Research Findings

C. Research Findings

The Research Findings of chapter IV presents and discusses findings of this study dealing with the quality of the translation on dubbed songs in Sesame Street , Kids‟ Favorite Songs which is gained from the respondents. This chapter is divided into three parts which each part is intended to answer the research problems described in chapter I.

The first part and second part focus on the analysis of the accuracy and the acceptability of the translation. There were three raters who have sufficient background in translation to determine the accuracy and the acceptability of the translation quality of the dubbed songs. The result is obtained from the questionnaire administrated to those three raters by giving score to the translation and by giving such kind of opinions/ comments/ reasons/ suggestions which give contribution to the analysis of the quality of translation on dubbed songs.

The third part focuses on the readability of the songs which are dubbed into Indonesian for the target viewers. Sesame Street is included in children television program. That is why the researcher decided to involve four children aged between 7-13 years old that are able in speaking and reading Indonesian as the readers to complete the questionnaire about the readability by giving score and comments.

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The researcher also sends the DVD of Sesame Street, Kids‟ Favorite Songs to the raters and the respondents to support the analysis of the translation quality on dubbed songs.

C. 1. Accuracy of the Translation

The accuracy of the translation is obtained from the questionnaire completed by three raters. They are Heri Nababan as Rater 1, Sumardiono as rater 2 and Fatkhuna‟imah Rhina as rater 3. They have fulfilled the criteria mentioned in Chapter III to become raters for accuracy and acceptability of the translation. The assessment of accuracy of translation is classified into

3: Accurate, if the meaning of kids‟ favorite songs are perfectly and accurately delivered into Indonesian version.

2: Less accurate, if the meaning of kids‟ favorite songs are not perfectly and accurately transferred into Indonesian version.

1: Inaccurate, if it completely distorts the meaning, even there is omission that influences the message. The mean score of each datum shows the accuracy level of translation.

The description can be showed as follows: Classification 1: Accurate. The range of mean is from 2.6 to 3.0 Classification 2: Less Accurate. The range of mean isfrom 1.6 to 2.5 Classification 3: Inaccurate. The range of mean is from 1.0 to 1.5

Based on the result, there are 45 data (50%) which are included in classification 1. It means that these translations are categorized into accurate.

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While for classification 2, there are 43 data (47.8%) which means that the translations are categorized into less accurate. Last, there are 2 data (2.2%)

which are included in classification 3. They are categorized as inaccurate.

C. 1. 1. Classification 1 Accurate

Accurate means that the meaning is perfectly and accurately delivered. In this research, the data which are included in classification 1 are data which in the scale 2.6 to 3.0. The result in the DVD Sesame Street, Kids‟ favorite

Songs shows that there are 45 data (50%) which are considered as accurate. Here some explanations which describe the result of the analysis. A2. All the livelong day

A2. Sehari penuh

There are no difficulties which cause problems in translating the source text since they are written using simple sentences. The message in the source text is delivered correctly. Even it fixes the meter or the tempo of song. The three raters provided score 3 to this datum. All of three raters agreed that those data is accurate. B7. Can't you hear the captain shouting?

B7. Dengar teriak sang kapten The source text is in interrogative form, while it is translated into phrase. This shifting is done based on the rule of dubbing which more concentrate to the synchronization of the meter. But this shifting does not disturb the meaning and the message is still conveyed into target language correctly. Rater 1 and rater 3 provided score 3 to this translation. They agreed that it is accurate, furthermore rater 3 added that although there is deletion in B7. Dengar teriak sang kapten The source text is in interrogative form, while it is translated into phrase. This shifting is done based on the rule of dubbing which more concentrate to the synchronization of the meter. But this shifting does not disturb the meaning and the message is still conveyed into target language correctly. Rater 1 and rater 3 provided score 3 to this translation. They agreed that it is accurate, furthermore rater 3 added that although there is deletion in

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the words “can‟t you”, the message inside is completely delivered. In this case, this deletion does not change the meaning. C9. Dinah, won‟t you blow

