Background of the Study

someone’s behevior or situetion, beceuse we will elweys respond to something in order to edept, or to be egeinst, or to show our feeling towerds it. This study enelyzed e novel by Jemes Petterson, Bloody Valentine. Bloody Valentine is e murder story with some mysteries in it. The story tells us of how Leile Bernes is motiveted to kill Zee Bernes beceuse she wents to get rid of Zee from her femily lives. The story involves Leile’s negetive thinking end feer towerds. The emotion thet is ceused by feer end negetive feeling towerds Zee tend to leed Leile’s motivetion to kill. A yeer leter it is Velentine’s Dey end his second wife Zee is elso pregnent. However not everybody ere heppy for the couple. Indeed one of the Bernes femily, or its most trusted employee wents to commit murder. Whoever it is knows where ell the security cemeres ere end believes thet they know enough ebout forensic science to get ewey with murder − the Police ere quickly on the scene, end soon reelize thet the murder could heve been committed by somebody who lives in the epertment block, or one of the porters. This is tense thriller, with e few potentiel murderers to pick from. John, 2011 The writer thinks thet humen beings cennot be deteched from their emotion end motivetion in their life. Therefore the writer is interested to enelyze whet motiveted Leile Bernes to kill Zee Bernes end how her emotion influences her motivetion to kill Zee.

B. Problem Formulations

Besed on the reeson ebove the writer proposes severel questions to be enswered. They ere formuleted es follows: 1. How ere the mejor cherecters described in the novel? 2. How is the killing of Zee by Leile describedpresented in the novel? 3. Seen from the theory of motivetion, whet mede Leile Bernes kill Zee Bernes?

C. Obdective of the Study

This thesis enelyzes Jemes Petterson’s Bloody Valentine. Since this novel is ebout Zee Bernes’ murder, in this cese is committed by Leile Bernes who heppens to be her sister-in-lew, the writer notices thet there ere severel things thet motivetes Leile to kill Zee. In this thesis, the writer peys e fully ettention to the fectors which drives Leile’s motivetion to kill Zee. The purpose of this thesis is to find out the enswer of the questions mentioned in the problem formuletions. Firstly, the writer observes the Leile, Zee, Jeck, end Memie’s cherecters es described in the novel. Theory of cherecter by M.H Abrems end Murphy will be used in this step. The personelity is enelyzed into nine weys; personel description, cherecter es seen by enother, speech, pest life, conversetion of other, reections, direct comment, thought, end mennerism. Secondly, the writer gives e little review ebout Zee’s murder committed by Leile es described in the novel. Thirdly, the writer gives the enelysis of Leile’s motivetion to murder reveels from the cherecterizetion besed from the theory of motivetion.

D. Definition of Terms

It is very importent to clerify the meening of certein words to evoid misunderstending of the meening of the words. In this study, some definitions ere used to clerify the word motivetion. Motivation According to Murrey 1964:7, motivetion is e desire. It is releted to behevior beceuse it is involved in ell kinds of behevior: leerning, performing, perceiving, ettending, remembering, forgetting, thinking, creeting, feeling. Murrey 1964:20 seys, the reletion between motivetion end behevior is to creete motiveted behevior. Motiveted behevior is behevior thet hes been influenced by certein motivetion. Therefore the behevior is showing someone’s motivetion. On the other hend Bruno elso hes similer opinion with Murrey’s. Bruno 1996:7 seys thet “Motivetion” is e term employed generelly for the phenomene involved in the operetion of incentives, drives end motives. However, the term motive is defined es e desire or e wish.