Review of Related Theory


C. Research Benefit

This research might sound quite minor but it still contributes input towards the knowledge. This paper will exhibit the exploration of bad language activity in a language other than English, which is Indonesian, whereas not so many references are available to observe such activity. This paper would fill in the gap among studies contributed by many people mentioned in the research background section especially related to the applications of experts‘s classifications of swear word or bad language word beyond the limit of their language of origin. Also as a future educator, the researcher could draw benefit from this study that the researcher was inspired to be very cautious in speaking for the researcher could accidentally utter a bad language word and offend people.

D. Review of Related Theory

This part will discuss the theories used in answering the research question. The first part is discussing the main theory of bad language word classification proposed by McEnery. In his book McEnery actually said the categorization as ―categorization of bad language‖ instead of swear word McEnery, 2006, p.27. This is also the reason why the researcher uses ―bad language word‖ or BLW instead of swear word in the title. The second theory is the description of bad language words in Indonesian language by Baittri and Shidqqiyah. However, not all bad language words are listed in the description; therefore another theory in defining whether a word or expression can be considered as BLW is required. The PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 8 researcher then used the description of swearing proposed by Wilson and also the process of swearing proposed by Pinker. Pinker actually proposed his own categorization. His categorization contains only five categories namely: Descriptive swearing, Idiomatic swearing, Abusive swearing, Emphatic swearing and Cathartic swearing. Descri ptive swearing is when people say bad language such as ―fuck‖ when they really mean to have sex. However, the word ―fuck‖ itself is still considered impolite. When someone chose to say ―fuck‖ instead of ―have sex‖ heshe swears descriptively. Idiomatic swearing is related to the perceived meaning of certain taboo words when describing things that is not actually the taboo words. Taboo words have quite an amazing ability ―to evoke an emotional reaction‖ Pinker, 2007. It is useful when ―speakers wish to convey their own distress‖ Pinker, 2007 that the listener can feel the same thing the speaker felt. This describes the way people swear idiomatically. Abusive swearing contains a word that used to be non offensive and then it the meaning shifted little by little until today that when we hear such word we might get offended because it has already degraded so much. The word ―fuck‖ had already degraded so much that we might not feel and respect the beauty of it anymore. Pinker stated that ―the way that the verbs for sex take part in conceptual metaphors. Many of the transitive verbs for sex can be used metaphorically to refer to exploitation‖ 2007. This exploitation caused the word ―fuck‖ that was 9 actually a nice thing into a terrible thing that lead people t o think that ―to have sex is to exploit someone and to have sex is to damage someone‖ Pinker, 2007. For Indonesian people, saying that ― Laptop „bangsat‟ ku dicuri‖ is quite unusual. In English version, saying that ―My ‗damn‘ laptop got stolen‖ is uniquely quite usual. There is also another case that we insert a taboo word in between two words that is one unity such as ―hot fucking dog‖. Even there is a possibility to insert a taboo word in the middle of the word like ―cappu-fucking- ccino‖. This condition describes that the occurrence of taboo words above indicating that ―something is lamentable about an entire state of affairs, not the entity named by the noun‖ Pinker, 2007. Cathartic swearing is about the ―blurting out of damn, hell, shit, fuck, or bugger in moments of sudden pain, frustration, or regret‖ Pinker, 2007. This type of swearing according to Pinker was not about intimidating someone but ―to let off steam‖ 2007. The brain has certain mechanisms that may play a role in cathartic swearing . ―One of them is an electrophysiological response that kicks in when people notice they have just made an error. In public, cognitive neuroscientists call this response the Error-Related Negativity; in private they call it the Oh- Shit Wave‖ Pinker, 2007. Pinker‘s classification of swearing seems to be quite broad enough to be applied in other language, in this case Indonesian language, and specifically in its‘ movies. However, because of it only has five categories, each category will be overfilled with occurrences and we might not be able to catch the ―full complexity of the occurrences‖ of BLWs in the movies Ljung, 2011. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 10 In order to find out how McEnery‘s classification of bad language words can be applied in categorizing the occurrences of swearing in the Indonesian language especially in the The Raid Redemption and The Raid 2: Berandal the researcher discussed the main theory in this section. This theory is the one that will classify swear word occurrences in The Raid Redemption and The Raid 2: Berandal into 15 different categories in ―categorization of bad words‖ according to McEnery 2006, p. 27. They are: 1 predicative negative adjective, 2 adverbial booster, 3 cursing expletive, 4 destinational usage, 5 emphatic adverbadjective, 6 figurative extension of literal meaning, 7 general expletive, 8 idiomatic ‗set phrase‘, 9 literal usage denoting taboo referent, 10 imagery based on literal meaning, 11 premodifying intensifying negative adjective, 12 ‗pronominal‘ form with undefined referent, 13 personal insult referring to defined entity, 14 ‗reclaimed‘ usage—no negative intent, 15 religious oath used for emphasis. Each category was not definite enough, therefore the researcher will limit the categories into definition below. 1 Predicative negative adjective Adjectives in the the second position - after the noun - are called predicative adjectives. Predicative adjectives do not occur immediately after the noun. Instead, they follow a verb. In the example ‗the film is shit‘, the BLW occurs after the word ―is‖. This is the only pattern that will be categorized as ‗Predicative Negative Adjective‘. 11 2 Adverbial booster Adverbs are words that modify grammaradverbs.htm. An adverb often tells in what condition or how things happen or happened. On the example, : ‗Fucking marvellous‘ or ‗Fucking awful‘the word ‗fucking‘ acts as an adverb that modify the word ‗marvelous‘. Any occurrences of BLW that modify the word after will be categorized as ‗Adverbial Booster‘ category. 3 Cursing expletive Cursing defined by Jay 2000 as a word that ―wishes harm‖ on a person. Cursing can evoke ―an emotional reaction‖ especially when someone ―want to create distress in a listener from scratch‖ Pinker, 2007, p47. Here Pinker suggest that taboo words, dirty words or bad language words can be used to interact with someone. This means that the activity of cursing needs addressee when uttered. ‗Fuck YouMeHimIt‘ can be a good example in English but it also be very valid if for example eye contact is present or anything that indicates interaction. 4 Destinational usage The researcher did not able to find the proper theory to describe this category but based on the example : ‗Fuck off‘ and ‗He fucked off‘, a distinct definition should be easily drawn. The pattern should be ‗the dirty word‘ + preposition of place. If this condition is not fulfilled, then the occurred BLW cannot be classified as this category. 12 5 Emphatic adverbadjective This category means that the occurrence of BLW is to make the expression more definite and forceful ―emphatic‖. As shown in example ‗He fucking did it‘ and ‗in the fucking car‘ meaning that the adverb or adjective was emphasized using BLW. This will limit the category to only include emphasis on an adverb or adjective. 6 Figurative extension of literal meaning Based on the name, it suggests that the occurrence of the dirty word did not mean its literal meaning but the figurative meaning of it. As Pinker stated that BLW activity happened deep inside a certain part of the brain ―which is the seat of perception, knowledge, reason and planning‖ Pinker, 2007, For example ‗to fuck about‘ doesn‘t mean someone who say this will have sex but to cause certain unpleasant situation. 7 General expletive ―The remaining use of taboo language is cathartic – the blurting out of damn, hell, shit, fuck or bugger in moments of sudden pain, frustration or regret‖ Pinker, 2007, p64. This category serves different purpose than cursing expletive category. If the cursing expletive category needs addressee then this category does not. ―If you ask people why they do it, they‘ll say it ‗releases tension‘ or helps them ‗let off steam‟ ‖ Pinker, 2007, p64. For example: ‗Oh Fuck‘ 13 8 Idiomatic ‗set phrase‘ This category uses the figurative meaning of a set phrase. Set phrase is multiple words occur together as one unity Is set phrase a set phrase. This was the best the researcher can came up to describe this category. For example: ‗fuck all‘ ‗give a fuck‘. 