C9. Dinah bunyikan The sentence above also belongs to the category of an accurate translation. The message is accurately conveyed into the target text without doing omission and addition. Although there is a word which is not translated

i.e the word you, but the message in the target text is still accurate and can be understood. Rater 1 and rater 2 provided score 3 to this datum but rater 3 said that there is a change of meaning and form in this datum. Rater 3 gave suggestion to translate this datum becomes Dinah, coba kau bunyikan. But if we see from the tempo side, rater 3‟s translation is too long to fix the meter. It can influence the aesthetic of the song. D18. Strumming on the old Banjo

D18. Sedang mainkan banjo The word strumming means memetik (gitar/ banjo). The words sedang mainkan can represent the meaning of strumming. So it is accurate because the message is delivered. Rater 1 and rater 2 provided score 3 to this datum where it is included in accurate, but rater 3 had different idea, she said that the

deletion in the word „old‟ can influence the meaning. F25. With a knick-knack batty bat give a bat abone

F25. terbang riang bertambah seru

This datum is accurate like what rater 1 said that the words with a knick-knack batty bat give a bat a bone is a nursery rhyme where it can be This datum is accurate like what rater 1 said that the words with a knick-knack batty bat give a bat a bone is a nursery rhyme where it can be

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translated into any words which are common in target language. All of raters agreed that datum F25 is accurate. They provided score 3 to this datum. K47. Now I know My ABC

K47. Kutahu urutan huruf-huruf Literally, it should be translated into sekarang aku tahu ABCku. In this case, there is a word which is not translated, it is the word now. Then my ABC is translated into urutan huruf-huruf. Those translations represent the meaning of the source text and the message is still categorized in accurate. Rater 3 said that it had different form between the source text and the target text. Generally, the message is delivered. And it fixed the meter. L51. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily

L51. Riang gembira hati Datum L51 shows that the word merrily is repeated four times. But it is translated into phrase, there is no word repetition. Overall, the meaning is delivered. Concerning to the tempo of the song, rater 1 suggested to translate the datum L51, Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily into dengan hati riang gembira which is more accurate and it also fits to the tempo of song and the meter. M55. Up above the world so high

M55. Kau yang jauh di sana Datum M55 is accurate, however the translator has reasons in translating this lyric and it is not only about making translation but also creating similar lyric in other language. He focused not only on the message but also the meter of song where this translation will be sung then. However rater 3 suggested to translate datum M55, Up above the world so high into M55. Kau yang jauh di sana Datum M55 is accurate, however the translator has reasons in translating this lyric and it is not only about making translation but also creating similar lyric in other language. He focused not only on the message but also the meter of song where this translation will be sung then. However rater 3 suggested to translate datum M55, Up above the world so high into

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jauh tinggi which is similar to the lyrics of Bintang Kecil which is common in the target language. That is correct and accurate. O63.Baa, baa black sheep

O63. Domba hitamku

Datum O63 is accurate. The message is delivered although the words Baa Baa are not translated. The words Baa Baa are onomatopoeia. On the other side, rater 3 commented that the reducing of onomatopoeia “Baa, Baa” can influence the aesthetic of the song. It can be solved to maintain the onomatopoeia by translating it into “mbek, mbek” which is similar onomatopoeia in the target language. But it is too long to the meter, so that the translation is accurate.

The number of data belong to this classification are A2, B6, B7, C9, C10, C11, C12, C13, C14, D18, E19, E20, E21, E22, F24, F25, G28, G29, H32, H33, I37, J40, J41, K43, K44, K45, K46, K47, K48, L51, L52, M55, M56, N59, N60, N62, O63, P70, P71, P74, Q79, R82, R83, S85, S86.

C. 1. 2. Classification 2 Less Accurate

Less accurate means that the meanings are not perfectly and accurately transferred. In this research, the data which are included in less accurate are data which are in the range 1.6 to 2.5. The result of questionnaire in the DVD

Sesame Street, Kids‟ favorite Songs shows 43 data (47.8%) which are considered as less accurate.

Here some explanations which describe the result of the analysis. A1 . I”ve been working on the railroad

A1. Di stasiun ku bekerja A1. Di stasiun ku bekerja

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Datum A1 is categorized as less accurate. Although there is shifting between subject and object in the source text and target text, the meaning is delivered. There is a word which is translated incorrectly. Rater 2 and rater 3 gave score 2 because both said that the word railroad which is translated into stasiun can change the message. Railroad should be translated into rel kereta.

