Students` perceptions on the use of group presentation strategy to enhance students` independent learning.



Tawi, Maria Susan Ardi Wahyuning. (2016). Students’ perceptions on the use of group presentation strategy to enhance students’ independent learning. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University.

Nowadays, group presentation project is one of the ways that is usually used in teaching and learning process. One of the goals in learning is to

improve students’ independent learning. This research wanted to find out

students’ perceptions on the use of group presentation strategy to enhance their independent learning. It also intended to discover students’ suggestions on the use of group presentation strategy in enhancing their independent learning.

The two research problems formulated in this study were: 1) What are

the ELESP Sanata Dharma University students’ perceptions on the use of

group presentation strategy in the learning process to enhance their independent learning? 2) What are the ELESP Sanata Dharma University

students’ suggestions on the use of group presentation strategy in the learning

process in enhancing their independent learning?

This study was a descriptive research. Survey was conducted in order to find answers to the research problems. Questionnaire and interview were used as the instruments for gathering the data. The data were collected from the students of the academic year of 2014/2015 in classes I and J of Philosophy of Science. There were 61 students who answered the questionnaire and four students who were interviewed to provide the data. To answer the first problem, the data from closed-ended questions of the questionnaire were analyzed by calculating the raw data and converting into percentage. The data were supported by interview data. The data from open-ended question of the questionnaire were analyzed and categorized to answer the second research problem.

The result showed that the students felt they enhanced their independent learning by doing group presentation project. First, the students had positive perceptions on the process and effects of doing group presentation project to foster their independent learning. Second, the students had positive suggestions on the implementation of it. The suggestions were about participation from every group member, monitor from lecturer and work in small group with members they chose on their own.

Keywords: Learning strategy, group presentation project, independent learning, perception



Tawi, Maria Susan Ardi Wahyuning. (2016). Students’ perceptions on the use of group presentation strategy to enhance students’ independent learning. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Tugas presentasi kelompok merupakan salah satu cara yang biasa digunakan dalam proses belajar mengajar saat ini. Salah satu tujuan dalam pembelajaran adalah untuk meningkatkan kemandirian belajar siswa. Penelitian ini ingin mengetahui persepsi mahasiswa pada penggunaan strategi presentasi kelompok untuk meningkatkan kemandirian belajar mereka. Ini juga bermaksud untuk mengetahui saran mahasiswa pada strategi presentasi kelompok dalam meningkatkan kemandirian belajar mereka.

Dua formulasi permasalahan penelitian ini adalah: 1) Apa persepsi para mahasiswa PBI Universitas Sanata Dharma pada penggunaan strategi presentasi kelompok untuk meningkatkan kemandirian belajar mereka dalam proses belajar? 2) Apa saran para mahasiswa PBI Universitas Sanata Dharma pada penggunaan strategi presentasi kelompok dalam proses belajar bagi peningkatan kemandirian belajar mereka?

Penelitian ini adalah peneltian deskriptif. Survei diselenggarakan untuk menemukan jawaban atas permasalahan-permasalahan penelitian. Kuisioner dan wawancara digunakan sebagai instumen-instrumen pengumpulan data. Datanya dikumpulkan dari para siswa pada tahun ajaran 2014/2015 di kelas I dan J Filsafat Ilmu Pengetahuan. Ada 61 siswa yang menjawab kuisioner dan empat orang diantaranya diwawancarai untuk melengkapi data. Untuk menjawab masalah pertama, data dari pertanyaan tertutup dianalisa dengan mengkalkulasikan data mentah dan mengkonversikan persentasenya. Data tersebut didukung oleh data wawancara. Data dari pertanyaan terbuka pada kuisioner dianalisa dan dikategorikan untuk menjawab masalah kedua.

Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa para mahasiswa merasa terjadi peningkatan kemandirian belajar dengan mengerjakan tugas presentasi kelompok. Pertama, para mahasiswa memiliki persepsi positif pada proses dan efek mengerjakan tugas presentasi kelompok untuk membantu peningkatan kemandirian belajar mereka. Kedua, para mahasiswa memiliki saran positif pada implementasinya. Saran tersebut adalah tentang partisipasi setiap anggota kelompok, perhatian dari dosen dan bekerja dalam kelompok kecil yang anggotanya mereka tentukan sendiri.

Kata kunci: Learning strategy, group presentation project, independent learning, perception







Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Maria Susan Ardi Wahyuning Tawi Student Number: 111214105









Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Maria Susan Ardi Wahyuning Tawi Student Number: 111214105







This thesis is dedicated to…

My beloved parents, Matias Hariyadi and Yuliana Sugiarti 

My two little brothers, Filip and Hiero 

My dearest, Yohanes Adhi Saputra 




I honestly declare that this thesis, which I have written, does not contain the work of parts of the work of other people, except those cited in the quotations and the

references, as a scientific paper should.

Yogyakarta, 21 January 2016 The Writer

Maria Susan Ardi Wahyuning Tawi 111214105




PUBLIKASI KARYA ILMIAH UNTUK KEPENTINGAN AKADEMIS Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma:

Nama : Maria Susan Ardi Wahyuning Tawi Nomor Mahasiswa : 111214105

Demi Pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma karya ilmiah saya yang berjudul:

STUDENTS’ PERCEPTIONS ON THE USE OF GROUP PRESENTATION STRATEGY TO ENHANCE STUDENTS’ INDEPENDENT LEARNING beserta perangkat yang diperlukan (bila ada). Dengan demikian saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma hak untuk menyimpan, mengalihkan dalam bentuk media lain, mengelolanya dalam bentuk pangkalan data, mendistribusikannya secara terbatas, mempublikasikannya di internet atau di media lain untuk kepentingan akademis tanpa perlu meminta ijin kepada saya selama tetap mencantumkan nama saya sebagai penulis.

Demikian surat pernyataan ini saya buat dengan sebenarnya.

Dibuat di Yogyakarta

Pada tanggal: 21 Januari 2016

Yang menyatakan,



Tawi, Maria Susan Ardi Wahyuning. (2016). Students’ perceptions on the use of group presentation strategy to enhance students’ independent learning. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University.

Nowadays, group presentation project is one of the ways that is usually used in teaching and learning process. One of the goals in learning is to

improve students’ independent learning. This research wanted to find out

students’ perceptions on the use of group presentation strategy to enhance their independent learning. It also intended to discover students’ suggestions on the use of group presentation strategy in enhancing their independent learning.

The two research problems formulated in this study were: 1) What are

the ELESP Sanata Dharma University students’ perceptions on the use of

group presentation strategy in the learning process to enhance their independent learning? 2) What are the ELESP Sanata Dharma University

students’ suggestions on the use of group presentation strategy in the learning

process in enhancing their independent learning?

This study was a descriptive research. Survey was conducted in order to find answers to the research problems. Questionnaire and interview were used as the instruments for gathering the data. The data were collected from the students of the academic year of 2014/2015 in classes I and J of Philosophy of Science. There were 61 students who answered the questionnaire and four students who were interviewed to provide the data. To answer the first problem, the data from closed-ended questions of the questionnaire were analyzed by calculating the raw data and converting into percentage. The data were supported by interview data. The data from open-ended question of the questionnaire were analyzed and categorized to answer the second research problem.

