Problem Formulation Objectives of the Study Benefits of the Study Definition of Terms

4 Forster depicts the life of a homosexual explicitly, such as creating three homosexual characters with different characteristics. He also shows the development of the character, especially Maurice, from he is a child until he becomes a man. Forster can describe about homosexuality clearly. It is understandable because E.M. Forster is a homosexual himself. It seems that he puts his personal experiences into the novel. The way Forster shows the relation of Maurice with Clive and even Alec as a homosexual couple is also interesting. It describes the changes in Maurice character in different condition. Based on the facts described above, it is interesting to find out about the life of homosexuals. Therefore, the writer wants to know about the characteristic of Maurice who is described as a homosexual in E.M. Forster’s Maurice. Further, the factors that make Maurice a homosexual and his character development as a homosexual are also interesting to be analysed. Hopefully, this study will contribute another description of a homosexual.

B. Problem Formulation

There are three problems formulated in this study. They are: 1. How are Maurice’s characteristics depicted in the novel? 2. What are the psychosocial and sociopsychological factors that make Maurice homosexual person? 3. How does the character of Maurice develop? 5

C. Objectives of the Study

The aims of this study are first to describe the characteristics of Maurice as the major character of the novel. Second, it tries to find out the psychosocial and sociopsychological factors that make Maurice becomes a homosexual person. Third, it describes the character development of Maurice as a homosexual.

D. Benefits of the Study

This study hopefully can give benefit to the writer and the readers especially who have the interest of the literary works. From the study, the writer can understand the novel better, especially the character of Maurice as a major character. Through the study, the writer will be able to learn the meaning of homosexual and its types, and what factors that make a man can be said as a homosexual gay. This study is meant to introduce E.M. Forster as a great author who wrote some of his works based on his personal life experience and to give the description of the story Maurice. Through this study the readers hopefully can be more encouraged to discuss and analyse Maurice or other E.M Forster’s works. This study is also meant to enrich the readers with another portrait of homosexual life.

E. Definition of Terms

For a clear understanding of the content of this study and avoiding confusion that might be aroused, there are definitions that need to be clarified: 1. Character 6 According to M.H. Abrams 1981 in his Glossary of Literary Terms, a character is the person who is presented in a dramatic narrative work, which is interpreted by the reader as having a good feature or quality with moral and dispositional qualities that are expressed in what the person says; his or her dialogue, and by what he or she does through the action p. 23. In this study, a character that will be analysed is Maurice. He becomes the focus of the novel. He always comes out in the story from the beginning until the end of the story. 2. Character Development Robert and Jacobs 1989 in Fiction: An Introduction to Reading and Writing defines the term character as an extended verbal representation of human being, the inner self that determines thought, speech, and behaviour p. 143. According to Lemme 1995 in Development in Adult, development is “a systematic change in behaviour over time that results from interaction between the individual and the internal and external environment” p. 8. So, it can be said that character development is a change of a character who is representative of a human being as a result of his personal interaction , other characters’ influence, past life, and or his own past life. In this study, the term of character development refers to the changes that happen in Maurice as the main character as the result of others character’s influence. 3. Homosexual According to Huffman, et al 1997, in their book Psychology in Action, homosexual is a person whose primary sexual orientation is toward members of the same sex p. 362. It means that homosexual does not only cover men but also 7 women. The preferred terms today are gay for male homosexual and lesbian for female homosexual. In this study, the term of homosexual refers to Maurice who has sexual attractions to other men, namely Clive and Alec. 4. Homosexuality According to VandenBos 2006 in APA Dictionary of Psychology, homosexuality is a sexual attraction or activity between members of the same sex p. 446. The term can also refer to such sexual orientation in both men and women. In this study, the term of homosexuality refers to the sexual activity between Maurice and his gay partners. 8