B5 . Can‟t you hear the whistle blowing B5. Bunyi peluit kereta

Datum B5 is in interrogative form which is translated into declarative form. The message is not delivered correctly. The words whistle blowing should be translated into bunyi peluit, there is no word kereta. However, Rater

1 provided score 3 to this datum because he commented that the translation maintains the meter without changing the point of the message. But, rater 3 and rater 2 gave score 1 to this datum. Rater 3 commented that the deletion of the words “can‟t you hear” can change the meaning of source language generally. Rater 2 suggested to translate it into dapatkah kau mendengar peluit berbunyi. But if we maintain the word can‟t you hear in translation, it is not fix to the meter, so I agree with rater 1. D16. Someone‟s in the kitchen I know

D16. Teman yang kukenal

Datum D16 has the same problem with datum B5. The deletion of the words „someone‟s in the kitchen‟ can influence the meaning of the source language. F23. These old bat, he plays one

F23. Kelelawar, ada satu F23. Kelelawar, ada satu

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There is deletion also in datum F23. Rater 1 and rater 3 commented that the deletion of the word „old‟ can influence the message so that it is not delivered at all. But rater 1 added that it is done by the translator to fix it to the tempo of the song. O66. One for the master

O66. Untuk tuan The deletion of the word „one for‟ can make the meaning become unclear. That is why datum O66 is less accurate. Rater 1, rater 2 and rater 3 provide score 2 for this datum. Rater 1 and rater 3 suggested that the word „one for‟ should be translated into satu/ setas to make it clear and fixed with

the tempo of song. R80. Oh, we‟ll all go down to meet her when she comes

R80. Ayo temui dia dan sapalah There is deletion in that translation, the words when she comes are not translated in the target language, and it can influence the meaning of the song. Rater 1 said the words when she comes should be translated into saat datang. I disagree with rater 1. If we translate the words when she comes, it is not fix with the meter. Thos translation has covered the meaning. I36. They play knick-knack on my floor

I36. Bermain di lantai atap The words knick knack can be translated into any word which is common in the target language. But if it is not translated, it does not disturb the meaning. In this case, the words my floor is translated incorrectly. It makes datum I36 less accurate. Rater 1 and rater 3 said that it did not send the I36. Bermain di lantai atap The words knick knack can be translated into any word which is common in the target language. But if it is not translated, it does not disturb the meaning. In this case, the words my floor is translated incorrectly. It makes datum I36 less accurate. Rater 1 and rater 3 said that it did not send the

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message correctly. They added that it should be translated into di lantaiku which is more accurate. That is why they gave score 2 to this datum. L49.Row, row, row your boat

L49. Ayo kita mendayung There is word repetition in datum L49. The word row which is presented in the repetition is not translated into another repetition form. It is allowed as long as it does not influence the message. In this case, the word boat is not translated. It can change the message of the song. Rater 1 and rater

3 provided score 2 to this datum. They suggested that it should be translated into ayo dayung perahumu. S87. This little pig had roast beef

S87. Babi kecil makannya lezat Rater 2 said that the words „roast beef‟ should be translated literally

into sapi panggang. However, rater 1 and rater 3 considered that „roast beef‟ is included in delicious food so it is fine to translate like that. However it fixes to the meter or tempo of song.

The number of data belong to this classification are A1, A3, A4, B5, B8, D15, D16, D17, F23, F26, G27, G30, H31, H34, I35, I36, I38, J39, J42, L49, M53, M54, M57, M58, N61, O64, O66, O67, O68, O69, P72, P73, Q75, Q76, Q77, Q78, R80, R81, R84, S87, S88, S89, S90.

C. 1. 3. Classification 3 Inaccurate

Inaccurate means that the translation distorts the meaning of the original version, even there is omission that influences the message. In this research, the data which are considered inaccurate are those which are in the Inaccurate means that the translation distorts the meaning of the original version, even there is omission that influences the message. In this research, the data which are considered inaccurate are those which are in the

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range of 1.0 to 1.5. In the DVD Sesame Street, Kids‟ favorite Songs, the researcher found 2 data (2.2%) which are considered as inaccurate.

