











This thesis written by Hastowohadi was approved on April 30, 2011


Advisor II

Drs. Jarum, M.Ed

Advisor I


This thesis was defended in front of the examiners of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of University of Muhammadiyah Malang

and accepted as one of the requirements to achieve Sarjana degree in English Education

on April 30, 2011

Approved by:

Faculty of Teacher Training and Education University of Muhammadiyah Malang


Drs. H. Fauzan, M.Pd


1. Dr. Sri Hartiningsih, M.M 2. Dra. Erly Wahyuni, M.Si 3. Dra. Thathit Manon A, M.Hum 4. Drs. Jarum, M.Ed


1……… 2……… 3……… 4……….






Literature is a kind of art, usually written, that offers pleasure and illumination. Interestingly, through literature, people can contribute their imagination to achieve what they want in their life. By reading literature, people can share the idea and feeling. In addition, people can get the information for truth and to asses people in order to get the real human life situation.

This study was conducted to analyze the conspiracy done by Germany to kidnap Winston Churchill in Jack Higgins’ novel “The Eagle Has Landed”. The analysis was focused on the purpose of conspiracy done by Germany and the impact on paratroopers.

In analyzing this novel, the writer used descriptive qualitative research because the writer wanted to describe and interpret the phenomena that existed in the novel of “The Eagle Has Landed”. The object of this study is the novel “The Eagle Has Landed” written by Jack Higgins while the data were taken from the whole events or dialogues in the story connected to the conspiracy done by Germany.

The result of the study shows that: (1) there are three purposes of the conspiracy done by Germany to kidnap Winston Churchill. First, Germany wanted to shake England position. Second, Germany wanted to save their position from England. Third, Germany wanted to make their moral victory became better. (2) The impacts of the conspiracy on paratroopers are: first, German paratroopers were blown. Second, the thirteen paratroopers were killed.

Advisor I Writer



“Slow but sure a nd posit ive t hink ing”


I dedicate this thesis to:

 My beloved father Subari and mother Lilik Sulistiyowati.  My beloved brother Aji Prayitno.

 My beloved girlfriend Novi.

 My lovely friends, Sihab, Fizi, Kang Reza, Kang Slamet, Devi, Yanti, and the class of Bu Thathit guidance.



In the name of God, Allah Swt, most gracious and merciful, you are the best for the writer. By Allah blessing and mercies, the researcher could finish this thesis well. May salam and shalawat always be given to be beloved prophet Muhammad SAW who has brought him from the darkness to the lightness that is Islam as Rahmatan lil ‘alamin. The researcher also would like to express sincere gratitude to:

1. Thanks to Allah Swt for giving the writer healthiness and permit him to presence in the final exam.

2. Dra. Thathit Manon Andini M.Hum. and Drs. Jarum M.Ed. as the advisors for their help, guidance, correction and suggestion in finishing this thesis.

3. All of the lecturers of English Department who have given supply of knowledge during the writer’s study at University of Muhammadiyah Malang. 4. The writer would like to express his gratitude toward his beloved brother, father, and mother for giving him the good graces, moral, and financial supports. The writer also thanks to his friends, one guidance of Bu Thathit class, mbak Iis, mas Slamet, mas Reza Pahlevi and other who I could not mention one by one.

5. Thanks to the entire writer boarding house friends for giving some advices and supports to finish the thesis to be punctual and well.

