Bald-on Record Positive Politiness Negative Politeness

politeness is strategic conflic avoidance which can be measured in terms of the degree of effort put into the avoidance of a conflict situation. In short, politeness is defined as using communicative strategies to create and maintain social harmony as stated by Culpeper 1996: 349. Politeness can be done in many various ways, they are being contextually appropriate, following social and cultural norms, and being socially positive by addresing face needs. There are many experts discussing about politeness strategy. This research only uses politeness strategy proposed by Brown and Lenvinson as an approach to analyze the data. This theory is choosen to explain about politeness strategy in detail. Brown and Levinson 1987: 92 have divided the politeness strategies according to how much the speakers and the hearers minimize the threat when they are having conversation. The strategies range from doing the FTA directly without minimizing the threat at all to not doing FTA. They are bald- on record, positive politeness, negative politeness, and off-record strategy.

a. Bald-on Record

Bald-on record strategy does not attempt to minimize the threat to hearer’s face. Brown and Levinson state that speaker mostly uses bald-on record strategy when she wants to do FTA Face Threatening Acts with maximum efficiency toward the hearer’s face Brown and Levinson, 1987: 95. This strategy will make the PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI hearer feels uncomfortable. This strategy is a direct way of saying things, without any minimization to the imposition, in a direct, clear, unambiguous, and concise way. This strategy is usually employed in some occasion, such as in emergency situation, unequal power relationship, and task oriented activities. For example: Give me a pen Yule, 1996: 63

b. Positive Politiness

Positive politeness provides an attempt to minimize the damage to the hearer’s face Brown and Levinson, 1987: 101. This strategy is intended to avoid the conflict and to minimize the social distance between the speaker and the hearer. There are some indication of positive politeness strategy, such as using in-group indetity makers, offering solidarity through friendship, seeking agreement, avoiding disagreement, presupposition raise assert common ground, joking, asserting or presuppose speaker’s knowledge, concerning for hearer’s wants, offering and promising, being optimistic, including both speaker and hearer in the actvity, giving or asking reasons, assuming or asserting recipocity, giving gifts to hearer goods, sympathy, understanding, cooperation, etc 1987: 102. For example : How about letting me use your pen? Yule, 1996: 64

c. Negative Politeness

Brown and Levinson 1987: 129 state that negative politeness attends to a person’s negative face needs, which appeals to the hearer’s desire not to be impeded or put upon and to be left free to act as they want. This strategy is to express respect and consideration. There are some indication of negative politeness strategy, such as being conventionally indirect, questioning, hedge, being pesimistic, minimizing the imposition or friction, formality in language use, apoligizing, giving deference and respect 1987: 130. For example: Could you lend me your pen? Yule, 1996: 64

d. Off-record Strategy