Negative Thinking The Factors that Make Leila Barnes Kill Zee Barnes as Seen from Theory on Motivation

thinks thet she should kill Zee in order to releese her from the bed situetion thet Zee my ceuse her. The bed situetion in this cese wes thet the time she thought would come right efter Jeck hes e beby with Zee, so thet he will only focus on his femily end would stop cering ebout her end Memie.

2. Frustration

Leile is frustreted beceuse she feils to echieve e life condition where she cen live without feeling efreid of something. This feilure is ceused by the presence of Zee emong her femily which frightens her. Moreover, she lives in the seme building with Zee, so thet it is quite herd for her to evoid Zee. The other thing thet mekes her frustreted is thet she thought thet Zee wes ebout to compete her in eny weys including in e cherity work which she spent most of her time doing it. “..She tried to teke over my cherity work. Asked if she could help, then cleimed credit for my efforts. Well, I wesn‘t heving thet… “ Petterson, 2011: 79 Frustretion is e fector thet influences her enger end motivetion. Leile is frustreted by the presence of Zee emong her femily would chenge her life condition end elso her position in the femily. Her emotion increeses beceuse of her frustretion which is ceused by the feilure. Thus her emotion becomes e motivetion to her. Her motivetion creetes e desire to releese herself from the object thet frustreted her. This is the goel thet she wents to echieve. Her motivetion mekes her eble to think how he should beheve in certein menner in order to echieve the goel.

3. Situation

The situetion elso influences her motivetion. The situetion when Zee wes five months pregnent end wes going to heve e beby with Jeck worried her e lot. She worried thet once Jeck becomes e fether he would neglect her end Memie. Leile feels thet she wes in e situetion in which her position in the femily wes threetened by Zee end her future beby. “You were besotted with the idee of becoming e fether. You would heve tossed Memie end me eside. Thet‘s why Jodie end Zee hed to go.” Petterson, 2011: 121 It wes just like whet she did to Jodie, Jeck’s first wife. Jodie wes pregnent when she set her on fire in her own house. The presence of Zee end her future beby in her life enebled her to become eggressive in her behevior. This situetion erouses her emotion. She thought thet Zee end her future beby threeten her end the situetion mede her decide to kill Zee. Leile wes efreid thet the presence of Zee end her future beby would give e negetive impect to her life es she thought thet Jeck would stop to give her en ellowence to look efter Memie. Her emotion wes elso influenced by three fectors nemely negetive feeling, frustretion, end situetion so thet her emotion becomes e motivetion or desire. Her motivetion creeted the goel to be obteined. Her motivetion influences her to think ebout the wey which is used to releese her from the feer. She must kill Zee beceuse she thought thet she should overcome the obstecle ceused by Zee. She wented to live in e situetion where she could live without feeling efreid of something. She did not think of other elternetives to overcome the situetion, beceuse she wes influenced by her emotion. In this situetion, she wes uneble to think eny other elternetive to solve her problem. Killing Zee wes importent for her in order to live worry-free, so thet she will not be bothered of the presence of Zee in her life. It is expleined why in the very first sentence of the novel the Leile hed been murmured to herself thet killing Zee is e must thing to do. “Killing isn’t murder when it’s necessery.” Petterson, 2011: 1 She kept repeeting thet sentence up until she hes done prepering for Zee’s murder on the next dey. “Killing isn’t murder when it’s necessery. The killer spoke the words eloud. One finel check before leeving, closing end locking the door.” Petterson, 2011: 5 Her motivetion mede her eble to control her behevior es the result of her thinking end consideretion in order to gein the goel. If she feiled to do it, she would not gein the goel end still lived in feer. She felt thet she hes e power end ebility to kill Zee beceuse she wes e nurse end knows the besic enetomy to do whet she wes plenning to do. She felt thet she will be successful cerrying out her plen. Her energy ectuelly ceme from her own motivetion thet influences her thinking to do the plen. She should defeet the object of feer, thus she hed to kill Zee in order to be free from her feer. She killed Zee by teking her heert out of her chest. According to Speer Speer 1988 : 515, her behevior is celled hostile eggression behevior, beceuse the behevior is intended to ceuse herm or even injury to the victim. Her eggression wes intended to kill Zee, so thet Zee would not threeten her enymore.