9 Literal usage denoting taboo referent This category refers to the usage of swear word that was used in its literal meaning. As the example shows us, ‗We fucked‘ really means that ‗we‘ here are actually having sex. Any occurrence later in the discussion will be categorized as Literal usage denoting taboo referent category if the literal meaning was meant to be used. 10 Imagery based on literal meaning ‗Kick shit out of‘ is an example of this category. The emphasis on this exa mple was the word ‗shit‘. This word is an imagery that will show people any feeling that related to this word based on its literal meaning. Such occurrence then is to be categorized in this category. Nevertheless, it will overlap category number six. The difference is laid on the composition of the expression. This category relies on the compound word used in the conversation. If we separate the word ‗kick‘ and ‗shit‘ in ‗kick shit out of‘ example, we will have a whole different meaning. But in ‗got shit to do‘, the joining of the word ‗got‘ and ‗shit‘ have no further meaning than ―got something to do‖ but the augmentation of emotion in it. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 14 11 Premodifying intensifying negative adjective As the name suggested, in this category the BLW occur as a premodifying adjective. The BLW occurs before the adjective. For example : ‗the fucking idiot‘, 12 ‗Pronominal‘ form with undefined referent In this category, BLW occurs as a pronoun. It modifies the subject or object that was discussed in the sentence. However there is limitation that the referent should be undefined. In this paper we will limit what is meant with ―undefined‖ with not being mentioned directly in the sentence. An English example such as : ‗got shit to do‘, 13 Personal insult referring to defined entity This category classifies the occurrence of BLW based on the similarity among the speakers based on the background information of the speakers. This category point out the purpose to show their entity and probably each occurrence should be responded with matching BLW based on the background of the speakers. 14 ‗Reclaimed‘ usage—no negative intent This category related to the history of the word itself. There are words that were forbidden to be spoken of. For this words were offensive and probably disgrace certain entity or more specifically ethnicity. For example the word NiggersNiggaz was quite sensitive but now it is quite often for African American rappers use this word in their songs. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 15 15 Religious oath used for emphasis For this category was negated in the discussion of theory and types of occurrences BLW in Indonesian language, therefore this category fails to classify any occurrence of swearing in the Indonesian language and will be dropped. Even though Ljung stated that McEnery‘s categorization is broader and more specific Ljung, 2011 p. 27, Ljung suspected that there is a possibility for this categorization to have sub group. Lie also stated that McEnery‘s classification appear to be defined primarily according to syntactic and pragmatic criteria. From this point the researcher started to reconsider that there is an opportunity of overlapping classifications among 15 categories. The researcher suspected that there are three main subgroups in the classification. The first subgroup is based on the structural function in a sentece. This group consists of Adverbial booster, Emphatic adverbadjective, Idiomatic ‗set phrase‘, Premodifying intensifying negative adjective, ‗Pronominal‘ form with undefined referent, and Predicative negative adjective. This subgroup differentiates how BLWs are placed in a sentence. The second subgroup is describing what the function of the BLWs is. This subgroup consists of Cursing expletive, Destinational usage, General expletive, Personal insult referring to defined entity and ‗Reclaimed‘ usage—no negative intent. This subgroup unites categories that have one similarity: purpose. All of the first subgroup‘s categories might not have the same purpose, but they describe the difference of the BLWs occurrences in terms of the function in a conversation. The last subgroup unite PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 16 three categories: Figurative extension of literal meaning, Literal usage denoting taboo referent and Imagery based on literal meaning. The similarity of categories that belong to this group is whether the BLWs that occur contain the real meanings or figurative ones. Based on this discussion, there is a good chance that the occurrences will overlap in the main categorization but not within the subgroup. As a citizen of Indonesia who think and