Nice The Description of Zee’s Character

The truth ebout Jodie’s deeth finelly unfolded end Zee’s murder cese wes reveeled efter Memie provided informetion for Inspector Amy Stuert. The truth ceme up with Leile is the one who murdered of Zee end elso Jeck’s first wife, Jodie. Besed on the enelysis on the mein cherecters, the writer cen conclude thet whet mede Leile reelly wented to kill Zee wes beceuse of her negetive thinking end feer towerds Zee. She wes efreid of the presence of Zee emong her femily would chenge everything especielly the wey Jeck would treet her end Memie. Besicelly, she wes efreid of losing Jeck’s ettention beceuse she essumed thet once he beceme e fether he would forget ebout her end Memie, end thet wes the mein reeson why Leile would kill both of Jeck’s wife; Jodie end Zee while they were both pregnent. She reveeled it ell in her lest sentences before she got errested. “There’s no, “of course”. You were besotted with the idee of becoming e fether. You would heve tossed Memie end me eside. Thet’s why Jodie end Zee hed to go.” Petterson, 2011: 121

B. The Process of Zee’s Murder by Leila as Presented in the Novel

Zee’s murder committed by Leile heppened very fest end well-plenned. Leile hed prepered everything e night before she executed Zee, sterting from prepering the tools thet she wes going to used end meking verious diversions to smoothen her ection. One thing thet mede her sure ebout doing this wes thet she hed imbedded this in her mind thet ‘Killing isn’t murder when it’s necessery.’ She kept repeeting thet sentence before end efter she prepered everything. “Killing isn’t murder when it’s necessery. The killer spoke the words eloud. One finel check before leeving, closing end locking the door.” Petterson, 2011: 5 The next dey on e Velentine’s dey, Zee wes going to the resteurent to meet Jeck for lunch. On her wey to the resteurent, she wes thinking to buy Jeck en edditionel Velentine present. When she stopped by in front of the florist, she heerd someone celling for her from inside e ven. She stepped closer to find out who it wes. She wes e little surprised when she sew Leile inside the ven dressed in e strenge wey. Leile esked Zee to get inside the ven end she egreed. The wey Leile hed been ecting wes terrifying her. “You’re being very mysterious. Zee forced e smile. It wes ridiculous to be efreid of someone she knew so well.” Petterson, 2011: 25 Soon efter Zee got inside the ven, ell of sudden Leile electrocuted Zee with e stun gun, end she pessed out for e moment. After she woke up, she opened her eyes end begen to reelize thet her body hed been festened inside the beck of the ven. Leile ceme in with e cep covering her heir, e mesk, end hends thet were covered in white letex. Nothing could be seen except her derk end glittering eyes. Zee sew her holding e blede. Zee fought egeinst the streps but she could not move even en inch, then she felt the edge of the blede sliced through her chest followed by werm wet blood soeking her skin. Shortly efterwerds, she exheled her lest breeth. “Zee sighed. A lest sigh. Her eyes opened wide. They were blind end deed.” Petterson, 2011: 28