Malang, May 2011



Legalization ………..……….. ii

Motto and Dedication ……… ii

Abstract ……… iv

Acknowledgement ……… v

Table Of Contents ………. vi

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the study ………..……… 1

1.2 Statement of the problem ……….. 3

1.3 Purpose of the study ………... 3

1.4 Significance of the study ……….. 3

1.5 Scope and Limitation ………... 4

1.6 Definition of key terms ……… 4


2.2 Novel ………. 7

2.3 Kinds of novel ………... 7

2.4 Elements of novel ……….. 9

2.4.1 Theme ……… 9


2.4.3 Character ……… 11

2.4.4 Characterization ……… 11

2.4.5 Conflict ………... 12 The function of conflict ……... 13

2.4.6 Point of view ……….……… 13

2.4.7 Setting ……… 14

2.5 Conspiracy ………. 15

2.5.1 Types of conspiracy theory ………... 15

2.6 The principle of conspiracy theory ……… 16

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1 Research Design ………... 18

3.2 Approach ……….. 19

3.2.1 Objective Approach ……….. 20

3.2.2 Mimetic Approach …….……… 20

3.2.3 Pragmatic Approach ………. 20

3.2.4 Expressive Approach ……… 20

3.3 Object of the Study ……… 21

3.4 Data Collection ……….. 21



4.1 Research Finding ………. 22

4.1.1 The Purpose of the Conspiracy ……... 22 Germany Wanted to shake England Position … 22 Germany Wanted to Save Their Position …… 24 Germany Wanted to Make Their Moral Better… 25

4.1.2 The Impacts of the Conspiracy Done by Germany……. 25 German Paratroopers were Blown ………. 25 The Thirteen Paratroopers were Killed ………. 26

4.2 Discussion ……… 27


5.1 Conclusion ……… 30

5.2 Suggestion ………. 30

Bibliography ……….. 32

Appendix I ………. Appendix II ………



Arp & John. 2006 Perrine’s Literature Structure, Sounds and Sense. Thomson Wadsworth Corporation.

Ary, Donald, et. al. 2002 Introduction To Research In Education. New York: Longman.

Barkun. 2003. A Culture of Conspiracy. University of California Press.

Kennedy. 1983. An International to Fiction, Poetry and Drama. Boston: Toronto. Kentroversy. 2006.(http:/www./


Koesnosoebroto, Sunaryo Basuki, 1988. The Anatomy of Prose Fiction. Jakarta: Departemen Pendidikan Dan kebudayaan. Direktorat Jendral Pendidikan Tinggi; Proyek Pengembangan Lembaga Pendidikan Tenaga Kependidikan. Macmillan. 1984. Apreciating Literature. New York: Mac Millan Publishing


Meyer, Michael. 1990. Introduction To Literature. New York: Bedford books of St. Martins Press

Morgan. 2002. (

Switzer. 2010. ( Tarigan, Henry Guntur. 1984. Prinsip-Prinsip Dasar Sastra. Bandung: Angkasa

Putra Bandung.

Webster. 2007. Merriam-Webster’s Collaborative English Dictionary.

Webster. 1994. Merriam-Webster’s Encyclopedia of Literature. Massachusetts. Merriam-Webster Incorporated.




1.1 Background of study

People all of the world have ever dreamed about imagination that is full of fantasy to happen in the real life. Interestingly, through literature, people can contribute their imagination to achieve what they want in their life. Further, according to Meyer (1990:3), “One of the most important values of literature is that nourishes our emotional lives.” Definitely, from that statement, people can maintain their emotion, passion and love to be one as unity of part of human nature. Ultimately, those senses of literature will emerge the reason why people want to read literature.

The reason why everyone reads literature is because it offers pleasure and illumination. Furthermore, literature represents people’s culture and tradition. By reading literature, people can share the idea and feeling. Literature attempts to bring something important about life and it appeals most to the aesthetic imagination to the readers’ creative efforts. In addition, people can get the information for truth and to asses people in order to get the real human life situation. According to Connolly (in Koesnosoebroto, 1988:1), “We read because of a hunger information, or amusement, or solace, because an appetite for truth that seem to grow by what it feeds on.” At the same point, literature obtains the purpose for entertainment, enjoyment and also agitation.

There are many kinds of literary work such as novel, drama, poem, poetry and so on. Literary work can be told as a branch of literature dealing with words as raw material for producing a story in meaningful sense. So, literary work emerges as


imaginary thing to gain the framework of vision of the author’s feeling. Those understanding cause the readers intensively to read literary works as well as possible. According to Meyer (1990:11), reading literary works responsively can be an intensively demanding activity. Furthermore, by reading literary works, the people can observe, analyze or consider whether the actions, which have been done by characters in the stories, are favorable or not. One of literary works product is novel.

Novel is a long narrative prose fiction. Novel tells us the reflection of human life as a simple miniature. Indeed, novel tells something that usually happens in our daily life. So, by reading novel, the readers will know surely about problems in human life and the problem solving as the key of life. As the description of human imitation, novel plays the significant role for the readers, especially how to comprehend it.