The result showed that the students felt they enhanced their independent learning by doing group presentation project. First, the students had positive perceptions on the process and effects of doing group presentation project to foster their independent learning. Second, the students had positive suggestions on the implementation of it. The suggestions were about participation from every group member, monitor from lecturer and work in small group with members they chose on their own.

Keywords: Learning strategy, group presentation project, independent learning, perception



Tawi, Maria Susan Ardi Wahyuning. (2016). Students’ perceptions on the

use of group presentation strategy to enhance students’ independent learning.

Yogyakarta: Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Tugas presentasi kelompok merupakan salah satu cara yang biasa digunakan dalam proses belajar mengajar saat ini. Salah satu tujuan dalam pembelajaran adalah untuk meningkatkan kemandirian belajar siswa. Penelitian ini ingin mengetahui persepsi mahasiswa pada penggunaan strategi presentasi kelompok untuk meningkatkan kemandirian belajar mereka. Ini juga bermaksud untuk mengetahui saran mahasiswa pada strategi presentasi kelompok dalam meningkatkan kemandirian belajar mereka.

Dua formulasi permasalahan penelitian ini adalah: 1) Apa persepsi para mahasiswa PBI Universitas Sanata Dharma pada penggunaan strategi presentasi kelompok untuk meningkatkan kemandirian belajar mereka dalam proses belajar? 2) Apa saran para mahasiswa PBI Universitas Sanata Dharma pada penggunaan strategi presentasi kelompok dalam proses belajar bagi peningkatan kemandirian belajar mereka?

Penelitian ini adalah peneltian deskriptif. Survei diselenggarakan untuk menemukan jawaban atas permasalahan-permasalahan penelitian. Kuisioner dan wawancara digunakan sebagai instumen-instrumen pengumpulan data. Datanya dikumpulkan dari para siswa pada tahun ajaran 2014/2015 di kelas I dan J Filsafat Ilmu Pengetahuan. Ada 61 siswa yang menjawab kuisioner dan empat orang diantaranya diwawancarai untuk melengkapi data. Untuk menjawab masalah pertama, data dari pertanyaan tertutup dianalisa dengan mengkalkulasikan data mentah dan mengkonversikan persentasenya. Data tersebut didukung oleh data wawancara. Data dari pertanyaan terbuka pada kuisioner dianalisa dan dikategorikan untuk menjawab masalah kedua.

Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa para mahasiswa merasa terjadi peningkatan kemandirian belajar dengan mengerjakan tugas presentasi kelompok. Pertama, para mahasiswa memiliki persepsi positif pada proses dan efek mengerjakan tugas presentasi kelompok untuk membantu peningkatan kemandirian belajar mereka. Kedua, para mahasiswa memiliki saran positif pada implementasinya. Saran tersebut adalah tentang partisipasi setiap anggota kelompok, perhatian dari dosen dan bekerja dalam kelompok kecil yang anggotanya mereka tentukan sendiri.

Kata kunci: Learning strategy, group presentation project, independent learning, perception




Firstly, I would like to send my deepest gratitude to Almighty God for His everlasting love that He sends through Jesus Christ and Mother Mary. I would like to thank them for all the things that I have passed and the strengths during my time in Yogyakarta, especially during the process of my study until I could finish my thesis.

I would like to express my gratitude to my thesis advisor, Made Frida Yulia, S.Pd., M.Pd., for her time, patience, guidance, feedback, encouragement, and smiles she has shared until the process of finishing my thesis. I also thank my academic advisor, Fidelis Chosa Kastuhandani S.Pd., M.Hum., for his guidance during my academic process in the study. I would like to thank all of the lecturers that have taught me so many things and for their wonderful stories during the process of my study. My big thanks also go to all of the secretariat staff of English Language Study Program, Sanata Dharma University for their help and care.

Finally, I cannot finish my study without the love from my beloved parents, Matias Hariyadi and Yuliana Sugiarti. I would like to express my big thanks to them for their support, both financially and mentally, care, belief, and patience. They always listen to me and understand me. I realize that I am also nothing without my two lovely little brothers, Filipus Benny and Hieronimus Harno Pangestu, who always cheer me up. I also send my big thanks to my big family who always wish and pray the best for me.



I thank all of my friends during my study in the English Language Education Study Program Sanata Dharma University, especially my best Tintin, Didi, Elel, Vivin and Chaca for the sharing, support, laughter and care. I warmly thank my lovely friends Tamtam, Vika, Nadia and Indra for all the prayer, support and care. My big thanks also go to my boarding house friends, Mba Anggi, Ka Liza, Ayu, Dhany, Tamara, Nita and Enda for every moment of sharing that strengthen me up. My thankful also goes to Ipung, Ochip, Lani, Mega and Renta for the supporting messages and prayer.

I express my deep thanks to my dearest Yohanes Adhi Saputra. I really thank him for the love, support, laughter, patience, advice, tear, and care that are given to me. I thank him warmly for the companion during my ups and downs. Lastly, I would also like to thank all of my friends and everyone that I could not mention here one by one for helping me write my thesis.

Maria Susan Ardi Wahyuning Tawi










ABSTRACT ... vii

ABSTRAK ... viii





CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Research Background ... 1

1.2 Research Problems ... 4

1.3 Problem Limitation ... 5

1.4 Research Objectives ... 5

1.5 Research Benefits ... 6




2.1 Theoretical Description ... 11

1. Perception ... 11

2. Independent Learning ... 14

3. Learning Strategy ... 17

4. Group Presentation ... 18

2.2 Theoretical Framework ... 21


3.2 Research Setting ... 27

3.3 Research Participants ... 27

3.4 Research Instruments and Data Gathering Technique ... 29

3.5 Data Analysis Technique ... 33

3.6 Research Procedure ... 35

CHAPTER IV RESEARCH RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 4.1 Students’ Perceptions on the Use of Group Presentation Project to Enhance their Independent Learning ... 38

1. The Process of Doing Group Presentation ... 39

2. The Effects of Doing Group Presentation ... 46

4.2 Students’ Suggestions on the Use of Group Presentation Project as a Strategy to Enhance their Independent Learning ... 54

1. Suggestions for Each Student to Take Part ... 55

2. Suggestions for the Lecturers ... 57




5.1 Conclusions ... 63

5.2 Recommendations ... 65





Table Page

3.1 The Sample of the Closed-ended Questionnaire Form ... 31

3.2 The Participants’ Rating Scales Responses ... 34

4.1 Process of Doing Group Presentation Project ... 40




Appendix Page

APPENDIX 1 The Blueprint of Questionnaire ... 72

APPENDIX 2 The Questionnaire ... 75

APPENDIX 3 The Interview Guide ... 78



This chapter provides background information about the focus of the research and how it relates to the present context. There are six sections consist of research background, research problem, problem limitation, research objectives, research benefits, and definition of terms.

A. Research Background

Learning strategy is important in the learning process. Learning strategy is the plan that is arranged by the teacher in order to encourage each student to take responsibility for their own learning (Orlich, Harder, Callahan, Trevision & Brown, 2007). It is aimed to help students reach their learning goals. One of the goals in learning is to improve the independent learning, because independent learning is not a standard given to the students but a goal to be achieved by the students (Kesten, 1987). Independent learning is the ability of students to be responsible for their task and life taking decision (Kesten, 1987).

