The Teaching Steps of Note-Taking Pairs

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b. The Teaching Steps of Note-Taking Pairs

There are some steps in giving the treatment of Note-Taking Pairs to the students. According to Barkley, et al. 2005: 136, the procedure is as follows. 1 Students individually take notes of the major points from a body of content, such as a lecturer or a text chapter. 2 Students form pairs, at your direction or by choosing partners. 3 Partner A begins by summarizing the main points from a section of the content to Partner B, who offers correction and additional information. 4 Partner B summarizes the next section, and Partner A offers correction and additional information. 5 The partners continue the alternate sharing summaries, corrections, and additional information until they have completed checking their notes. Another procedure of Note-Taking Pairs is as follows. 1 Assign or allow students to select partners. 2 Teach or ask the students to read the text. 3 Stop every 10 minutes for sharing of notes. While reading, stop periodically for a check-in. 4 Instruct students to skim their partners’ notes looking for: 1 information they missed, and 2 information partners have incorrectly noted 5 Students retrieve their own notes and make any needed changes. Schulz, 2011 commit to user 47 In this research, the researcher arranges the procedure of Note-Taking Pairs as follows. 1 Teacher showsgives a reading text and asks the students to read the text a glance. 2 Teacher asks the students to mention what kinds of information they can get from the text. 3 Teacher explains and suggests the students to use the appropriate graphic organizers with the text. 4 Students individually take notes of the major points the main idea, important words and information from a reading text by using the proper graphic organizers with the reading materials. 5 Students form pairs, at the teacher’s direction or by choosing partners. 6 Students discuss and offer corrections each other with their individual notes. 7 During the process of Note-Taking Pairs, students consult their ignorance of the reading text to their partners to get clear understanding of the whole text. 8 Students show the result of their discussion in front of the class and other students give suggestion and inputs. 9 Students revise their notes before collected the notes to the teacher. While doing the note-taking the students are strongly recommended to use the appropriate graphic organizers . Teacher may provide students with some suggestions of what types of graphic organizers can be used in particular reading texts. commit to user 48

c. The Advantages of Note-Taking Pairs