act like Indonesian people, the researcher realized that this research will be useless if the data are forced into such category proposed by McEnery. In this point, the researcher had to find another classification to show which words that that would possibly become a BLW from another researcher who live and think like the Indonesians. The other classification was then proposed by Baittri, J. H and Shidqqiyah, S. K. 2012, as cited in Karnaval Caci Maki. Baittri and Shidqqiyah proposed that Indonesian BLW into two main categories. They are non human - related category and human – related category. The first main category was divided into seven categories. They are binatang animals, benda-benda things, makhluk halus spiritual beings, makananminuman fooddrinks, kotoran excrements, and tumbuhan plantations 2012. 1 Binatang animals The Indonesians usually swear with words that showing lower hierarchical status compared to human. Some of those words are animal related, things related, food and drink related, human excrements related and many others. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 17 Animals are one of the favorite BLW that is not humanly related. Animals were considered lower than human because the culture says that animals are beings that were created without soul. Human was considered the highest since they claim to have soul even there was barely any scientific proof that soul does exist. There was another consideration why the Indonesians uses animals as BLW where western don‘t. Religious tradition play huge role here. Since 1200‘s Islam has entered into the Indonesian‘s way of life. Every bit of human life activity was influenced with Islamic value. Several things are considered “najis”dirty, related with sins when they came to contact with animals with fangs especially “anjing” or “asu” dog. Even though pigs are fangless, they are considered “najis” for some reason. These two popular animals are often used as BLW in Indonesian conversation. There was another popular form of BLW related to animals but not many people realize that it is an animal, “bangsat”. It was a bug that suckles human‘s blood. Uniquely these bugs live in some dirty couch, when decades ago hygiene was such a great luxury‖ and will bite and suckle the blood through the bottom. Nobody wants to even touch anyone‘s bottom with the face, referring someone as “bangsat” was a huge humiliation towards the addressee. Another example was “kampret” for a Javanese terminology for a bat‘s offspring. Most bats are smelly and dangerous since it can cause disease due to its unsanitary nest. The examples for this category are: “anjing” dog, “asu” also dog, “babi” pig, “bangsat” bug, and “kampret” bat‘s offspring. 18 2 Benda-benda Things There are many things that can be used as BLW. Indonesians often refer someone as ―bajaj‖ or ―bemo‖ towards someone annoying who have protruded mouth. “Bajaj” or “bemo” here are means of transportation that can only contain 2 to 6 people, all of them are three – wheeled. Bajajs are made by Bajaj auto from India. It has two - stroked engine which is very noisy when it travels around some housing complex. Since it has two stroked engine, it produce lots of hazardous smoke also. Formerly, for it is quite small in size, it can roam around narrow alley delivering goods or taking passengers. Bemo was an abbreviation for “becak motor‖. Becak is a distinct means of transportation which was similar to pedicab only the driver was on the back. Uniquely Bemo was not co nstructed in such a way like a becak. The driver‘s cabin was on the front and the passengers‘ cabin was on the back. Both bemo and bajaj have unique driver‘s cabin construction. It was like a protruded mouth of someone. This unique construction is often abused as BLW towards people with such mouth construction. However it was irrelevant for people without such mouth construction. Examples for this category are: “dasar bemo” and “dasar bajaj” 19 3 Makhluk halus Spiritual Beings Spiritual beings are one of many differences in BLW between English and Indonesian. Based on Islamic dogma, spiritual beings even though they are made of fire they are obliged to praise human who was made out of soil. Indonesian people live, think and act as a Muslim. Based on the premise above, referring someone bad as if they are possessed by evil spirit or even consider them as evil spiritual beings seems legit. Frankly this hypothesis was still debatable. Further research is still required to prove this assumption even though this assumption is concluded through years of living as an Indonesian citizen. Regardless, few of so many examples are: setan alas, tuyul, sundel bolong, kuntilanak, iblis, and many others. 