Evaluating Enhancing Students’ Autonomy in Learning Vocabulary

they did not have enough amount of vocabulary mastery that made them unable to understand the context. 2. In filling out the observation sheets, it was found that there was tendency for several students choosing the good option provided in the observation sheets rather than the reality occurred in the classroom. In this respect, they did not carry out the observation objectively and it had made the data gathered from the observation were unreliable in some parts. In order to solve this problem, the researcher had conducted data triangulation method in analyzing the data. 3. The same thing also occurred in the interview session. It was recognized that there was an interviewee who tended to explain the good things instead of something that actually occurred. According to Wiersma 1995, it may occur in many interviewees. She calls it “response effect” Wiersma, 1995. 4. Since the interview was conducted after school, there was noisy sound came from other students recorded unintentionally during the interview session. It had made the expected sound was not completely clear and it had caused the researcher found difficulty in transcribing the audio data into written data.

B. Conclusions

There are two conclusions derived from the research findings and the discussion presented in the previous chapter. The first conclusion is derived from the discussion on how the implementation of contextual guessing strategy is. The second conclusion is derived from the discussion on how contextual guessing strategy enhances students’ autonomy in learning vocabulary. First, the vocabulary learning strategy of contextual guessing was implemented through a set of teaching and learning activities in a classroom action research. There were three main methods of teaching and learning activities employed; those were group presentation, individualized learning, and student- student interaction. Group presentation method included activities like lecturing, asking and answering questions, taking notes, and trying out; individualized learning method included activities like applying the learned concept through worksheets completion and teacher-students discussion; while student-student interaction method involved small group work which was carried out through playing a game. Those activities were carried out in two cycles of classroom action research which each classroom action research cycle comprised of planning, acting, observing, and reflecting phase. Second, contextual guessing strategy enhanced students’ autonomy in learning vocabulary by promoting the use of metacognitive strategy. Metacognitive strategy, a category of learning strategies, is the strategy about learning which includes planning, problem-solving, monitoring, and evaluating. The students were given several learning tasks that the accomplishment of the tasks fostered them to carry out metacognitive strategies. According to the discussion on how contextual guessing strategy enhances students’ autonomy in learning vocabulary, it is concluded that the students’ conscious use of metacognitive strategies to accomplish the task given can lead them to be autonomous learners. In this respect, the type of learning autonomy employed by the students is categorized as reactive autonomy Littlewood, 1999 cited in Ardi, 2007. It is a type of learning autonomy in which the goals, the procedures, and the materials were set up by the teacher, in this case is the researcher.

B. Suggestions

Based on the research findings, the discussion of the research findings, and the conclusions presented previously, there are some suggestions which are intended to English teachers and future researchers. 1. English teachers It is proved in the research findings that contextual guessing strategy, which was implemented in XI-Social 1 class of Pangudi Luhur Sedayu Bantul, Yogyakarta, could aid students in dealing with unknown words. It is also evident that contextual guessing strategy enhanced students’ autonomy in learning vocabulary by promoting the use of metacognitive strategies. However, it is found that the strategy of contextual guessing is rarely used in dealing with vocabulary learning. For that reason it is suggested that any English teachers, especially English teachers of Senior High School, give more exposure to contextual guessing strategy in order to facilitate students to develop learning autonomy in learning vocabulary. 2. Future researchers This research examined how contextual guessing strategy is implemented to enhance students’ autonomy in learning vocabulary and how contextual guessing strategy enhances students’ autonomy in learning vocabulary. The implementation of contextual guessing strategy in enhancing students’ autonomy in Pangudi Luhur Sedayu Senior High School Bantul, Yogyakarta is directed to help them develop their vocabulary mastery. It is suggested that any future researchers examine the overall result of the students’ vocabulary mastery after several periods of time implementing this strategy in learning vocabulary. In other words, it is suggested that any researcher explores the level of vocabulary mastery development in order to know how effective autonomy in learning vocabulary that employs contextual guessing strategy helps students increase their vocabulary mastery.