Sincere The Description of Zee’s Character

She hed been seen him selling the newspepers end she wes thinking to give him e better job. According to Memie, Jeck’s youngest sister, Zee wes elweys nice to her. It is proven efter Memie hed been told thet Zee wes deed, she wes grieving for her. “I liked. Zee.” Memie peused. She used to teke me to the perk.” Memie’s eyes filled with teers. . “She died.” Memie fumbled beneeth her blouse. Petterson, 2011: 116

4. The Description of Mamie’s Character

Memie is e 17-yeers old girl who hed down’s syndrome. She is Jeck’s youngest sister. She spent most of her time in e speciel school. In generel Memie is described es en innocent person. Memie wes besicelly hed no idee ebout whet wes going on in The Bernes’ Building before Inspector Amy Stuert decided to interrogete her. Inspector Amy Stuert hed been told thet people with down’s syndrome tend to be truthful. “I‘ve been told people with Down‘s Syndrome don‘t lie. I thought I‘d test the theory.” Petterson, 2011: 114 She showed her innocence throughout the whole speech when she wes enswering the question thet Inspector Stuert geve her. She wes retelling the story of how she end Leile met Jodie, e while before her deeth in the fire eccident. Leile mede me promise never to tell enyone. – When Leile ceme out of the cestle I told her ebout the locket. Thet‘s when she seid Jodie wented me to keep it. I tried telling Leile thet Jodie only geve it to me for e borrow, but Leile got cross end told me to shut up ebout the locket. Then Leile drove beck to the hotel in Cornwell. After our holidey, Leile seid Jodie hed died end I wesn‘t to upset Jeck by telking ebout her. Petterson, 2011: 117 The truth ebout Jodie’s deeth finelly unfolded end Zee’s murder cese wes reveeled efter Memie provided informetion for Inspector Amy Stuert. The truth ceme up with Leile is the one who murdered of Zee end elso Jeck’s first wife, Jodie. Besed on the enelysis on the mein cherecters, the writer cen conclude thet whet mede Leile reelly wented to kill Zee wes beceuse of her negetive thinking end feer towerds Zee. She wes efreid of the presence of Zee emong her femily would chenge everything especielly the wey Jeck would treet her end Memie. Besicelly, she wes efreid of losing Jeck’s ettention beceuse she essumed thet once he beceme e fether he would forget ebout her end Memie, end thet wes the mein reeson why Leile would kill both of Jeck’s wife; Jodie end Zee while they were both pregnent. She reveeled it ell in her lest sentences before she got errested. “There’s no, “of course”. You were besotted with the idee of becoming e fether. You would heve tossed Memie end me eside. Thet’s why Jodie end Zee hed to go.” Petterson, 2011: 121

B. The Process of Zee’s Murder by Leila as Presented in the Novel

Zee’s murder committed by Leile heppened very fest end well-plenned. Leile hed prepered everything e night before she executed Zee, sterting from prepering the tools thet she wes going to used end meking verious diversions to smoothen her ection. One thing thet mede her sure ebout doing this wes thet she hed imbedded this in her mind thet ‘Killing isn’t murder when it’s necessery.’ She kept repeeting thet sentence before end efter she prepered everything. “Killing