4 Makanan Food and probably Drinks Food and drink are also used as BLW in Indonesia. One of the famous example of a name of a drink used as BLW is “bajigur” which probably an euphemism of “bajingan” since they sound alike. Bajigur is a one of the delicacies in West Java. It is served hot and contains lots of herbs that keep us warm and healthy in the cold air of West Java. Doesn‘t this sound really nice to have such drink? Another example is that people in Jogjakarta often say, “telo” when things got unpleasant. Telo or in English called cassava, is actually a very nutritious food. Even from cassava, the people of Yogyakarta were able to make such delicacies called Thiwul. When the cassava was steamed it PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 20 became soggy. The historic background of telo shows that it was an alternative food for people that were so poor that they can‘t afford rice during the Holland colonialism. It was then labeled that telo is food for poor people. Few of so many examples are: ―bajigur‖ and ―telo‖ 5 Kotoran Excretions Human wastes uniquely are very unpleasant things to talk about. Not only in the West, the Indonesians are also consider that human excrements are dirty, unpleasant and taboo. Therefore thinking, saying, and depicting excrements or referring someone as such is extremely unpleasant. Without any intention of cause disgust based on this category, the example of this category is like “Tai” for feces and “kencing” for urin. 6 Tumbuhan Plantations There was a famous example of abuse of this category, “asem”. The Latin name of this tree is tamarindus indica. This BLW is considered mild since trees do not belong to taboo words but it is used frequently embedded with feeling such as upset, anger, annoyed or disappointed. This BLW is very famous throughout any society where the Javanese live in. The asem fruit was used in many Javanese cuisines as seasoning to make the final taste of the cuisine a little bit sour. The sourness of the food was taken advantage so that people who eat that produce much saliva. That much saliva helps the digestion system to digest the food more properly. However, producing 21 burst of so much saliva at a short time felt pretty unpleasant. This feeling was then used to represent the situation where this BLW could occur. The human - related category consists of keadaan situation, bagian tubuh parts of the body, kekerabatan relation, makhluk halus spiritual beings, profesi profession, aktivitas activity, kematian death, nama tokoh certain character‘s name, Gender, sifat manusia mankind characteristics, orientasi seksual sexual orientation, sikap religius religious attitude, ideology ideology, gaya hidup lifestyle, etnis ethnicity, and finally kelas sosial social class. 1 Keadaan Situations Rosidin claimed in his thesis that words showing unpleasant situations or conditions is generally exploited to be used as BLWs. Most often people swear using words that are showing somebody else‘s defects physically or intelligence impairment. Words like “moron”, “retards” or “idiots” in English are often used to ―throw something bad‖ towards the addressee Ljung 2010. Probably by doing this we are labeling someone that they are such person or maybe we amplify such intelligence inhibition of someone to an extent that it was very humiliating. However this argument was not proven through a valid research, it was still what the researcher perceive in the process of swearing. In Indonesian language BLWs that belong to this category are: gila, sinting, bodoh, tolol. Uniquely, due to the Indonesian Islamic religious way of life and cultural background, Rosidin suggested PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 22 that not only intelligence impairment belongs to this category but also sinful acts, such as durhaka disrespectful towards our parents, keparatkafir infidelity, and terkutuk curseddamned. 2 Bagian Tubuh Parts of The Body ―And God created man to his own image: to the image of God he created him: male and female he created them. ―Holy Bible, Genesis 1: 27.‖ God created all things in this world along with their own beauty. It is such a shame that someone ever consider our ugly looking parts as a disgrace. However several BLWs came from such beautiful creation of the Lord in which the Bible said it was the Lord‘s image. Those which considered ugly parts are the stomach like ―gembul”, head bald ―botakgundul”, nose ”Pesek”, and ugly looking navel “bodong”. At some point, genital are considered one of the ugly parts even though without it we would never be able to experience the pleasance of getting laid. Another example of human part of the body abuse are “matamu matane” eyes, “lambemulambene” lips , “raimuraine” face, “ndhasmundhase” head, and many others. The suffix “-mu” or “-ne” are indicating possessive pronoun for the addressee. 