There is an interaction between teaching techniques and student’s

commit to user 126 Some of us often have difficulties in putting our thoughts in right words. Some face problems in wording their emotions. They fail in expressing what they want to say. Being able to word every emotion verbally is one skill, while wording one’s thoughts and emotions in the written form is another. However, a blend of these capacities is found in some of the blessed individuals among us, the linguistically intelligent ones My Personality, 2007 Based on the discussion above, it can be concluded that students having high linguistic intelligence have better reading competence than students having low linguistic intelligence.

3. There is an interaction between teaching techniques and student’s

linguistic intelligence in terms of reading competence In the teaching and learning process, it is important for the teacher to use an appropriate technique in the class. It is because the technique which is used by the teacher will give a big influence to the goal of teaching and learning process. The suitable technique is needed to motivate and stimulate their interest and intelligent especially in reading process. Note-Taking Pairs gives a better influence to students who have high level linguistic intelligence, because by using this technique the teacher will try to teach reading in pair and independently. They will not depend on the teacher’s explanation. They will try to find the message and the meaning of the text by themselves. The teacher not only teaches practice performance but also academic content by developing their social relation with other students. This technique is commit to user 127 supposed to have better influence to students having high linguistic intelligence. “People with linguistic intelligence love and are talented with words. They enjoy reading, writing and learning languages. They have an ability to teach and explain things to others. They learn best by reading, taking notes and going to lectures.” My Personality, 2007. Linguistic intelligence itself gives a big influence in learning process. Generally, the students who have high intelligence will accept the lessons easily. Linguistic intelligence also especially can improve the student’s reading competency. If they have a good reading competency, they will be able to read and comprehend many texts easily. They are easy to comprehend whatever texts are given to them. DR-TA technique seems satisfy for the students who have low linguistic intelligence in joining the class. DR-TA technique much focuses on the purpose of the reading itself and the students are less independent where teacher plays a big role in the teaching and learning process. “The teacher needs to prepare for the activity ahead of time by reading the book and deciding in advance where the stopping points will be for each section.” Schultz, 2010. Based on the discussion above, it can be concluded that there is an interaction between the teaching techniques and the student’s linguistic intelligence. It means that the students having high linguistic intelligence are better taught using Note-Taking Pairs technique, and the students having low linguistic intelligence are better taught using DR-TA technique. commit to user 128


A. Conclusion

Referring to the description of the result of the data analysis discussed in chapter IV, the research findings are as follow: 1. Students who are taught using Note-Taking Pairs technique have better reading competence than the students who are taught using DR-TA technique towards the second semester students of English Education study program of STKIP-PGRI Pontianak in the academic year 20112012. 2. Students having high linguistic intelligence have better reading competence than the students having low linguistic intelligence towards the second semester students of English Education study program of STKIP-PGRI Pontianak in the academic year 20112012. 3. There is an interaction effect between the teaching techniques Note-Taking Pairs and DR-TA and student’s linguistic intelligence in terms of reading competence. The students having high linguistic intelligence are better taught using Note-Taking Pairs technique, and the students having low linguistic intelligence are better taught using DR-TA technique. Consequently, the teacherlecturer should choose the appropriate teaching technique considering the different level of student’s linguistic intelligence in order to the students have better reading competence.