Nowadays there are many strategies in the learning process, for example giving project or homework to students. The teacher can ask the students to do the project in individual and group (Sudrajat, 2008). Both of the individual and group projects have the same goal, which is aimed to facilitate the students to understand


the materials better and become more independent. Automatically, what the students find and learn by doing homework will be easy to remember. Therefore, the goal of giving homework itself is also to make the students learn better independently.

One of the learning strategies that the college students mostly do nowadays is group presentation project. It is also experienced by the students in English Language Education Study Program (ELESP) Sanata Dharma University. For example, some lecturers in particular courses assign their students to do group presentation project. Usually, the students are asked to make a group of four until six people. The groups are assigned to discuss particular topics on their groups. The week after, each group starts to present the discussion result in front of the class. What happens in the group presentation as a learning strategy is the interaction between the lecturer and all of the students (Singh, 2004). Thus, the other groups will listen to the presentation and give some comments as well as questions. The groups who are presenting must respond to the questions and comments given. All the group members are expected to know and understand about their own presentation topics.

Therefore, it can be seen that the purpose of doing group presentation itself is to help the students understand the material better by learning together in groups (Bridges, 2013). It teaches each student to learn more independently. The consideration is that all members in groups who are doing the presentation at least understand their own topic of discussion really well. Each student is expected to be responsible for finding as much as information about their discussion topic. The


3 responsibility that the students have will show that they are independent of their own learning process.

Nevertheless, not all of the students may have the same contribution in a group learning process. Some of students may be only waiting the other friends who are more active in their groups. Whereas everybody in groups must work at the same portion because each individual contribution is considered as an important thing (Bleakler & Carrigan, 1994). It is the time for the students to realize their independent learning that they must be more responsible for their project, even though it is a group project. It is expected that by doing group presentation, each student becomes more independent so that they can have more responsibility for their own learning process.

Perception plays an important role in making people aware of something. Ponty (1966) has proved it by stating that when people analyze and perceive something around them according to their senses and feeling, it makes people become conscious and they will take part in it immediately. In order to make the students aware of independent learning enhancement through group presentation, the students’ perceptions are needed to collect. Consequently, the researcher is interested to find out the students’ perceptions on the use of group presentation strategy to enhance their independent learning.

Previously, there are some research studies which are similar to this research. It was from the ELESP Sanata Dharma University students who graduated several


years ago. The previous research inspires the researcher to do this research. The first one was Sanjaya’s research on 2010, which discussed about the students’ and lecturers’ perception on the use of worksheet to enhance the independence in learning. This research is different from Sanjaya’s research in terms of discovering the students’ independent learning through group presentation project. The second one was Viviana’s research on 2013 about students’ perception on the implementation of group discussion in Basic Reading II. The difference between this research and Viviana’s is this research talks about the implementation of group presentation to enhance students’ independent in learning process. However, this research is similar to the two previous research studies in focusing on the students’ perceptions.

B. Research Problems

In accordance with the research background, the researcher formulates two research problems to be answered as follows:

1. What are the ELESP Sanata Dharma University students’ perceptions on the use of group presentation strategy in the learning process to enhance their independent learning?

2. What are the ELESP Sanata Dharma University students’ suggestions on the use of group presentation strategy in the learning process in enhancing their independent learning?


5 C. Problem Limitation

In order to limit the scope and the focus of the research, the researcher decides to investigate the use of group presentation strategy as the project to enhance students’ independent learning. This research focuses on students’ perceptions on the use of group presentation strategy in the learning process to enhance their independent learning. It also focuses on students’ suggestions on the use of group presentation strategy in the learning process to enhance their independent learning. The researcher takes the data from the ELESP Sanata Dharma University students who have experienced the use of group presentation strategy in class. The researcher gathers the data from the two classes that have experienced the use of group presentation strategy in the academic year of 2014/2015. The researcher selects the two classes as the sample of this research because they are considered to have provided the data needed in the research. Moreover, it is also considered that the amount of the sample is sufficient for the research data and the sample represents the population of the research.

D. Research Objectives

There are two objectives to achieve in this research. They are:

1. To find out students’ perceptions on the use of group presentation strategy in the learning process to enhance students’ independent learning.


2. To find out students’ suggestions on the use of group presentation in the learning process for improving students’ independent learning.

E. Research Benefits

This is an educational research which is expected to be beneficial for the development of education. The researcher wants to give contribution to the ELESP students, ELESP lecturers and future researchers.

1. English Language Education Study Program Students

The research will provide information about students’ perceptions on the use of group presentation strategy to enhance students’ independent learning. Hopefully, this research will be beneficial for the students in ELESP Sanata Dharma University because the students often participate in doing group presentation project in the learning process. Although group presentation project is done in group, each student still needs to learn independently for preparing themselves before doing the presentation in front of the class. Therefore, this research is helpful to increase the students’ awareness on the use of group presentation strategy to enhance their independent learning. Because of by perceiving their perceptions on the use of group presentation project to enhance their independent learning, hopefully the students can realize that they need to be more responsible with their learning task and become more independent.


7 2. English Language Education Study Program Lecturers

This research wants to find out about students’ perceptions on the use of group presentation strategy to enhance their independent learning. Also, it tries to discover students’ suggestions on the use of group presentation strategy in the learning process in enhancing their independent learning. By doing this research, hopefully the lecturers can know their students’ perspectives on the use of group presentation strategy for their independent learning enhancement. Hopefully, some suggestions collected from the students will also be beneficial for the lecturers in implementing group presentation strategy to enhance students’ independent learning.

3. Future Researchers

This research talks about students’ perceptions on the use of group presentation strategy to enhance students’ independent learning. It also talks about students’ suggestions on the use of group presentation in the learning process to enhance their independent learning. Hopefully, this research can inspire the future researchers who want to conduct similar research related to the topic in this research. It is expected that this research provides enough information as one of the references to help them. Moreover, the researcher hopes that the findings, the information, and the theories in this research can help future researchers who are interested to do further discussion about the similar topic. There are many things can be talked about the use of group presentation and the independent learning. The future researcher can


conduct research on how group presentation project can influence students’ independent learning, the effects of group presentation project for students’ achievement, or students’ independent learning improvement with the other learning strategies.

F. Definition of Terms

The researcher uses some important terms in this research. The researcher defines the terms in this section in order to clarify concepts and avoid misinterpretation. The terms discussed are perceptions, independent learning, learning strategy, and group presentation.

1. Perceptions

According to Ponty (1996), perceptions are the judgment, impression, and believe or thought about perceiving (p. 38). Goldstein (2009) defines perceptions as everything that everyone sees, hears, tastes, feels, or smells which is created by the mechanism of the senses (p. 5). In this research, perceptions are the ELESP students’ thought about the use of group presentation to enhance their independent learning. The students can perceive and share their opinions and suggestions based on their experiences in doing the group presentation project and how it enhances their independent leaning.


9 2. Independent Learning

Kesten (1987) says, “Independent learning is that learning in which the learner, in conjunction with relevant others, can make the decisions necessary to meet the learner's own learning needs” (p. 5). Kesten’s statement describes a condition where learners are self-motivated by the environment around them to do their learning task (Kesten, 1987, p. 10). Independent learning must be regarded as a direction or goal to be pursued, not as an absolute standard (Kesten, 1987). In this research, independent learning is the ability of the ELESP Sanata Dharma University students become more independent of their learning process by interacting with their friends and doing the project assigned by the lecturer. Also, independent learning is one of the goals to be achieved by the students in order to make them become more responsible for their own learning needs.

3. Learning Strategy

Singh (2004) says an instructional strategy is a way that a teacher arranges which is designed to establish interaction between the teacher, the students, and the subject matter, or any combination of these three dimensions. Learning strategy is intended for students and it is also related with the learning process and activity with the teachers or lecturers in class. Moreover, Orlich’s et al. (2007) define leaning strategy as a part of the decisions from teacher to help and encourage the students to take responsibility for learning (p. 19). It can be seen that learning strategy is


lecturers’ or teachers’ way to help their students become more responsible in learning process. In this research, learning strategy is the lecturer’s way for helping the ELESP Sanata Dharma University students to achieve the goal of learning more independently so that students can be more responsible for their own learning process through doing group presentation project.

4. Group Presentation

There are some definitions about group presentation. Pozzi and Persico (2010) say, “Group presentations allow students’ work to combine their different perspectives on a topic, research it, and create a presentation that reflects the groups’ conclusions” (p. 197). According to Jaques (1984), a group itself is an entity, but it includes individual participation as members as well. It has been proven by Orlich et al. (2007) that discussion involves “an exchange of ideas, with active learning and participation by all concerned” (p. 249). Also, Orlich et al. (2007) say, “A classroom that uses student-initiated learning will be a maze of activity: small groups, working groups, and individuals working on projects or activity simultaneously” (p. 31). In this research, group presentation is the process of learning in group to discuss and present the materials in order to help each student learn more independently. Each student in group has a responsibility to do anything like collecting information, learning about the topic of presentation and sharing their understanding related to the materials discussed and presented.




There are two important parts that are discussed in this chapter as the guideline theories of the research. The first part is theoretical description, which talks about the theories directly related to the research. The second part is theoretical framework, which relates and summarizes the theories of the research.

A. Theoretical Description

This part discusses the theories about perception, independent learning, learning strategy, and group presentation.

1. Perception

There are many explanations that can be found about perception. Some of the description of perception will be explained briefly in this section.

a. Definition of Perception

Everyone has his or her own way of perceiving something and may have different perception on it. According to Goldstein (2009), perception is everything that everyone sees, hears, tastes, feels, or smells and it is created by the mechanism of people’s senses. This means that what people perceive is determined not only by what is “out there”, but also by the properties of their senses (Goldstein, 2009, p. 5). It can


be seen that everybody may perceive something in different ways based on their senses.

In addition, perception is the opinion that comes first in human mind unconsciously. When someone sees a thing, she or he will perceive something about that. Ponty (1996) describes perception as the thought about perceiving (p. 38). He says, “Perception would be a judgment, which, however, is unaware of the reasons underlying its own formation, which amounts to saying that the perceived object presents itself as a totality and a unity” (Ponty, 1996, p. 42). It can be seen that perception is similar to the opinion that everyone has in mind automatically.

According to Noe (2004), perception is not something that happens to an individual, or in an individual; it is something that an individual does. He says “Perception is input from world to mind, action is output from mind to world, thought is the mediating process. If the input-output picture is right, then it must be possible, at least in principle, to disassociate capacities for perception, action and thought” (p. 3). What a person perceives is determined by what that person does or knows about (Noe, 2004). It means the experience and knowledge of a person will also determine his or her perception.

Moreover, Altman, Valenzi and Hodgetts (1985) say that perception is someone’s view of reality and the process which enables every person to understand and cope with the environment in which he or she lives with (p. 85). Goldstein (2009)


13 also states, “Another reason to study perception is that it can help people become more aware of the nature of their own perceptual experiences” (p. 5). It means, in order to give opinion or share knowledge about something, people should have experienced it first so that they can perceive something real. By perceiving something people can also be more aware on it. Consequently, the way that someone is perceived on something will determine his or her behavior.

b. Factors Influencing Perception

There are some factors which can influence the perception of a person. Altman, et al. (1985) present four factors which influencing perception. They are selection of stimuli, organization of stimuli, the situation, and self-concept (p. 86).

1) Selection of Stimuli

According to Altman, et al., (1985) people focus on a small number only from all of the stimuli surrounded. This process is called as selection process. Every person selects stimuli based on the specific cues and filters, or screens, out the others. It is the reason of why each person can perceive things differently (Altman, et al., 1985).

2) Organization of Stimuli

The second factor that can influence the perception is organization of stimuli. Based on the theory of Altman, et al. (1985), the data are arranged to be meaningful information after selected. People’s mind try to bring order the data by selecting


certain items and putting them together in a meaningful way based on their experiences. The process of organizing the information help people categorize sensory input as well as reduce the complex information into the simpler categorization.

3) The Situation

The third factor which influences someone’s perception is the situation. The familiarity, expectation, situation and past experience of people may affect what they perceive. “Perceiving a situation accurately is also related to how well a person adjusts his or her behavior to situations” (Altman, et al., 1985, p. 89).

4) Self-concept

The fourth factor which can influence perception is the self-concept. Altman,

et al. (1985) explains the way people feel about and perceive by themselves is known as self-concept. The way people see by themselves affects their perception of the world around. Thus, the self-concept is essential because people’s mental picture determines much of what can be perceived and done.

2. Independent Leaning

Everybody has already had independent learning since they were children. Holstein (1986) says independent learning situation can happen to children only as a process which is going on an autonomous process; it is an elementary thing and can


15 be directly experienced. It means that independent learning is actually the unconscious process which happens in the process of learning. Meyer, Haywood, Sachdev and Faraday (2008) state that:

There are a number of different terms used to describe independent learning; the most common being is self-regulated learning. All these different terms describe very similar themes and processes, including pupils having an understanding of their learning; being motivated to take responsibility for their learning; and working with teachers to structure their learning environment (p. 2).

Many terms are used to describe independent learning such as autonomous learning, independent study, self-directed learning, student-initiated learning, project orientation, discovery and inquiry, teaching for thinking, learning to learn, self-instruction and lifelong learning (Kesten, 1987, p. 9). All of them describe similar meaning about students’ independent learning. The process of students’ independent learning in how they understand the lesson, how they become more motivated and responsible, and how they work with their environment are connected.

However, teaching and learning process can influence students’ independent learning. Aspin and Chapman (2006) as cited in Marshall (2007) perceive that “independent learning is based on activities which enable learners to take responsibility for their learning, and is essential for lifelong motivation and growth” (p. 42). It means, learning activity which the teacher gives as a strategy for students can determine students’ independent learning. The students can be more motivated and responsible with their learning process as well as in doing their project. As the


project or homework given by the teacher is also a strategy to foster students’ independent learning.

Although independent learning is an individual matter, it does not merely involve the students’ activity in working individually (Meyer, et al., 2008). The process of having independent learning can be influenced by the students’ environment. The learning process and people around such as teachers and friends can help the students decide anything they need for their learning. When students can decide what they need for their learning process, they become more aware of their independent learning. As stated by Kesten (1987), “Independent learning is that learning in which the learner, in conjunction with relevant others, can make the decisions necessary to meet the learner’s own learning needs” (p. 5).