The data belong to this classification are L50 and O65. L.50. Gently down the stream

L50. naik perahu O65. Yes sir, Yes sir three bags full

O65. tiga dua dan satu Those two data are inaccurate. All of three raters commented that translation does not send the message. The translation is not transferred correctly in the target language. Moreover, the meaning is not delivered at all.

The explanation above is gained based on the score given by the raters. Each of raters has different opinion in giving score. They give score 3 for those expression which are included accurate for them. However, there are other expressions in which the raters score 2 or 1 which are considered less accurate or even inaccurate at all. Each rater has different capability and has different opinion in facing that translation.

Table 1 Total and Percentage Number of Data

Classification 1

Number of Data

Total Percentage


A2, B6, B7, C9, C10, C11, C12, C13, C14, D18, E19, E20, E21, E22, F24, F25, G28, G29, H32, H33, I37, J40, J41, K43, K44, K45, K46, K47, K48, L51, L52,

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M55, M56, N59, N60, N62, O63, P70, P71, P74, Q79, R82, R83, S85, S86

Classification 2

Number of Data

Total Percentage

Less Accurate

A1, A3, A4, B5, B8, D15, D16, D17, F23, F26, G27, G30, H31, H34, I35, I36, I38, J39, J42, L49, M53, M54, M57, M58, N61, O64, O66, O67, O68, O69, P72, P73, Q75, Q76, Q77, Q78, R80, R81, R84, S87, S88, S89, S90

Number of Data

Total Percentage


L50, O65

Then, to find out the overall accuracy of the translation of dubbed kids‟ favorite songs, the researcher applied the following calculation:

Total Mean = Total Score : Total Data : Total Raters

The researcher found that the total mean for the accuracy of the translation is 2.42. It indicates that the translation of kids‟ favorite songs in Sesame Street which is resulted from dubbing technique is less accurate because it just covers a mean score in the range of 1.6 to 2.5.

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C. 2. Acceptability of the Translation

The acceptability of translation is obtained from the questionnaire completed by three raters. The researcher asked the same raters to measure the acceptability of the translation. The assessment of acceptability of translation is classified into:

3: Acceptable, if it contains natural form of the target readers and it match with target reader‟s culture.

2: Less acceptable, if it contains less natural form because it is translated into unfamiliar terms for the target reader‟s culture. But, in a

whole the translation sounds natural.

1: Unacceptable, if the translation extremely feels like translation and

i t is heard clumsy for the target readers‟ culture. The mean score of each datum shows the acceptability level of

translation. The description can be showed as follows: Classification 1: Acceptable. The range of mean is from 2.6 to 3.0 Classification 2: Less Acceptable. The range of mean is from 1.6 to

Classification 3: Unacceptable. The range of mean is from 1.0 to 1.5 Based on the result, there are 80 data (88.9%) which are included in classification 1 which means that these translations are categorized into acceptable. Classification 2 has 10 data (11.1%). It means that the translations

are categorized into less acceptable. Last, there is no data which are included in classification 3 as unacceptable.

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C. 2. 1. Classification 1. Acceptable

Acceptable means that it contains natural form of the target readers and it match with target reader‟s culture. In this research, the data which are included in the acceptable are those which are in the scale of 2.6 to 3.0. The result in the DVD Sesame Street, Kids‟ favorite Songs shows 80 data (88.9%) which are considered as acceptable.

The elaboration is as follows: B8. Dinah, blow your horn

B8. Dinah bunyikan The word horn is not translated in datum B8. Generally, the deletion which occurred in this datum can distort the message. But naturally, datum B8 is accepted. Rater 1 and rater 2 said that it is acceptable and they gave score 3 to this datum. But rater 3 provided score 2 to this datum. She said that there is deletion of the word horn which can influence the meaning. The important thing in acceptability is the translation can be accepted. The deletion of the word horn does not influence the acceptability; after all, it is natural to hear. G27. These old bats, they play two

G27. Kelelawar, ada dua It has similar problem with datum B8. Although the translation is incomplete, the message is acceptable. Rater 1 and rater 2 provided score 3 to this datum. I36. They play knick-knack on my floor

I36. bermain di lantai atap Datum I36 is acceptable although the word knick knack is not translated. Rater 1 and rater 2 gave score 3 to this datum. They said that datum I36. bermain di lantai atap Datum I36 is acceptable although the word knick knack is not translated. Rater 1 and rater 2 gave score 3 to this datum. They said that datum

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I36 is acceptable. However, rater 3 considered that the words lantai atap is less acceptable.

Almost all of the data are acceptable. All of raters have similar idea for this matter. The data in this classification are A1, A2, A3, A4, B6, B7, B8, C9, C10, C11, C12, C13, C14, D15, D16, D17, F23, F24, F25, F26, G27, G28, G29, G30, H31, H32, H33, H34, I35, I36, I37, I38, J39, J40, J41, J42, K43, K44, K45, K46, K47, K48, L49, L50, L51, L52, M53, M54, M55, M56, M57, M58, N59, N60, N61, N62, O63, O66, O67, O68, O69, P70, P71, P72, P73, P74, Q75, Q76, Q77, Q78, Q79, S89, R80, R81, R82, R83, R84, S85, S86, S87.

C. 2. 2. Classification 2. Less Acceptable

Less acceptable means that it contains less natural form because it is translated into unfamiliar terms for the target reader‟s culture. But, in a whole the translation sounds natural. In this research, the data which are included in less acceptable have the range of 1.6 to 2.5. The result of questionnaire in the DVD Sesame Street, Kids‟ favorite Songs shows 10 data (11.1%) which are considered as less acceptable.

Here some explanations which describe the result of the analysis. B5. Can‟t you hear the whistle blowing

B5. Bunyi peluit kereta The deletion of the words „can‟t you‟ does not influence the naturalness of the translation. But depend on the rater; it is quite difficult for the hearer/ reader/ viewer. Rater 3 provided score 1 to this datum.

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O64. Have you any wool O64. penuh bulu

Datum O64 has similar case with datum B5. Rater 1 and rater 2 provided score 3 to this datum. However, rater 3 considered that the translation is incomplete and it does not influence the naturalness of the translation. But, she considers that it is less acceptable. S88.This little pig had none

S88. Akhirnyapun kosong There is deletion in datum S88. The phrase, this little pig is not translated. Furthermore that phrase is as the subject which has important part in a sentence. Rater 3 provided score 1 to this datum, she considered that it is less acceptable.

Almost all of the data which are considered as less acceptable have similar problem. It is about deletion of some words and the use of strange words. The number of data belong to this classification are B5, D18, E19, E20, E21, E22, O64, O65, S90, S88.

C. 2. 3. Classification 3. Unacceptable

Unacceptable means that the translation extremely feels like translation and it is heard clumsy for the target readers‟ culture. In this research, the data which are included in unacceptable are those which have the range of 1.0 to

1.5. In the DVD Sesame Street, Kids‟ favorite Songs, the researcher did not find data which are considered as unacceptable. The explanation above is gained based on the score given by the raters. Each of raters has different opinion in giving score. They gave score 3 for 1.5. In the DVD Sesame Street, Kids‟ favorite Songs, the researcher did not find data which are considered as unacceptable. The explanation above is gained based on the score given by the raters. Each of raters has different opinion in giving score. They gave score 3 for

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those expressions which are considered as acceptable. However, there are other expressions in which the raters gave score 2 or 1 which are considered quite acceptable or even unacceptable at all. Each rater has different capability and has different opinion in facing that translation.

Table 2

Total and Percentage Number of Data

Classification 1

Number of Data

Total Percentage


A1, A2, A3, A4, B6, B7, B8, C9, C10, C11, C12, C13, C14, D15, D16, D17, F23, F24, F25, F26, G27, G28, G29, G30, H31, H32, H33, H34, I35, I36, I37, I38, J39, J40, J41, J42, K43, K44, K45, K46, K47, K48, L49, L50, L51, L52, M53, M54, M55, M56, M57, M58, N59, N60, N61, N62, O63, O66, O67, O68, O69, P70, P71, P72, P73, P74, Q75, Q76, Q77, Q78, Q79, S89, R80, R81, R82, R83, R84, S85, S86, S87

Number of Data

Total Percentage

Less Acceptable

B5, D18, E19, E20, E21, E22, O64, O65, S90, S88

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Classification 3

Number of Data

Total Percentage

Then, to find out the overall acceptability of the translation of dubbed kids‟ favorite songs, the researcher applied the following calculation:

Total Mean = Total Score : Total Data : Total Raters

The researcher found the total mean for the acceptability of the translation is 2.77. It indicates that the translation of kids‟ favorite songs in Sesame Street is acceptable because it reaches the mean score in the range of

2.6 to 3.0.

C.3. Readability of the Translation

The readability of translation is obtained from the questionnaire completed by four readers. Since the audiences of the film are children, the researcher decided to employ four children as readers aged between 7-13 years old. They are Sultan Poespo Pangayom (8 years old) as reader 1, Christophorus Advent (10 years old) as reader 2, Guntur Pramono (11 years old) as reader 3 and Rahmad Pramono Aji (11 years old) as reader 4. The information provided for readability is obtained by interviewing them to fulfill the questionnaire.

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The assessment of readability of translation is classified into:

3: Readable, if the expression is communicative, can be understood easily by target readers.

2: Less readable, if it is quite communicative, there is little mistake that influence target reader in the way of reading but it still can be understood.

1: Unreadable, if it is not communicative at all so that it is very hard to read to target readers. The mean score of each datum shows the readability level of translation. The description can be showed by these classifications as follows:

Classification 1: Readable. The range of mean from 2.6 to 3.0 Classification 2: Less Readable. The range of mean from 1.6 to 2.5 Classification 3: Unreadable. The range of mean from 1.0 to 1.5

Based on the result, there are 55 data (61.1%) which are included in classification 1. It means that these translations are categorized into readable. While for classification 2, there are 33 data (36.7%) which means that the translations are categorized into less readable. Last, there are 2 data (2.2%) which are included in classification 3. They are categorized as unreadable.

C. 3. 1. Classification 1. Readable

Readable means that the translation is easy to understand and to read by the children. In this research, the data which are readable are data which in the range 2.6 to 3.0. The result in the DVD Sesame Street, Kids‟ favorite Songs shows there are 55 data (61.1%) which are included in readable.

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Here some explanations which describe the result analysis. A2. Sehari penuh Datum A2, all raters said that the translation is readable. There is no

difficult word inside. The word structure which is used is simple and it is presented in short term, so that the readers can catch the meaning inside. And they can read it easily.

D15. Di dapur ada teman Dinah Datum D15 is not as short as datum A2, but this sentence can be

understood by the readers. There is no difficult word inside, the children, can catch what it means.

L49. Ayo kita mendayung Datum L49 contains simple words and has simple word structure, even

there is persuasive words. Persuasive words (ayo) is commonly used in children story book. It can help the children in catching the message inside.

O64. penuh bulu Datum O64 is presented in a short term. It has simple words which are

accepted and understood by children easily. And there is no difficult word inside.

S86. Babi kecil ini di rumah Datum S86 is readable because it is clearly understood by children

without addition. There are no difficult words and it is included in simple sentence with good structure which helps children in receiving the messages.

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Because of this datum is included in song, the simple words inside can also help children in sing along this song easily.

The number of data belong to this classification are A1, A2, A3, B5, B7, D15, D16, D17, D18, E19, E20, E21, F23, F26, G27, H31, H32, I35, J39, K43, K44, K45, K46, K47, L49, L50, L51, L52, M53, M54, M55, M56, M57, M58, N60, O63, O64, O66, O67, O68, O69, Q75, Q76, Q77, Q78, Q79, R80, R81, R82, R83, R84, S85, S86, S87, S89, S90.

C. 3. 2. Classification 2. Less Readable

Less readable means that the translation is quite easy to understand and to read by the children, although there is little mistake and difficult word which is not communicative enough, but it is accepted by the target readers. In this research, the data which are included in less readable are data which in the scale 1.6 to 2.5. The result of questionnaire in the DVD Sesame Street, Kids‟ favorite Songs , the researcher found 33 data (36.7%) which are included in less readable. These are some examples:

B6. Bangunkan di pagi buta Actually, the words which are used are simple but reader 3 and reader

4 said that they do not understand the phrase pagi buta. Even, rater 3 considered that the word buta is for the human eye. But he understood that the words above means wake up in the morning. So that the translation is readable.