3 Kekerabatan Relatives Relatives are somewhat unlikely to be considered as BLWs in English, but in Indonesian those really are. Further research is still required to explain how relatives can become BLWs. However Rosidin provide an example 23 when former president of Indonesia, Soeharto, was answering a question from a reporter related to the source of funding in a certain housing estate project he slipped a BLW. It was ―mbahmu‖. The news was broadcasted, according to Rosidin, in the show Mata Najwa in MetroTv December 28 th 2011. Mostly the BLW are formulated as ―relative swear word + possessive pronoun plus verb in rare occasion.‖ The example would be ―kepala bapak kau” or ―mbahmu salto.” 4 Profesi Profession During the colonialism there was an occupation called bajingan. There are two urban legends that says a bajingan, someone who pull or push a cart as his profession to deliver large amount of goods from one place to another in short up to medium radius, was actually a very handy person until someday that word turned into BLW. However he fell from his grace because of his action. The first urban legend says that bajingans are slow when they go to the designated spot to deliver or pick up the goods. People have to wait for a long time until the bajingan arrived. Surely people will had gone upset then. The second urban legend says that some bajingans work for the government at that time to collect the tax money. They will visit door to door to collect the taxes and then put the money or whatever the people have into the cart. Overtime the bajingan grew covet for the money or harvest presented as the tax in his cart. He would steal the tax. By doing so the tax cannot be fully collected and the government would have the bajingan to extortion the 24 people to pay more. Hatred towards the bajingan grew wild and people began to label someone worth swearing as a bajingan. Uniquely not only bajingan is considered taboo or can be used as BLWs, other than that a dysphemism of an assistant of the house can possibly be used: Jongos. This profession might be considered mediocre and less respected job even though recently it has become more organized and then officially accepted by the public of Indonesia. The word jongos was probably a dysphemism McEnery, p. 127 towards the profession of a maid. This dysphemism McEnery, p. 127 of pembantu maid disgraced the profession of a maid. Every time someone say jongos we would not refer to the good definition of a maid but instead the bad side of a maid. Probably it was related with crimes done by an assistant of the house like stealing money or other precious belongings. Other form of a profession dysphemism is calling a prostitute a lonthe or pecun. 5 Aktivitas Activities Mostly sexual activities are used as BLW in Indonesia. As sexuality is considered taboo, words related to it are considered taboo as well. The reason sexuality is considered taboo is because it is embarrassing Ljung, p.7. This type of taboo words are then exploited to become a BLW to refer how embarrassing what the addressee was doing. Examples of this type of BLW are jancuk, entot, and ewe. 25 6 Kematian Death Another way for Indonesians to swear is by using words that possess mysterious power in it which nobody can attain. Some of those words are divine power, mother nature‘s force and of course death. As an ending of a life that is completely mysterious, death is not considered as a pleasant thing. The BLWs related to death is a form of offense towards the addressee as a form of deep gratitude for the misfortune of the addressee, usually somebody who is disliked by the speaker. Some examples related to this category are mampus, matilah kau, jahanam, and kerak neraka. 7 Nama Tokoh Certain Character‘s Name Other than malin kundang, people of Indonesia have firaun Pharaoh and Pak Ogah Mr. Ogah . Pharaoh in Indonesian‘s dictionary is closely related to the arrogance, absoluteness and uncivilized personality of the Pharaoh of Egypt in the Holy Koran. It is possible for Indonesian people to swear at people having similar personality with the Pharaoh as Firaun. The new version of this is Pak Ogah. Ogah also means reluctant because of laziness. Frankly this BLW categorization was not often found in normal conversation. 