Background of the Study



A. Background of the Study

Language is an instrument or a form of culture used by human to communicate to each other, either by oral, written or signal. Through language, human can adapt to the tradition, behavior, social manner, and easy to socializing with all kinds of societies. The language has important role in daily life; because without language, the complex structure social life can not be achieved. Language can be divided into two functions; there are common function and special function. Language as common function is an instrument to show the expressions, communication, integration and social adaptation. Meanwhile, language as special function is considered to arrange relationship in daily association, rendering art, study of codices and also to exploit science and technology. Language is an instrument to convey an idea whereas the communication is a delivery process of that information from one to another in order to influence to each other. 1 Language must be understood and also should be interesting. In this case, by adding language with other language elements, for instance, the usage of figure of speech. The message of language can be a command, idea and speaker expression to the receiver in order to acceptable and easily understood. The other function is language as a soul expression. Language takes various kind forms of arts. Literary works, for example, is one of art forms revealed by mind and feeling into an artistic language, original idea, and the depth of meaning. 1 Komunikasi, Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. November 5 th , 2009. http:en.wikipedia.orgwikikomunikasi, p.1 2 Literary genre and type of literature can be classified into two groups; non imaginative and imaginative literature. Non imaginative consists of literary works in a form of essay, criticism, biography, autobiography, and history. While imaginative literature consist of work of prose fiction short story, novelettes, or romance novels, poetry epic poetry, lyric poetry, and dramatic poetry, and drama comedy, tragedy, melodrama, and tragicomedy drama. In this paper, the writer focuses on song lyric as the study. Song Lyric is an art genre because consist of personal expression, 2 therefore the song lyric is assumed as a poem. Song is one of many ways to show or express what is in the heart. When a song is composed, there are some ways for the songwriters to express their feeling and make the message of that song clearly and easily understood. One of the ways is using figure of speech and many songwriters have made their works using this style. Figure of speech is a particular way to express an idea or concept through the usage of language. This particular way is usually different from one person to another; therefore, language style can represent someone’s character or personality. Lyric often contains politic, social and economic themes as well as aesthetic elements so can connote messages, which are culturally significant. These messages can either be explicit or implied through metaphor, symbolism or other figure of speech. It can be accepted that all literary works include lyrics are not come from an empty culture. Therefore, all the literary works are reflection of social structure whereas the songwriter products hisher works. In related with the assumption above, the writer tries to analyze song lyrics one of 1990’s band Rage Against The 2 Alwi Hasan Dkk, Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, edisi III, Jakarta: Balai Pustaka, 2000. p. 12 3 Machines RATM. RATM was known as a band which always dares to speak the truth, speak out against the injustice of government and their agencies and incite the masses with an anger and vengeance that never seen before. The music of RATM is a fierce and uncompromising, it is meld of funk and inspired to hard rock and politically charged rap. The members of RATM are Tom Morello, Zack de la Rocha, Brad Wilk, and Tommy C. Tom Morello was the leader of the band. Tom graduated with honor in 1986 from Harvard University. Before this band formed, Tom and Zack were concerned about the social issues in United States at their young age and later became socialist rock rap musician. RATM conside music as a vehicle for social activism, as the lead singer, Zack de la Rocha, espoused: Music has the power to cross borders, to break military sieges and to establish real dialogue. 3 The songs that use the literary language that full of connotative meaning aims to attract the audience so the messages of the song could be received well.

B. Focus of the Study