Observing Classroom Action Research Cycle 2

words they wanted to learn, and list them in a piece of paper. The target words were not selected by the teacher but the students selected what words they would learn according to their own judgments. Soon after they have listed the words they wanted to explore, they were asked to implement contextual guessing strategy to accomplish the task, finding the meaning of words they have selected. It was expected that every students had different list of words for every students had different mastery of vocabulary. The second homework was slightly different with the first one. While the reading passage of the first homework was provided by the teacher, in the second homework the students had to find by themselves the source of their learning as well as the words they would explore. The students planned their task accomplishment soon after the instruction was given. According to the data gathered from the interview session, there were two types of planning found. Those were time and source of learning. First, it was found that the students’ purpose of planning the time for accomplishing the task was to make them be able to perform the task given well. A participant of the interview, Ms. White, articulated her awareness of the importance of good time management to gain her best result by explaining her planning that she would accomplish the assignment on Thursday night because usually there was no homework on that day. So, she would be able to concentrate on the accomplishment of assignment on contextual guessing better. Furthermore, she added that if she did the assignment on Thursday, she would still have much time to check it, for the assignment was to be collected on Monday. From her explanation, it was evident that Ms. White recognized well the relationship between the time management and the output of the task. In other words, by possessing good time management, the task might be managed and performed well that brought into the better output. On the other hand, a principle of priority also worked here. Ms. Red admitted that she planned to do it in the evening after the assignment was given. But she failed to perform it because in fact there was another homework that should be collected in the following day. So, based on her explanation, she delayed doing the assignment on guessing from context because she thought that she had to prioritize the homework that should be collected first. Examining her answer, it was found that students made use of the principle of priority in managing their time. They managed their time to accomplish a task based on the deadline of the task. Meanwhile, other participants of the interview declared that they would do the assignment on Sunday for they would have longer time. Since this type of homework was relatively new for them, they thought that they would need more time to accomplish it. Three interviewees, Mr. Brown, Mr. Blue, and Mr. Black, argued that they would do the assignment on Sunday. Based on their elaboration, Sunday is a holiday, so they had long time to finish the assignment. Mr. Black added that learning vocabulary by guessing from context was new for him, so he thought that he would need much time for it. Second, it was also discovered that in accomplishing the task, especially the second task, they carried out a kind of planning related to the source of learning. According to the data gathered from the interview, there were two kinds of source