Moreover, Knowles (1975) presents the theory of self-directed learning which usually takes place in association with various kinds of helpers, such as teachers, tutors, mentors, resource people and peers (as cited in O’Doherty, 2006). In this research, independent learning is seen as a goal to be achieved by the students through doing group presentation project. In doing this project, the students learn not only individually but also together with their friends and interact with their lecturers in class. The people around the students like their friends and lecturers in class can encourage the students to become more responsible and independent for their learning process.


17 There are some benefits which can be achieved by having independent learning. Meyer, et al. (2008) explain some benefits of independent learning. First, it can increase students’ academic performance. Academic performance is students’ skill of learning something and their achievement. Second, it increases students’ motivation, confidence and ability to engage in lifelong learning. Third, it allows the students to become more aware of their limitations as well as learn how to manage and overcome it. Forth, it enables the teachers to provide differentiated tasks for pupils. Those benefits are expected to be achieved by the students who are still learning in school or college because it is also important for their future life.

3. Learning Strategy

An instructional strategy is defined as the way that a teacher arranges and it is designed to establish interaction between the teacher, the students, and the subject matter, or any combination of these three dimensions (Singh, 2004). It means, learning strategy is a process that the students have in the learning process and it has a connection with their teachers or lecturers. The learning strategy that a teacher arranges for students is to help the students achieve their goal (Singh, 2004). Learning strategy can help the students succeed in achieving their learning goals. Moreover, Jean (2011) also says that learning strategy can provide students the opportunity to succeed in today’s schools (p. 1). It means that the students can be success in their learning process by the learning strategy provided. Teacher or


lecturers have their own ways to facilitate the learning strategy for students to achieve students’ goal in the learning process.

It can be done by doing some ways like giving homework, letting the students discuss the material, asking the students to take notes, and many more. Because as a selector in instructional strategy, a teacher will do something like arranging a variety of media, including books, lecture notes, homework, visual aids, programmes, discussions, and laboratory experience (Singh, 2004). It is proven that homework can be one of the learning strategies for helping the students achieve their goal like understanding the subjects, becoming more respinsible and independent. As, Fellen and Conti (1989) state that learning strategies are the techniques used in order to accomplish learning task (as cited in Conti and McNeil, 2011). Therefore, learning strategy is expected to be beneficial for students’ independent learning in order to help them become responsible so that the students can be more independent of their own learning process.

4. Group Presentation

Group presentation project becomes one of the strategies used by the teachers or lecturers for students’ project in the learning process nowadays. Jaques (1984) defines group itself as “a collection of people”, when it possesses the qualities, such as collective perception, needs, shared aims, interdependence, social organization, interaction, cohesiveness, and membership (p. 13). For example, it can be started by


19 assigning the students to form a small group to do a discussion and presentation for some learning topics in class. Every group member has to be responsible for the project because although it is a group project, the contribution of each group member is very important.

In addition, Bleakley and Carrigan (1994) state their opinion that, “Cooperative learning involves students working together in groups, with group goals but individual accountability” (p. 15). The most essential part is that the students can understand the learning topics and how they learn to become more independent through their learning process together. It seeks each student’s awareness to be more independent in learning since it will be useful for the student’s own life. Therefore, each student in group project has to be aware of their responsibility during the process of doing group project.

a. The Use of Group Presentation Project to Foster Independent Learning Meyer, et al. (2008) propose a consensus in literature that independent learning does not merely involve pupils working individually. The process of doing group presentation project can be one of the choices. According to Bridges (2013), group presentation allows students to teach everyone about an interesting area of the world where concepts discussed in class have been or are actively occurring. Through doing group presentation project, the students are allowed to combine their different perspectives on a topic, research it and present the result which reflect the group


conclusion (Pozzi and Persico, 2010). Usually, the groups are assigned to choose or given a topic on which to report, then do the presentation at least 15 minutes; all group members must speak and a visual aid is required (Bridges, 2013).

b. The Effects of Doing Group Presentation Project to Foster Independent Learning

Group presentation project is a part of group work activity chosen as a strategy for students to learn independently. It is also a part of cooperative language learning. Richard and Rodgers (2001) define Cooperative Language Learning or CLL as an “approach to teaching that makes maximum use of cooperative activities involving pairs and small groups of learners in the classroom” (p. 193). They propose some goals of CLL in language teaching. They are:

 to provide opportunities for naturalistic second language acquisition through the use of interactive pair and group activities.

 to provide teachers with a methodology to enable them to achieve this goal and one that can be applied in a variety of curriculum setting.

 to enable focused attention to particular lexical items, language structures, and communicative functions through the use of interactive task.

 to provide opportunities for learners to develop successful learning and communicative strategies.

 to enhance learners’ motivation and reduce learners’ stress and to create a positive affective classroom climate.


21 In addition, CLL is regarded as a learner-centered approach to teaching which is held to offer advantages over teacher-fronted classrooms methods (Richards & Rodgers, 2001). It can be said that group presentation project constitutes as a part of CLL approach which is held to make the students become the active or independent learners in learning process. It has been proven by Gardner and Miller (1996) who say that effective group oral presentation in class is one of the tasks for independent language learning.

B. Theoretical Framework

There are two objectives to be discovered through this research. First, it is to find out students’ perceptions on the use of group presentation project to foster their independent learning. Second, it collects students’ suggestions on the use of group presentation strategy in the learning process for improving students’ independent learning. To acquire the research objectives, this research implements four major guideline theories such as perception, independent learning, learning strategy and group presentation project. Those theories help the researcher to find out students’ perception and suggestion on the use of group presentation strategy in the learning process, whether or not it fosters students’ independent learning.

Firstly, this research uses the theory of perception. The researcher uses this theory to help collect the answers to the research questions. It is also aimed to make the students more aware of the topic being discussed in the research. Perception is the


thought about perceiving. Noe (2004) states that perception is not something that happens to everybody but it is something everybody does. Through perceiving something which has been experienced, people will be more aware of it. It is because of the way that someone is perceived determines his or her behavior (Altman, et al., 1985). Accordingly, the researcher believes that ELESP Sanata Dharma University students may have different ways in perceiving something, because perception is the first judgment which comes out in mind based on their senses (Goldstein, 2009). In this research, the students in ELESP Sanata Dharma University can perceive their opinions and suggestions about group presentation in improving their independent learning because they have ever experienced the use of it in class. Hopefully, by perceiving their opinion about the topic discussed in this research, they can be more aware of their independent learning and make it better by the process they face during their study.

This research also uses the theory about independent learning. Independent learning theories help the researcher find out the aspects and benefits of independent learning. Independent learning has directly been acknowledged by every student unconsciously. Holstein (1986) says that independent learning is an elementary thing and it can be directly experienced as a process which is going on an autonomous process. However, independent learning is influenced by something from the inside and outside of the students. It can be said that motivation is something that comes from the inside, which encourages everybody to do something. When students are


23 being motivated to do something, they can be responsible for their learning needs. Hence, independent learning is related to self-motivation which can make the students be responsible to do the assignments (Aspin & Chapman, 2006, as cited in Marshall, 2007). The people around the students like their friends and teachers or lecturers can also influence students’ independent learning (Knowles, 1975, as cited in O’Doherty, 2006). Accordingly, the environment around the students is also considered as the part of developing independent learning, since the people around the students like their friends and teachers or lecturers can also improve motivation.

The next theory used is about learning strategy. Learning strategy is important in the learning process in order to help the students achieve the goal of being more independent. It attempts to facilitate the students in understanding their lesson as well as becoming more independent. There are many kinds of strategies that a teacher can give to the students (Singh, 2004). For example, the strategy chosen in this research is by assigning the students to do group presentation project with five to six students in each group. The students have to discuss the topics of learning and present them in front of their teacher or lecturer and friends in class. Even if the project is done in group; each student has a responsibility to know everything that is being discussed. Later, all of the students have a duty to speak up for the presentation. As the preparation, the students need to learn independently and share their knowledge with their friends in group. Group presentation project allows the students to teach each


other about an interesting area where concepts discussed in class have been or are actively occurring in group (Bridges, 2013).

Group presentation project is considered to help each student become more independent, because there is a consensus in the literature that independent learning does not merely involve pupils working alone (Meyer, et al., 2008). It is a part of teaching strategy which is included in cooperative language learning approach. Richard and Rogers (2001) proves that cooperative language learning (CLL) is regarded as a learner-centered approach. It is aimed to help the students learn more independently even though it is done in groups. Considering this, the students will understand the lesson easily and remember it more when they learn independently. Meyer, et al., (2008) add that by having independent learning the students will get some benefits. They can get more motivation, responsibility, awareness of their limitation and learn to manage it. Therefore, independent learning is not only beneficial for the students temporarily, but also important for their future life.

Finally, there are four major theories used as the guidelines of the research. The theories are about perception, independent learning, learning strategy and group presentation. All of the theories help the researcher to conduct this research and solve the problems of the research. First problem is about the students’ perceptions on the use of group presentation strategy to enhance students’ independent learning. Second, students’ suggestions on the use of group presentation strategy in the learning process in enhancing their independent learning.




This chapter explains the methodology used to conduct the research. There are six important parts discussed. They consist of research method, research setting, research participants, research instruments and data gathering technique, data analysis technique, and research procedure.

A. Research Method

This was a survey research which was conducted in order to recognize the opinions of a large group of people on the use of group presentation strategy to enhance their independent learning. According to Fraenkel, Wallen and Hyun (2012), survey research is done if “the researcher is interested in the opinions of a large group of people about a particular topic or issue” (p. 393). Survey asks a number of questions, all related to the issue, to find answers (Fraenkel, et al., 2012, p. 393). Therefore, the researcher preferred to do survey because there were several questions asked to the respondents from a large group of students in ELESP Sanata Dharma University.

Survey research was classified as one of descriptive research categories. Ary, Jacobs, and Razavieh (2002) describe survey as one of descriptive research in education because:


Descriptive research describes and interprets what is. It is concerned with conditions or relationships that exist; practices that prevail; beliefs, points of view, or attitudes that are held; processes that are going on; effects that are being felt; or trends that are developing. Its major purpose is to tell what is (p. 25).

Survey research was employed because the researcher could ask some questions about people’s beliefs, opinions, characteristics and behavior as a source of data in studies in educational field (Ary, et al., 2002). Therefore, the students’ perceptions on group presentation strategy in fostering their independent learning were recognized in this research. Students’ perceptions on the process and effects of doing group presentation project to foster their independent learning were the focus of the research.

According to Fraenkel, et al. (2012), there are two major types of survey; they are cross-sectional and longitudinal survey. The type of survey used in this research was the cross-sectional surveys. Cross-sectional survey collects information from a sample that has been drawn from a predetermined population and the information is collected at just one point in time (Fraenkel,, 2012, p. 394). This type was selected because this research collected the information at just one point in time from the sample.

In doing the survey, the researcher applied two modes of the data gathering. The first way was the direct administration to a group, which was done by distributing questionnaire to all of the students at the same time in class. The


27 questionnaire collected the students’ perception and suggestions on the use of group presentation for improving independent learning. The type of questionnaire items used was closed-ended and open-ended items. The second way was the personal interview by having a face-to-face interview with some of the respondents. The interview was aimed to dig out some questions deeply and elicit the information that could not be acquired through questionnaire.

B. Research Setting

The research was conducted in Philosophy of Science classes in the academic year of 2014/2015, ELESP Sanata Dharma University. First of all, the researcher gathered the data on Monday, 18 May 2015 through distributing the questionnaire at 07.00 a.m. in class I and at 09.00 a.m. in class J. Afterwards, the researcher did the interview on Wednesday, 20 May 2015 starting from 10 a.m. until 4 a.m. which was located at the corner of Mrican campus of Sanata Dharma University, Yogyakarta.

C. Research Participants

The participants of this research were chosen based on the purposive sampling method. It was the way of selecting the research participants by using judgment that the participants could become the sample to provide the data needed for the research. In this research, the researcher chose the sample based on the judgment and belief that the participants of the research had experienced in doing group presentation project during their study. Fraenkel, et al.(2012) say that “in purposive sampling the


researcher did not simply study whoever is available, but rather use their judgment to select a sample that they believe, based on prior information will provide the data they need” (p. 99).

Therefore, the researcher gathered the data from the students that had experienced the use of group presentation strategy. The participants were from the ELESP Sanata Dharma University students in the academic year of 2014/2015. The researcher selected the participants as the sample of this research because the participants were considered to have provided the data needed in the research. During the semester these students had experienced the use of group presentation project. There were 61 participants of this study. The students happened to be in the Philosophy of Science classes. They were from I and J classes and these two classes had the lesson on the same day. Thus, the researcher decided to take the data from them. The participants selected were believed to provide the data needed because they had experienced the use of group presentation project several times during their learning process. Moreover, it was also considered that the amount of the sample was sufficient for the research data and the sample represented the population of the research.

Actually, there were 36 students in each class and the total of the students from the two classes were 72. Unfortunately, some of the students were absent on the day of data gathering. For that reason, there were only 61 students who participated in this research. All of the 61 students participated in answering the first research


29 instrument, questionnaire. After that, four (4) students were selected to be interviewed; there were two students selected from each class. They were selected based on the consideration of their highest and lowest score from answering the questionnaire. It revealed their perceptions of the statements given in the questionnaire. The highest score represented positive responses and the lowest score represented negative perceptions.

D. Research Instruments and Data Gathering Technique

This is one of the essential parts in this chapter. This part describes the questionnaire and interview as the instruments employed in doing the research. In addition, it talks about the techniques of collecting the data.

1. Instruments

This research used two instruments such as questionnaire and interview. As Cohen, Manion & Morrison (2003) say, questionnaire and interview are common to be used in collecting the survey data.

a. Questionnaire

In this research, a questionnaire was used in order to find out the answer to the research questions. It was to know the students’ perceptions and suggestions on the use of group presentation strategy to enhance their independent learning. The researcher chose a questionnaire to obtain the personal information from the


respondents (Hopkins, 1976). It was common to be employed in collecting survey data because it was quick to complete and straightforward to code (Cohen, et al., 2003, p. 396). Therefore, the use of questionnaire in this study was important to help discover the answer to the research questions.

The questionnaire items in this research were categorized in closed-ended and open-ended items. The items were made by forming some statements that were taken from related theories of the topic in this research. For detailed information, readers could see the blueprint in Appendix 1. There were 20 closed-ended items provided and each item had four degree of agreement options to be selected. The degree of agreement options provided were strongly agree, agree, disagree and strongly disagree. The degree of agreement used in the questionnaire was based on Likert scale with four degree of agreement which had one to four scales (Brown & Rodgers, 2002, p. 120). The scales were four (4) for strongly agree, three (3) for agree, two (2) for disagree and one (1) for strongly disagree. The scales were merely used to count the total score of closed-ended questionnaire from each respondent. There was no undecided option in the questionnaire. So, the respondents could directly express their answers, whether they agreed or disagreed with each statement. The items of the questionnaire were divided into two parts; they were about the process and the effects of group presentation to foster students’ independent learning. The sample of the closed-ended questionnaire form was as follows (Table 3.1). For further information, the complete form of the questionnaire was applied in Appendix 2.


31 Table 3.1 The Sample of the Closed-ended Questionnaire Form

Statements Strongly Agree

Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree

I am involved in a group work to do presentation.

I always participate in making a group presentation.

In addition, there was one open-ended item to collect students’ suggestions on the use of group presentation strategy. It was aimed to make the respondents feel free to share their answer honestly. As stated by Cohen, et al. (2003), open-ended question enables the respondents to respond freely in their own term (p. 248). Besides, it can catch the authenticity, richness, honesty and depth of response from the respondents (Cohen, et al., 2003, p. 255).

b. Interview

The second important instrument in this research was interview. Interview was chosen because through communication people can share their opinion, knowledge and understanding easily. It could complete the data which cannot be found out through questionnaire and asked some questions deeply. As Cohen, et al. (2003) say “interview may be used in conjunction with other methods in a research undertaking” (p. 268). In addition, interview in this research was aimed to clarify the responses to the questionnaire’s statements.


The type of the interview which was conducted was semi structured and personal interview. The semi structured interview was chosen because it was flexible to use. The collection of questions was planned first as the guideline in doing the interview. When the interview was going on, the questions could be directly expanded according to the situations and needs. It is a kind of informal type of interview, as suggested by Ary, Jacobs, and Razavieh (1972) that “free questioning of the subjects is possible regarding their views, attitudes, beliefs, and other information” (p. 174). There were four open-ended questions provided as the guide of the interview (Appendix 3). Four students were interviewed to share their answer to the questions about their perception on the use of group presentation strategy whether or not it improved their independent learning. They were chosen due to their highest and lowest score of answering the questionnaire.

2. Data Gathering Technique

There were two ways of gathering the data in this research. The first way was by distributing the questionnaire to 61 ELESP Sanata Dharma University students in the academic year of 2014/2015. It was done after the researcher was permitted to do the data gathering by the students and the lecturer, just to make sure that they wanted to help the researcher do this research. The researcher explained to the students about the topic of the research and how to fill the questionnaire.

After taking the data of the questionnaire, the researcher chose four (4) respondents to be interviewed. The researcher asked their permission and made an


33 appointment to do the interview. They were interviewed personally to establish deep and honest answers. Obviously, it was aimed to dig out more data from the interviewees. The researcher also recorded the talk during the interview.

E. Data Analysis Technique

To deal with the data analysis techniques, the researcher analyzed the data which had been obtained through the questionnaire and interview. The data were compared and contrasted to the theories from the previous chapter. It was the theories about group presentation project’s process and effects to foster students’ independent learning. Then, the data were analyzed and interpreted into description.

However, there were some steps done to process the descriptive data. Firstly, the data from closed-ended questionnaire were put into table (Table 3.2). The table contained the numbers of each item, statement, and students’ responses in the degree of agreement. The degree of agreement answered by each student was calculated into raw data and converted into percentage. In order to count the raw data into percentage, the researcher used a formula as follows.

x = the number of respondents who choose the degree of agreement

n = the total number of all respondents �


Table 3.2 The Participants’ Rating Scales Responses

No Statement

Degree of Agreement Strongly


% Agree % Disagree % Strongly Disagree

% 1

2 Etc.


Then, the researcher analyzed the statements in closed-ended questionnaire and interpreted the responses of each statement based on the rating scales data. It was to explain the findings of the first research question about students’ perceptions.

Additionally, the findings of the closed-ended questionnaire were supported by the data from the interview. The data of the interview itself were transcribed first. After that, the researcher interpreted and coded the answers from the interviewees in written form. The data from the interviews were useful to support the previous data from closed-ended questionnaire, which was meant to help answer the first research question. In addition, the coding of the interview result itself was applied in Appendix 4.

Secondly, the researcher collected the data of open-ended questionnaire to obtain the answers to the second research question. It was about students’ suggestions on group presentation project to improve their independent learning. The answers to the open-ended questionnaire data were listed into a table. There were many varied answers found. Consequently, the researcher clustered and classified similar answers to simplify the answers to the respondents.


35 F. Research Procedure

There were several steps that had been done in doing this research. They were as follows.

1. Deciding the topic of the research

To begin with, the researcher selected the topic of the research first. The researcher selected the topic through some consideration and consultation with the thesis advisor.

2. Formulating the research questions

After a topic had been selected, the researcher formulated the research problems into two research questions. The research problems became the focus to be discovered through this research. They were the students’ perceptions and suggestions on the use of group presentation strategy to enhance their independent learning.

3. Proposing the research proposal

Then, the researcher organized the plan of the research for the first three chapters. The first chapter talked about the background information of the research. The second chapter consisted of the theories related to the research. The theories guided the discussion on the findings of the research. The third chapter presented the methodology of the research.


4. Preparing the research instruments

The researcher prepared the instruments for taking the research data. There were two instruments applied in collecting the data. They were questionnaire and interview. In preparing the instruments, the researcher prepared the blueprint and then did the piloting for each instrument.

5. Distributing the questionnaire

The first way to collect the data was by distributing the questionnaire to 61 respondents. It was obtained from the English Language Education Study Program Sanata Dharma University students in the academic year of 2014/2015. After that, the researcher analyzed the results of the questionnaire. 6. Doing the interview

As the continuation of gathering data from the questionnaire, the researcher interviewed four (4) students as the representatives of all the respondents. Then, the researcher transcribed and interpreted the information gathered from the interview.

7. Explaining and discussing the data collected

After the data gathering instruments were done, the data were processed by the researcher. The data were interpreted and analyzed through some steps, which had been discussed in Chapter III. Next, the data answered the research questions. The researcher explained the analysis of the findings in Chapter IV.


37 8. Concluding the research

The researcher concluded the major findings of the research and recommended some suggestions for future researchers.

9. Reporting the results




This chapter discusses the results of the research. The results were acquired through the questionnaire and interview. There are two main parts of discussion in this chapter. The first part discusses the students’ perceptions on the use of group presentation strategy to improve their independent learning. Students’ perceptions were obtained through analyzing the data of closed-ended questionnaire and interview. Next, the second part discusses the students’ suggestions on the use of group presentation strategy to improve their independent learning. To find out

students’ suggestions, the data of open-ended questionnaire were examined.