8 Gender People of Indonesia live in a patriarchal society. Stereotype of patriarchal people related to the separation of the working class between female and male often makes female femininity in the lover position compared to 26 male masculinity. The second gender was abused as a bad language word when it was referred to a male. Boys who cry a lot was referred as “kaya cewek” sissy which can be concluded as a humiliation. The third gender was also exploited as a disgrace for men. In a binary gendered society third gender was not acknowledged. However, unfortunately when a woman called “kaya cowok”, it is not a glorification. It was also a big shame for a male to be called “bencongbanci”. 9 Sikap Manusia Mankind‘s Characters In a society every person has distinct social attitude. Abuse to such personality can be a form of BLW. There was an advertisement of a candy brand that shows the leading actor saying ―dasar pelit‖ towards the leading actress. However it was somehow categorized as non-taboo words since based on the researcher‘s experience a child was not forbidden to say such word and many other variations of this category. Other examples are sombong arrogant, munafik, angkuh condescending. 10 Orientasi seksual Sexual Orientations A conventional patriarchal society only acknowledges heterosexual relation. Homosexual is considered as a deviation from the religious dogma. It makes homosexuality and lesbian become BLWs for both of them related to sacred but also taboo matter, religions dogma. 27 11 Sikap Religious Religious Attitude The highest leader of a religion often put people who don‘t believe in God and religion as people of the lower class. Due to the Islamic culture basis of people in Indonesia, people that do not believe in God are considered sinners. Atheist was considered one among those sins. 12 Ideologi Ideology The Orde Baru governance was referring communist participants as atheist and immoral people. PKI Indonesian Communist Party was considered as a coup against the national‘s foundation. There was a dark history about Indonesia and PKI that PKI was gathering people with the same ideology and trying to massacre people other than them. It turned out that it was a lie and an excuse to exterminate the communist party and its participants. For the next thirty years after the massacre of PKI participants during Orde Baru, PKI was considered taboo to be spoken about. Anyone that was too extreme for the Indone sian‘s lifestyle at that time was also stereotyped as a PKI. 13 Gaya Hidup Lifestyle The way people think about new lifestyle make new BLWs related to lifestyle. Saying ―borjuis‖or “borju” as a swearing word for aristocrats was quite common in the 90‘s. These people often look down on people who are less wealthy than them. This attitude causes hatred towards these wealthy PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 28 people. Another reason probably came from the colonial era when mostly the Holland are always rich and bully the Inlanders. 14 Etnis Ethnicity Based on Purnama‘s research related to BLWs in local languages there was several ethnicity that are considered inferior. Mostly because they are considered as migrants and some are considered primitive. The Chinese were very diligent. They are mostly hard workers. Uniquely they can manage their money well to avoid unnecessary expenses that will keep them away from prosperous life. Unfortunately the thriving achievements of the Chinese are envied by other ethnicity. BLW like ―Dasar cina” was then became popular. Many other forms of BLWs related to ethnicity are also present in many variations after these two popular ethnic-related BLWs emerged. 15 Kelas social Social Class In Hindu, social hierarchy are often abused as BLWs. Some of those are Sudra the lowest class and Paria people who do not even have social class. Other examples of social class that is not related to religion are : proletar proletarian, orang miskin poor people, fakir from arabic word means poor man, kere poor pe ople, poorer than proletarian, and ―gepeng‖ gelandangan pengemis or homeless and beggar in English. Uniquely, as the researcher found McEnery‘s classification, several bad language categories are not possible to happen in Indonesia. After Baittri, J. H and 29 Shidqqiyah, S. K. 2012 explanation, the researcher found that there are two categories suggested by McEnery that fail to classify any way the Indonesians swear. These are ‗Reclaimed‘ usage—no negative intent and Religious oath used for emphasis. I n ‗Reclaimed‘ usage which has no negative intent the African-Americans use ‗Niggaz‘ to greet their fellow African-Americans. However saying ‗dasar Cino‘ or ‗dasar Cina‘ towards Chinese ethnicity in Indonesian societies can cause conflict. Saying such implies social hatred toward Chinese ethnicity. On the other hand saying ‗dasar Jawa‘ towards the Javanese ethnicity was a form of debasement towards the Javanese. Wilson 2005 states that swearing is a ―motor activity‖ with an ―emotional component‖. This statement was concluded based on Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging FMRI that when a person swear the lower parts of the brain, deals with emotion, and higher parts of the brain, deals with language, are active. Swearing therefore is an activity of language usage that expresses certain feeling, especially significant strong emotion. Mostly people use several distinct word to be used as BLW such as human body parts, especially genitals, such as ―dick”refers to male genital or excrements such as ―piss‖ refers to urine. However more variations of swearing show other less unpleasant condition like ―bastard‖. This theory was then used as the parameter to filter which are BLWs and which are not. Later in the movies BLWs that were used are then selected based on how it was said, whether or not it was augmented with emotions such as anger or agitation, or even surprised. Other than that, BLWs that will be PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 30 classified later in the discussion part is also selected based on a reason whether or not those words used involving verbal attacks on the addressee Ljung, 2011. Pinker suggests more detailed information about the process of swearing. ―The ubiquity and power of swearing suggest that taboo words may tap into deep and ancient parts of the emotional brain ‖ Pinker, 2007. Pinker shows that our brain consists of several different parts based on its function. ―The mammalian brain contains, among other things, the limbic system, an ancient network that regulates motivation and emotion, and the neocortex, the crinkled surface of the brain, which ballooned in human evolution and which is the seat of perception, knowledge, reason and planning ‖ Pinker, 2007. Pinker 2007 states that the way emotion is processed is by categorizing an expression, either word or phrase, or even sentence, to its connotational and dennotational meaning, it is simply an iconing process similar to Saussure‘s concept of ―semiology‖ 1989. Swearing can be considered emotive utterances, based on the above quotation. Therefore, later during the listing of the whole occurrences of swearing in the movie, this further description of swearing proposed by Pinker 2007 is used to reinforce the process of determining whether or not an occurrence of seems-to-be-swearing- word is considered a BLW. There is also the concept of offensiveness in swearing. There are times when people feel the urge to intimidate, punish or downgrade the reputational stock of some other person Pinker, 2007, p.47. Swearing is suspected to have such effect. Based on the researcher experience, any occurrence of swear word often followed by feeling of being agitated or explosion of anger. People in a 31 certain residence are often starts massive street brawl after being provoked by intimidations from other people. Pinker 2007 also suggests a concept of taboo words. Taboo word had unique ability to ―evoke an emotional reaction‖. Ljung 2011 suggests that taboo words are also used as BLW. Ljung hereby confirmed Stroh-Wollin statemet that ―swearing then may be defined as the use of taboo expressions which are neither literal nor predominantly metaphorical‖ as cited in Ljung, 2011, p. 18 Based on several theory reviews above, the researcher drew conclusion as a parameter to determine if a certain word is considered bad language. To be called bad language, a word must contain these factors: embedded with emotion, taboo expression, and the last is offensiveness. Grouping data is one of several effective ways to present data to the reader without wasting so many pages in the report and it manages each input to be easily described by classifying them into several categories. However, classification of the data is not an easy thing to do. Classifications are supposed to be non-overlapping which means a data should not belong to two categories so that the table would not mislead the reader. Since Neil suggest that each piece of data must belong in one class Neil, 1982, p. 16 the classification suggest by McEnery should be precise enough to classify each piece of data without any error caused by overlapping of category. By categorizing the BLWs that occur in both movies, we will have starting presumption to understand how effective is McEnery‘s classification in classifying BLW occurrence in other language. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 32

E. Methodology