Psychosocial Factor The Factors that Make Maurice a Homosexual Person

38 Maurice‘s sensitivity can also be seen through his reaction toward his family. It is found how Maurice reacts to his family who have mispronounced Clive‘s name. Maurice goes home and talks to his family about his friend . On reaching home he talked about Durham until the fact that he had a friend penetrated into the minds of his family. Ada wondered whether it was brother to a certain Miss Durham-not but what she was an only child- while Mrs Hall confused it with a don named Cumberland. Maurice was deeply wounded. One strong feeling arouses another, and a profound irritation against his womenkind set in. His relations with them hitherto had been trivial but stable, but it seemed iniquitous that anyone should mispronounce the name of the man who was more to him than all the world. Home emasculated everything p.50. The quotation shows Maurice‘s reaction toward his family. He is so sensitive and angry when his family mispronounces the name of Clive. He thinks that if Clive heard this, he will be angry too and Maurice does not want it happens to Clive.

B. The Factors that Make Maurice a Homosexual Person

Homosexuality is a complex phenomenon. People can be homosexuals for many different reasons. Many researchers try to investigate why he or she can be a homosexual. Coleman 1976, in his book Abnormal Psychology and Modern Life and Thomas 1990, in his book The Encyclopaedia of Human Development and Education: Theory, Research, and Studie s mentions some causes of homosexuality. Based on their theories, the possible factors that make Maurice become homosexual will be explained as follow:

1. Psychosocial Factor

Coleman 1976 notes that there is no priori assurance that such 39 heterosexual behaviour will develop without specific social encouragement, and in societies which have encouraged homosexuality, sexual development has been found to be readily directed toward such homosexual patterns p. 397. Based on the Coleman‘s theory of psychosocial factor, Maurice‘s homosexuality is influenced by his “family pattern”. Maurice lives with his mother and two sisters. He becomes the only man in his family. His father is dead when he was child. His grandfather lives far from them. It makes him has no good figure of a man who is close to him personally. Therefore, he is so dependent to his mother who spoils him. He likes his home and recognizes his mother as its presiding genius. Without her there would be no soft chairs or food or easy games, and he was grateful to her for providing so much, and loved her p. 16. They like to kiss one another and converse aimlessly. ―Morrie...‖ ―Mummie...‖ ―Now, I must give my Morrie a lovely time. Now, what shall we do these holidays?‖ ―I like here best.‖ ―Darling boy...‖ She embraced him, more affectionately than ever. ―There is nothing like home, as everyone finds.‖ ―Yes, tomatoes‖, she liked reciting the names of vegetables. ―Tomatoes, radishes, broccoli, onions‖ ―Tomatoes, broccoli, onions, purple potatoes, white potatoes,‖ droned the little boy. ―Turnip top—‖ pp. 16-17. One of the theories about family influences is also proposed by Husband 1947, he says that children absorb more of mother‘s personality characteristics, like and dislikes, attit udes, and modes of behaviour than the father‘s p. 250. In addition, as quoted by Huffman 1997, Bieber finds evidence that men with 40 overprotective, dominant mothers and passive or absent fathers are slightly more likely to be gay p. 376. Based on the conversation between Maurice and his mother, Mrs. Hall, and supported by the theory proposed, it can be concluded that Mrs. Hall has been a person who influences him to be homosexual. Mrs. Hall is an overprotective mother, especially to Maurice. She also dominates her family since her husband is dead. Further , Maurice tends to have his mother‘s characteristics, which are caring and sensitive.

2. Sociopsychological Factors