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D18. Sedang mainkan banjo The word structure of that expression is not complex. Actually almost

of all raters understand that the meaning of those words is he or she is playing something. But, unfortunately, they do not know what banjo is. If the readers do not know the definition of one of words, it can influence in understanding the message.

H33. Terbang riang bertambah seru Some of readers have different interpretation to that expression.

Reader 3 has interpretation which is far from the meaning. It is very different to the message of the expression above.

I36. Bermain di lantai atap The word and the word structure of that expression are quite easy. But,

one of readers, reader 3 catches the message of that expression that the bat is playing in the floor. He does not realize that the word lantai here is lantai atap (ceiling). He considers that lantai atap is similar to lantai (floor).

N61. Tiap kali keluar, semua orang teriak That expression uses simple words and simple word structure, but

some of raters have different interpretation to the meaning of that expression. Reader 2 said that the word teriak is caused by freaky of something. Reader 4 said that the word teriak is caused of ghost. In fact, the word teriak means calling someone (captain).

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P70. Dia datang mengitari gunung Actually, the word structure is not complex so that it is quite readable

but reader 1 and reader 4 do not know the meaning of mengitari. It can influence understanding of that expression.

S88. Akhirnya pun kosong Reader 1, reader 3 and reader 4 understand that those words mean

finally we have nothing. But reader 2 considered that the word kosong means something else.

The number of data belong to this classification are A4, B6, B8, C9, C10, C11, C12, C13, C14, D18, E22, F24, F25, G28, G29, G30, H33, H34, I36, I37, I38, J40, J41, J42, K48, N61, O65, P70, P71, P72, P73, P74, S88.

C. 3. 3. Classification 3. Unreadable

Unreadable means that the translation is hard to understand and to read by the children, there are many mistakes and not communicative at all. In this research, the data which are included in unreadable are data which in the scale

1.0 to 1.5. In the DVD Se same Street, Kids‟ favorite Songs, the researcher found 2 data (2.2%) which are included in unreadable. They are N59 and N62, John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt. In this case all readers do not know that those words are the name of person. They also have difficulty in utterance and pronunciation of those words, so that it can be concluded that these data are unreadable. Concerning that the data are song, it is impossible to say readable if the reader can not follow the song because of their incapability on its pronunciation.

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The explanation above is gained based on the score given by the readers. Each of readers has different opinion in giving score. They give score

3 for those expression which are included readable for them. However, there are other expressions in which the readers score 2 or 1 which are considered quite readable even unreadable at all. Each reader has different capability and has different opinion in facing that translation.

Table 3 Total and Percentage Number of Data

Classification 1

Number of Data

Total Percentage


A1, A2, A3, B5, B7, D15, D16, D17, D18, E19, E20, E21, F23, F26, G27, H31, H32, I35, J39, K43, K44, K45, K46, K47, L49, L50, L51, L52, M53, M54, M55, M56, M57, M58, N60, O63, O64, O66, O67, O68, O69, Q75, Q76, Q77, Q78, Q79, R80, R81, R82, R83, R84, S85, S86, S87, S89, S90.

Number of Data

Total Percentage

Less Readable

A4, B6, B8, C9, C10, C11, C12, C13, C14, D18, E22, F24, F25, G28, G29, G30, H33, H34, I36, I37, I38, J40, J41, J42, K48,

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N61, O65, P70, P71, P72, P73, P74, S88.

Classification 3

Number of Data

Total Percentage


N59, N62

Then, to find out overall readability of the translation of dubbed kids ‟ favorite songs, the researcher applied the following calculation:

Total Mean = Total Score : Total Data : Total Raters

The researcher found the total mean for the readability of the translation is 2.67. It indicates that the translation of kids‟ favorite songs in Sesame Street which are resulted from dubbing technique is readable because it covers a mean score in the range 2.6 to 3.0.

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