomes the speaker and Elsa becomes the hearer, t hen it is marked by the expression “May I” as a kind of request using hearer-oriented condition which focuses on the hearer’s willingness. It means that Elsa as the hearer is the person who will do or refuse the Anna ’s request. In this context, Anna asks for Elsa ’s permission to present Hans and to give her blessing to their marriage. It can be said that Anna makes a request to Elsa rather directly by asking for Elsa ’s willingness. 5 Datum number : 08 F SBC A P Duration : 00:26:28,606  00:26:31,991 Context of situation : Elsa does not agree with Anna’s plan to marry Hans. Anna thinks that their marriage is to sudden because they know each other not too long ago. Elsa then wants to talk with Anna without Hans about Anna a nd Hans’s plan by using a request. Elsa : May I talk to you, please? Alone. Anna : No. Whatever you have to say, you... you can say to both of us. From the datum above, it can be said that Elsa makes a request to Anna by asking for Anna ’s willingness. It means that Elsa becomes the speaker and Anna becomes the hearer, then it is marked by the expression “May I” as a kind of request using hearer-oriented condition which focuses on the hearer’s willingness. It means that Anna as the hearer is the person who will do or refuse the Anna ’s PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI request. In this context, Elsa asks for Anna ’s permission to talk with her alone without Hans that is to discuss about Anna’s plan to marry Hans. b Suggestory formulae By using suggestory formulae, the speaker makes hisher request more tentative and plays down hisher own interest as a beneficinary of the action. The followings are 5 data using this kind of request strategy. 1. Datum number : 09 F HBC S P Duration : 00:26:36,434  00:26:39,511 Context of situation : Elsa does not agree with Anna’s plan to marry Hans. Anna thinks that their marriage is too sudden because they know each other not too long ago. She makes a request to Anna by giving suggestion about her plan of marrying with Hans. Anna : Fine. You cant marr y a man you just met…You Can if its true love. Elsa : Anna, what do you know about true love? From the datum above, it can be said that Anna makes a request to Elsa in the form of suggestion. It means that Annabecomes the speaker and Elsa becomes the hearer, then it is marked by use of object “you” as the person who will do or refuse the speaker’s request, to emphasize the request towards the hearer. In this context, Annamakes a request by giving suggestion to Elsa that is not to marry PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI someone who just met. It is shown by the utterance “you can’t ... you can if ... “. 2. Datum number : 13 F HBC S P Duration : 00:53:31,708  00:53:33,507 Context of situation : Anna finds where her sister, Elsa, is hiding. It is an ice palace in the top of mountain. Anna then opens the door and makes request to her two companions, Krisstof and Olaf by suggesting them to wait in front of the door. Anna : It opened. Thats a first. You should probably wait out here. Krisstof : What ? From the datum above, it can be said that Anna makes a request to Krisstof in the form of suggestion. It means that Anna becomes the speaker and Krisstof becomes the hearer, then it is marked by use of object “you” in the utterance as the person who will do or refuse the speaker’s request, to emphasize the request towards the hearer. In this context, Anna makes a request by giving suggestion to Krisstof that is to wait in front of the door because Anna wants to say something privately with her sister meanwhile Krisstof is just a stranger who wants to help her. The request using suggestory formulae is marked with the use of modal ‘should’ in the utterance “You should probably wait out here ”. 3. Datum number : 14 F HBC S N Duration : 00:54:38,650  00:54:41,693 Context of situation : Anna apologizes to Elsa for her mistake about what happened in Arendelle. But, Elsa does not want to blame Anna and she just wants her to leave. Elsa does not want to cause Anna’s condition worse with hermagic. Elsa : No, its okay… You dont have to apologize. But you should probably go, please. Anna : But I just got here. From the datum above, it can be said that Elsa makes a request to Anna in the form of suggestion. It means that Elsa becomes the speaker and Anna becomes the hearer, then it is marked by use of object “you” in the utterance as the person who will do or refuse the speaker’s request, to emphasize the request towards the hearer. In this context, Elsa makes a request by giving suggestion to Anna that isto leaver her alone so that nothing bad will happen again because of her uncontrolled magic power. The request using suggestory formulae is marked with the use of modal ‘should’ in the utterance “But you should probably go, please. ” 4. Datum number : 15 F HBC S P Duration : 00:58:09,749  00:58:11,099 Context of situation : accidentally Elsa’s magic comes out and hurts Anna again. Then, Krisstof helps Anna to stand up and makes a request by suggesting her to go home. Anna refuses to go home without bringing Elsa back to Arendelle. Krisstof : Anna, I think we should go. Anna : No. Im not leaving without you, Elsa. From the datum above, it can be said that Krisstof makes a request to Anna in the form of suggestion. It means that Krisstof becomes the speaker and Anna becomes the hearer, then it is marked by use of object “we” in the utterance that refers to both speaker and hearer. However, the speaker rather uses ‘we’ than ‘you’ so that the hearer will do what he asked though he is also do it too. In this context, Krisstof makes a request by giving suggestion to Anna that is to go back to Arrendele so nothing bad happened again to her. The request using suggestory formulae is marked with the use of modal ‘should’ in the utterance “Anna, I think we should go.” 5. Datum number : 16 F HBC S P Duration : 01:01:59,602  01:02:01,573 Context of situation : K risstof wonders why Anna’s hair becomes white. It may be caused by Elsa’s magic that makes her “Frozen”. Anna thinks that her white hair is caused by the snow when she falls from the cliff. Anna makes a request by suggesting Krisstof see his hair too because his hair is full of snow. However, Krisstof does not believe that Anna’s white hair is caused by snow and keeps saying that her hair is turning white. It means that Anna’s conditon worsen. Anna : Just fell off a cliff. You should see your hair. Krisstof : No, yours is turning white. From the datum above, it can be said that Anna makes a request to Krisstof in the form of suggestion. It means that Anna becomes the speaker and Krisstof becomes the hearer, then it is marked by use of object “you” in the utterance as the person who will do or refuse the speaker’s request, to emphasize the request towards the hearer. In this context, Anna makes a request by giving suggestion to Krisstof that is to see his hair turning white. On the other hand, Anna’s hair is actually turning white na turally not because of the snow like Krisstof’s but she does not believe it. The request using suggestory formulae is marked with the use of modal ‘should’ in the utterance “You should see your hair. ”

B. Types of Politeness Strategy Used to Make a Request Employed by Characters in

Frozen The researcher uses Brown and Levinso n’s theory to analyze the politeness strategy used in Frozen. They propose four kinds of politeness; namely bald-on record, positive politeness, negative politeness, and off- record strategy. However, the researcher finds only three of politeness PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI