The Development Caused by Alec Scudder

51 changed. From all the description above, it can be concluded that the changes of Clive Durham has the influences in M aurice‘s character development. First, Maurice becomes an unfaithful. It can be seen through Maurice‘s behaviour. He prefers to go with Clive to go to chapel. He has lost his interest to go to church. Second, Maurice changes into an indifferent person. He was used to be a person who was responsible to his education and caring to his mother. Since he has a relationship with Maurice, he tends to be an indifferent person. He feels no guilty when the Dean sent his down. Even, he has no intention when his mother asks him to apologize to the Dean. Third, Maurice becomes a temperamental person. He does not want to listen to Dr. Barry‘s advice. They even quarrel during the consultation.

2. The Development Caused by Alec Scudder

Maurice takes a week‘s holiday to Penge, Clive‘s residence. Maurice meets Alec Scudder who is Clive‘s servant. Alec takes notice of Maurice since his coming. He keeps eye on what Maurice‘s doing in his room. One night, Maurice is really asleep when he springs up and flings wide the curtains with a cry of ―Come‖ then he is aware that there is a ladder resting against his window sill. Alec hears his shout and he enters Maurice‘s room. But as he returns to his bed a little noise sounded, a noise so intimate that it might have arisen inside his own body. He seemed to crackle and burn and saw the ladder‘s top quivering against the moonlit air. The head and the shoulders of a man rose up, paused, a gun was leant against the window sill carefully, and someone he scarcely knew moved towards him and knelt beside him and whispered, ― Sir, was you calling out for me?... Sir, I kn ow.... I know,‖ and touched him p.187. 52 They sleep together until morning wakes them up. Both of them are very happy. They introduce themselves and Maurice asks Alec to just call him Maurice, without Sir. It becomes their habit every night, Maurice calls Alec and then they sleep together in Maurice‘s room. At first Maurice is not sure that he feels something to Alec, but he starts to be curious of him. When going back to his home, Maurice finds the information about Alec from Clive. Maurice pretends that he wants to look for a servant like Alec. Arriving at home, Maurice is surprised by a letter send by Alec. Alec writes in his letter that Maurice has to come back to Penge in order to meet him before he leaves Penge. However, Maurice ignores it until Alec sends him the second letter. In his letter, Alec accuses Maurice for not treating him fairly. Alec also threatens Maurice with a bold and italic word that he knows something. Actually, Maurice does not want to reply the letter but he worries that Alec knows about his past gay relationship with Clive. Then, he replies the letter by saying that Alec must keep the secret on him. Alec replies it and asks Maurice to meet him. They arrange to meet in British Museum. They talk and quarrel about themselves and their feeling. Actually, they admire each other but they do not have enough courage to admit it until Alec asks Maurice to stay with him. At first Maurice rejects it, but he finally goes and sleeps together. Maurice is aware that he loves Alec but he still worries if their gay relationship will end up like what has happened between him and Clive. He is doubtful that Alec has not enough bravery to face the world that cannot accept people like them. 53 Yes, he was in luck, no doubt of it. Scudder had proved honest and kind. He was lovely to be with, a treasure, a charmer, a find in a thousand, the longed-for dream. But was he brave? p. 225. Unfortunately, Alec will leave England and go sailing in order to have a better and definite job. Maurice begs him not to leave him. He promises to suffice their needs but Alec strongly decides to leave England. Maurice is back with his loneliness as it has been before Clive. Maurice cannot forget everything related to Alec. He thinks that he has to struggle for his love. He does not want to give up and feel lonely again. Then, he decides to meet Alec in his home. He hopes that Alec has not sailed yet. Fortunately, he finds Alec there, who has been waiting for Maurice. And since Maurice did not speak, indeed could not, he added, ―And now we shan‘t be parted no more, and that‘s finished.‖ p. 236. Maurice tells to Clive about his gay relationship with Alec. Clive is shocked. He does not believe that Maurice is still gay. He is doubtful that Maurice will be happy with Alec. However, Maurice convinces Clive that he will be happy because Alec and Maurice love each other. From the description above, it can be concluded that the changes in Alec has the influence on Maurice‘s character development. He has changes Maurice. The prominent change is Maurice becomes a brave person. Although Maurice tries to ignore Alec the first time they met, he finally admits that he also falls in love with Alec. However, when he starts to decide to live with him, Alec suddenly changes his mind; he says that he will leave England. Knowing this situation, Maurice almost gives up but then he decides to struggle his love. Bravely, he admits his sincerity to love and to be together with Alec. He even tells Clive that 54 he has been together with Alec. As it is said previously, based on Hurlock‘s theory 1974, the changes in Maurice‘s characters are affected by a certain condition. It is the changes in significant people. If the significant person‘s in one‘s life changes, he cannot avoid the changes in his pattern of behaviour, attitudes, beliefs, values, and aspirations to theirs p. 126. The significant people in Maurice‘s life are Clive Durham and Alec Scudder. As described above that both people have changed the character of Maurice. The changes in Clive that influence Maurice‘s character development can be categorized as the changes for the worse. As stated by Hurlock 1974, personality changes for the worse lead to deterioration in the self-concept and other behaviour patterns which lead to even poorer personal and social adjustment p. 120. It is shown by Maurice‘s behaviour that shows deterioration in his characteristics, such as unfaithful, indifferent, and temperamental. On the other hand , the change in Alec also influences Maurice‘s character development. It can be categorized as the changes for the better. Hurlock 1974 states that personality changes for the better lead to successful adjustment that improves the self-concept and self-confidence of a person p. 120. It is shown by Maurice‘s bravery when he fights for his love to Alec. It shows that he has an improvement in his self-confidence. 55


This chapter consists of three parts. The first part presents the conclusions of the analysis. The second part presents the implications of the study. The last part presents suggestions for future study on the novel.

A. Conclusions

Based on the analysis, Maurice has been classified into a major character. It is because he becomes the focus of the story. Maurice possesses six characteristics. The first characteristic is good looking. It is clearly shown in the novel through his personal description, and what other people think and say to him. His good looking appearance is one of the reasons that attracts Clive to him. Although, he has good physical appearance, he is considered as a lonely person. His loneliness is seen from his having no close friend since he was a boy. Even his sister calls him an introvert person because he is so mysterious and nobody knows about him. The next characteristic is faithful. He is raised in a Christian family. It makes him obey the rule of his religion. Next, Maurice is a caring person. He cares about his mother and his sister. He also shows his caring to Clive by sending him letters during the holiday. Besides, Maurice is a jealous person. His jealousy is addressed to Ada and Clive. The last characteristic of Maurice is sensitive. Maurice even shows his sensitivity by crying. In this novel, Maurice is described as a homosexual. It is because of some