A. Students’ Perceptions on the Use of Group Presentation Project to

Enhance their Independent Learning

The discussion on this part aimed to answer the first problem of the research. The researcher employed a questionnaire and an interview in order to obtain the answer. Additionally, this research employed some theories as the guideline to support the findings of the research. The theories were concerned with the process and the effects of doing group presentation project in influencing or fostering

students’ independent learning. Therefore, this part was divided into two sections. The first subsection discussed students’ perceptions on the process of doing group


39 presentation project to foster their independent learning. Then, the second one talked

about students’ perceptions on the effects of doing group presentation project to foster their independent learning.

1. The Process of Doing Group Presentation to Foster Independent Learning

This subsection discussed students’ perceptions on the process of doing group presentation project. The focus was on the students’ experiences of the process of doing group presentation project which affects their independent learning. Altman, et al. (1985) said that what someone perceives through his or her real experience is related to how they behave. Therefore, this research expected that the students can be more aware of his or her independent learning and improve it by perceiving their opinion on it through the questionnaire. There were ten statements about the process of doing group presentation project in the questionnaire and the students gave their responses to each statement. The results of the questionnaire were summarized in Table 4.1.

Each statement in Table 4.1 inquired about the process of doing group presentation project of the students. According to Meyer, et al. (2008), independent learning does not merely involve pupils working alone. Thus, the first two statements

asked the students’ opinions on their learning process with their friends and lecturer.

The first statement in the table showed that 100% of the students agreed that they were involved in doing group presentation project. The 55.7% of the students


strongly agreed, 44.3% of the students agreed, and none of the students disagreed as well as strongly disagreed with the statement.

Table 4.1 Process of Doing Group Presentation Project

No. Statement

Degree of Agreement SA (%) A (%) D (%) SD (%)

1. I am involved in a group work to do a

presentation. 55.7% 44.3% 0.0% 0.0%

2. I consult my lecturer when I am confused about

my group presentation topic. 26.2% 67.2% 6.6% 0.0%

3. I explore about the presentation topic with my

friends in group. 41.0% 59.0% 0.0% 0.0%

4. I combine my perspective about the topic with

my friends in group. 47.5% 52.5% 0.0% 0.0% 5. I take part in preparing a group presentation. 67.2% 32.8% 0.0% 0.0%

6. I share the information about the topic with my

friends in group. 62.3% 37.7% 0.0% 0.0% 7. I study the topic of discussion on my own. 19.7% 55.7% 24.6% 0.0%

8. I study the topic of discussion with my friends

in group. 39.3% 59.0% 1.6% 0.0%

9. I master the presentation materials because

every group member should speak. 19.7% 70.5% 9.8% 0.0%


I practice with my friends before the presentation begins because of the time estimated.

4.9% 36.1% 54.1% 4.9%

Then, the second statement showed that there were 93.4% of the students who consulted their lecturer when they were confused about their group presentation topic.


41 The 26.2% of the students strongly agreed and 67.2% of the students agreed with it. Otherwise, there were 6.6% students who disagreed to do consultation to their lecturer. None of the students answered strongly disagree with statement number two. The researcher concluded that the entire students had experienced the process of doing group presentation project during their study in college. Moreover, the students did not only interact with their friends in doing the project, but also with their lecturer during the learning process. The relationship between students and lecturer was required to support independent learning development (Meyer, et al., 2008, p. 3).

The third statement dealt with whether or not the students explored about the topic of presentation with their friends in group. There were 41.0% and 59.0% students who strongly agreed and agreed with this statement. There was neither disagreement nor strongly disagreement responses to this statement. After that, the statement number four showed that the students combined their perspective about the topic discussed with their friends in group. There were 47.5% out of all students who strongly agreed and 52.5% of the students agreed with statement number four. Whereas, none of the students disagreed or strongly disagreed with statement number four. It meant that more than half students who explored about the topic of the presentation and combined their different perspectives. These findings were strengthened by the statement of some students who were interviewed. An interviewee stated that:


A. Answer the statements below by giving () mark in each statement!


Degree of agreement: SA : Strongly Agree A : Agree

D : Disagree


B. Please answer the question below honestly (open-ended)

What are your suggestions on the use of group presentation strategy so that it can be beneficial for your independent learning improvement?

______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________



Guiding Questions

1) Do you like group presentation project? Why or why not?

2) What contribution do you give while doing group presentation project? 3) What effects do you get from group presentation project?

4) In what way does group presentation project fosters your independent learning?

(from the process of doing the project in group until the presentation)


Coding of the Interview Results

1) Do you like group presentation project? Why or why not? No Interviewee Answers

1 #1 Not really. Maybe I’m a kind of individual person, so when I should do group work and then we should have the same free time and then manage the time.

2 #2 I like group presentation project because of in here I learn more about how to work each other in the group I also learn how the part which is given to me.

3 #3 Yes, because presentation project is one of the ways of learning so and of course like it or not we must to do presentation project in the class.

4 #4 Yes, I like presentation project because it is quiet challenging because we have to have a good communication so we can combine our ideas into one and then present it to our friends in the past.

2) What contribution do you give while doing group presentation project? No Interviewee Answers

1 #1 Maybe like when my friends have worked on the assignment for 70% maybe or 60% I will justcontinue it. Just continue it but I will not be the first one who have the huge idea or give the huge contribution for my group. I just continue my work’s friend, edit my power point or just send the email to the lecturer.

2 #2 I do my work first and then if there are or there is friend that need help so I will help them as best as I can and the usually I share my opinion.

3 #3 I will find the information and then the theory beyond the topic. 4 #4 I do like to give many ideas or my critical thinking into my

presentation, my explanation, combine the idea to the theory, and finish the power point.


3) What effects do you get from group presentation project? No Interviewee Answers

1 #1 If I have difficulties I can ask my friends.

2 #2 I become more diligent because I must bring something to the group to be discussed so it forces me to search.

3 #3 I became know more about the theory and the topic that another students haven’t known yet. I also become more motivated because I know more about the topic and if there are friends who ask us.

4 #4 I can be more communicative and also I can be more open-minded because considering that I have my own ideas, I have my own opinions which can be different with others.

4) In what way does group presentation project fosters your independent learning?

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1 #1 Maybe I learn independently only on my part.

2 #2 It helps me to be more responsible for my own work, in order to finish it.

3 #3 I have a responsibility to master the topic.

4 #4 I have to work together with some other friends then I do the presentation and I do the parts independently.

5) Based on your answer in the questionnaire, why did you agree to the statement that doing group presentation project can foster your independent learning?

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1 #2 Because by doing group presentation project we are accustomed to be more prepared and it makes us more independent.

2 #3 Because we need to dig and get a lot of information to the topic that we have. From that process we can do it independently.


6) Based on your answer in the questionnaire, why did you disagree to the statement that doing group presentation project can foster your

independent learning?

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1 #1 Because I feel that I am more independent, I become more independent if I do it myself because I work it alone so I am independent right. But if I do it, do the task or the assignment with my groups mostly all of the package of the assignments are done by my friends. So, I am dependent to my friends, I am not independent.

2 #4 Actually, I do not totally disagree because whether it has effects to my independence it depends on me and other members. If all of the members can do our own part by ourselves and responsible to our part then we can be more independence, we will not depend to other members. It depends on the member in the group.