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This chapter discusses the result of the research. This chapter describes some findings and discussions about the use of card games in teaching speaking skill especially on descriptive text. This chapter covers research implementation and discussion. Each cycle of the research implementation which consists of planning, acting, observing and reflecting activities is described in this chapter. This chapter also describes the improvement of students’ speaking skill through card games.


Speaking is a kind of very important skill in daily life activity. Speaking is the way to communicate with other people. With communication people can exchange the information with the other person. Communication can make people give and get more information. To identify students’ skill in speaking, the researcher conducted a pre observation in a form of speaking test when she did her job training in SMP Muhammadiyah 4 Surakarta. She taught the students of class 8C directly through descriptive text. The test was about making a description about animals. The result of the pre observation showed that that the students had low ability in speaking. The low ability could be seen from the low achievement of speaking test. Before conducted the pre observation the researcher has speaking score from the post test in the last semester that they have score 6, 5. commit to user But, the mean of speaking scores in pre test was low, namely 5,7. It can be seen that their speaking skill was very low. From the observation conducts by the researcher, she got some problem in speaking skill. It included grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation. The problem in grammar is like the used of verb, for example they said: cat is a cute animal. It have four legs. Besides that in their vocabulary is also limited, for example when the researcher asks the students to describe about cow, some of them asked to the researcher the English of “ekor”. When they want to describe about bird some of them also asked the English of “sarang” and “bertelur”. The other problem is pronunciation. It was the biggest problem in their speaking skill. It can be shown when they pronounced ‘tail” as tail which often actually should be teíl. The other example: they pronounce “animal” as animal which often actually should be ‘ǽniml. Besides the problem above, the other problem is from the teacher themselves. Based on the observation the researcher could found the problem in teaching speaking, that is the teacher used old method in the class. It can make students feel bored and couldn’t accept the material, because they didn’t enjoy their speaking class. The other problem is in teaching learning process is that the teacher asks the students to do their exercise in the worksheet LKS without any additional material from other resource and teaching aids. It can’t enhance their speaking skill. Therefore, the management of the class was not managed; the situation in the class was crowded. commit to user The result of pre observation showed that the classroom situation was not alive, because the students could not speak English. When the teacher gave them the chances of doing speaking turn, the students tried to avoid the turn by some expression o avoid the turns. It was because the students were not ready to speak or answer the teacher’s question. The situation was worsening by teacher’s domination of the speaking activities. Teacher’s activities such as translating the text and explaining vocabularies, the result is there was limited time to speaking practice. Beside that the problem in grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation was make them shy and felt worry if the teacher asked them to describe kind of animal in front of he class. Because, they worry make wrong to describe an animal. Based on the interview and questionnaire done from the some students of 8C, the problem is about their pronunciation. They couldn’t pronounce some words well because less in practicing. Based on the condition above the researcher intends to use games especially card games in teaching speaking. Games can overcome the speaking problems. The competition of games gives students a natural opportunity to work together and communicate English with each other. First, it is able to reduce anxiety and motivate learners in using language. Second, it makes learners learn easily. Third, it can be received by every range of age. Fourth, it is easy to do. It can also be used in language learning and teaching. It will be a powerful aid to help teachers in creating a fun learning and teaching atmosphere. commit to user


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