Background of the Study



A. Background of the Study

Language is one of important things in the world. If there is no language, there will be no communication from one people to another. Without communication, we do not know what happens around our environment. Communication is also one way to us to deliver or express our ideas and feelings. Speech act is the smallest unit of language communication. According to Searle in Wijana, 2009: 20, speech act in Pragmatics can be classified into three kinds. They are locutionary acts, illocutionary acts, and perlocutionary acts. Meanwhile, there also five kinds of speech act; they are assertive, directive, commissive, declarative, and expressive. The most frequently speech act used is an illocutionary act that is speech act that has force or intention behind the words uttered by the speaker to the hearer or addressee. Searles then gives distinction between direct and indirect speech acts according to the relationship between the structural forms and communicative functions. A direct speech act refers to utterances whose meaning can be understood through linguistic forms, while indirect speech act is used to show an appropriate level of politeness in communication. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Speech acts play an important role in daily communication, for example requesting. Requesting speech act sometimes is used directly or indirectly in the daily life. When someone requests something to someone, she or he can express it by uttering requesting, asking, greeting, giving information, complaining, offering, and criticizing. Besides, there are many factors influencing the relationships among the participants request behaviors, such as social status, familiarity, and etc. The following is the example of requesting speech act which the researcher finds in Frozen 2013 . The King : Please... HelpMy daughter Grand Pabbie : Cuties. Im gonna keep you. The conversation above takes place in Grand Pabbie’s village, the valley of the living rock. The participants are between the King of Arendelle and Grand Pabbie, a wise and elderly ruler of the trolls a group of ancient creatures there. The King of Arendelle has two little daughters, Elsa and Anna. One day, Anna asks Elsa to play magic by making snowman but accidentally Elsa’s magic hits and almost kills her sister Anna. Then, the King and Queen come to Elsa to know what happens with Anna. Anna is getting hurt and the King has to save her quickly by carrying her to Grand Pabbie. When he comes there, the King asks Grand Pabbie to save her by requesting. In the dialogue above, the King requests to Grand Pabbie by saying “Please... HelpMy daughter”. It means that the King uses speech act of request for action. He wants Grand Pabbie to do what he says, that is to save his daughter. In this case, Grand Pabbie complies the King request by comforting his daughter by saying “Cuties. Im gonna keep you.” The King also applies politeness strategy called negative politeness strategy in delivering his request. It is shown by the use of the word “Please” at the beginning of his utterance. Hence, the factor influencing the relationships between the King’s request behaviors towards Grand Pabbie is because of familiarity of each other and the king is one who needs a help from Grand Pabbie. Based on the example above, I am interested in analyzing the requesting speech act in Frozen by Walt Disney. Therefore, I conduct a research entitled Analysis Of Requesting Speech Act In The Movie Frozen By Walt Disney.

B. Problem Formulation