Problem Limitation Problem Statements The objective of the Study The Benefits of the Study

commit to user anxiety and motivate learners in using language. Second, it makes learners learn easily. Third, it can be received by every range of age. Fourth, it is easy to do. It can also be used in language learning and teaching. It will be a powerful aid to help teachers in creating a fun learning and teaching atmosphere. Where more complicated card games are played in small groups, it is suggested that teachers hand out a photocopied rules sheet to each group of students together with the cards. Working in group is to make students confident to talk about something. In fact, students will express their feeling if they talk with their friends, because they feel confident if they are talking something with their friends. Besides that working in group is to make students work in team, they can share their feeling to each other, and for the teacher it can make easy to control the class. Card games is to make students speak spontaneously, express their feeling and to make students active in teaching learning process. Based on the statements, the writer intends to make a research about how the English Speaking is increasing under the title “Improving Students’ Speaking Skill through Card Games at Eighth Grade Students of SMP Muhammadiyah 4 Surakarta an Action Research”.

B. Problem Limitation

The research focuses on the improvement of students speaking skill by using card games. The problems are limited as the following: 1. The speaking improvement here includes speaking without too much hesitation, using grammar and pronouncing the word correctly. commit to user 2. The games used in this research are limited on the card games that are used to practice the topics in the text-book.

C. Problem Statements

The problems in this research are formulated as follows: 1. Can the use of card games improve the students’ speaking skill at the eighth grade students of SMP Muhammadiyah 4 Surakarta? 2. How is the situation when card games are implemented in the speaking class?

D. The objective of the Study

This study has some objectives which include: 1. To identify the improvement of the students’ speaking skill at the eighth grade students of SMP Muhammadiyah 4 Surakarta. 2. To identify the situation when games are implemented in the speaking class at eighth grade students of SMP Muhammadiyah 4 Surakarta.

E. The Benefits of the Study

The research result is expected to be able to give some benefits in the English Language teaching quality. There are at least three significance contributions gained from this study. They are as follows: 1 The Teacher The teacher as the facilitator in the class needs more activity is to make their students active in teaching learning process. Based on the method the teacher can use some activities which can make students active and enjoy in the class. Card games stimulate the students to work in group. It can make students to commit to user cooperate with each other. This result of this study will help the teacher identify the students’ difficulties in speaking and try to overcome the problem by developed the technique used in teaching speaking. 2 The Students Students are expected to get better learning in their school. Through card games, the students will not feel bored in speaking class. Beside that the students will be more active and they will express their feeling based on the picture card that the teacher gives to them. 3 The Researcher The researcher gets invaluable experience which can be used to improve speaking and learning quality in other situation and provide information also starting point for other researcher in improving the other technique in helping students on their speaking skill. 4 The School The result of this study can be transmitted to other teachers so that they get clearness in the use of technique and it can improve the quality of teaching speaking at school. commit to user 11


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