Data Collection Data Analysis

1. Data Collection

The object of this study is the application of request of speaker-based condition and hearer-oriented condition, also politeness strategy used by the character in Frozen. It means that the researcher collected the data purposively. The data is limited only speaker-based condition and hearer- oriented condition in request. The first step to get the data, the researcher watches Frozen for several times in order to understand the whole story. Then, the researcher searched the transcript of Frozen on the internet and compared it to the movie. The researcher also underlined the dialogues employed by the characters which indicated a request speech act of speaker-based condition and hearer- oriented condition using Searle and Trosborg’s theory. The next step in collecting the data is by giving code on each type of datum. The coding of the datum in this research is as follows: a. The number of the datum b. The title of the movie. This research uses a movie entitled Frozen c. The types of request speech act employed by the characters based on Sea rle’s theory the researcher used speaker-based condition type and hearer-oriented condition. d. The type of condition of request speech act based on Searle’s theory. e. The type of politeness strategies on Brown and Levinson’s theory To make the coding of datum clearer, the researcher gives an example as presented below: PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 08 F SBC W N The coding above means that the datum is number eight 8. F means Frozen. Meanwhile SBC is the type of request speech act that is speaker- based condition. Then, W is the condition of speaker-based condition that is Wishes. Last, N is one of the politeness strategies is applied in that datum, that is Negatives.

2. Data Analysis

There are some steps to analyze the data in this research. First, the researcher determined all utterances which were categorized as request speech act using Searle’s theory. Next, the data of request were than classified based on speaker-based condition and hearer-oriented condition using Trosborg’s theory. After that, the researcher labeled the data in the form of code based on the number of datum, the title of the movie, and the type of request speech act speaker-based condition and hearer-oriented condition. To answer the problem of the research, the researcher analyzed the types of request using speaker-based condition and hearer-oriented condition. Speaker-based condition consists of wishes or desires and demands or needs. Meanwhile, hearer-oriented condition consists of ability or willingness and suggestory formulae. The researcher than determined the politeness strategy of each datum of speaker-based condition and hearer- oriented condition based on Brown and Levinson’s theory. They are bald-on record strategy, positive politeness, negative politeness, and off-record PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI strategy. Finally, the researcher could find out the factors which influence the speaker to use request speech act of speaker-based condition by considering the politeness strategy. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 24