Technique of Collecting Data Technique of Analyzing Data

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F. Technique of Collecting Data

In his research the writer collected the data by using qualitative and quantitative method. The qualitative methods are got from the observation done by the teacher during the teaching learning process about the whole activities and students’ behavior. The observation is done by making notes about the activities during the teaching learning process. Besides that, the observation is also supported by taking a photograph during the teaching learning process and the interviews is done after the teaching learning process. The data in the form of quantitative method are got from the test. The tests are given in the beginning of the teaching learning process and the end of each cycle to measure the students’ improvement. The test result is compared to the students’ score before the actions are implemented. After the data are taken from the field notes, and it is supported by the mean score that is found from the tests, the writer can find the improvement of the students’ speaking after they use card games.

G. Technique of Analyzing Data

In analyzing the qualitative data, the researcher analyzed the result of observation done during the TL process by using qualitative technique as suggested by Burns 1999: 156. He says that there are various techniques developed from qualitative research approaches which can be used for data analysis, such as identifying patterns, categories or themes that are repeated across the data and making connections between these categories. commit to user In addition McKernan 1996 in Burns 1999: 156 states that there are five stages in analyzing the data: 1. Assembling the Data The first step is to assemble the data that the researcher has collected over the period of the research: field-notes, journal entries, questionnaires and so on. 2. Coding the Data In this stage, once there has been some overall examination of the data, categories or codes can be developed to identify patterns more specifically. 3. Comparing the Data At this stage, comparison can be made to see whether themes or pattern are repeated or developed across different data gathering techniques. 4. Building Interpretations This is the point where moving beyond describing, categorising, coding and comparing to make some sense of the meaning of the data. 5. Reporting the Outcomes The final stage involves presenting an account of the research for others. The quantitative data is analyzed by using descriptive statistic. It is used to analyze data from the result of the teaching learning process. It is done to compare the students’ speaking skill before and after the action or the result of pre-test and post-test. commit to user To support the data taken from the observation result, the writer also conducts the test in the end of each cycle during the actions. In computing the students’ test score, the writer uses the computation as follows: The mean of the students’ score in the pre test and post test can be calculated with the formula as follows: N X X ∑ = and N Y Y ∑ = in which: X : Mean of pre test scores Y : Mean of post test scores N : Number of subject : The sum of pre test score : The sum of post test score Finally, by analyzing the observation result and test result, the writer can make a conclusion whether card games can improve students’ speaking or not. commit to user 42


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