The writer chose the novel of “The Eagle Has Landed” because it was the popular novel that was published over thirty languages. It is about Kidnapping Winston Churchill. Besides, this novel was a successful book, having sold nearly 26 million copies since it was first published in 1975.

The writer is interested in analyzing “The Eagle Has Landed” because it has an interesting story about conspiracy which has been done by Germany to kidnap Winston Churchill as the big portion of this story. As a matter of fact, Churchill had the most important role in World War II as the prime minister of England and it was the most powerful ally in the world.


1.2 Statement of the problem

Here are the statements of the problem that need to be answered in this study: 1. What is the purpose of the conspiracy done by Germany to kidnap Winston


2. What is the impact of the conspiracy done by Germany to kidnap Winston Churchill on paratroopers?

3. What is the type of conspiracy theory used by Germany to kidnap Winston churchill?

1.3 Purpose of the study

Derived from the statement of the problem above, it can be formulated of the purpose of the study as follows:

2. To know the purpose of the conspiracy done by Germany to kidnap Winston Churchill.

3. To know the impact of the conspiracy done by Germany to kidnap Winston Churchill on paratroopers.

4. To know type of conspiracy used by Germany to kidnap Winston Churchill

1.4 Significance of the study

The writer of this thesis hopes that this study can be useful for the readers and especially for the students of English Department who concern on this study. The students of English Department will get the knowledge of study. It is hoped that the thesis will be able to help the students in literature subject, especially in novel


through reading and comprehending well. For the researcher itself, it can add the knowledge and elicit the result of analyzing the theory of conspiracy.

1.5 Scope and limitation

In this study the researcher just focused on analyzing Jack Higgins’ Novel “The Eagle Has landed.” The researcher also limits this study on the conspiracy done by Germany because conspiracy is the major problem in this novel and Germany shows their conspiracy the most.

1.6 Definition of key terms

In this thesis the researcher needs to explain some definitions of key terms related to the study in order to avoid misunderstanding and ambiguity.

1. Analysisis a description about necessary part of a matter especially from book that has purpose to get knowledge of the matter clearly.

2. Conspiracy is a secret mission between two or more persons in an

organization or group to carry out an illegal or harmful act.

3. Winston Churchill was a prime minister of England from 1940 to 1945 in the era of Second World War and was known as British Politician.

4. Novel is a fictitious tale or narrative, longer than a short story, having some degree of complexity and development of characters; it is usually organized as a time sequence of events, and is commonly intended to exhibit the operation of the passion, and often of love (Webster in collaborative International


5. The eagle has landed is the title of the novel which is being analyzed in this study. It tells us the conspiracy to kidnap Winston Churchill. (Jack Higgins, 1976)

6. Jack Higgins is the author of some bestselling novels such as Eye of The

Storm, The President’s Daughter etc. He was born in Newcastle, England July 27, 1929 (ht t p:/ / w w w .scint illa.ut w ent gert / higgins/ pic/)

7. The Eagle Has Landed is an international bestseller novel about the

outstanding plot to kidnap Winston Churchill (A Bantam Book published in June 1975 by arrangement with Holt, Rinehart and Winston).




Arp & John. 2006 Perrine’s Literature Structure, Sounds and Sense. Thomson Wadsworth Corporation.

Ary, Donald, et. al. 2002 Introduction To Research In Education. New York: Longman.

Barkun. 2003. A Culture of Conspiracy. University of California Press.

Kennedy. 1983. An International to Fiction, Poetry and Drama. Boston: Toronto. Kentroversy. 2006.(http:/www./


Koesnosoebroto, Sunaryo Basuki, 1988. The Anatomy of Prose Fiction. Jakarta: Departemen Pendidikan Dan kebudayaan. Direktorat Jendral Pendidikan Tinggi; Proyek Pengembangan Lembaga Pendidikan Tenaga Kependidikan. Macmillan. 1984. Apreciating Literature. New York: Mac Millan Publishing


Meyer, Michael. 1990. Introduction To Literature. New York: Bedford books of St. Martins Press

Morgan. 2002. (

Switzer. 2010. ( Tarigan, Henry Guntur. 1984. Prinsip-Prinsip Dasar Sastra. Bandung: Angkasa

Putra Bandung.

Webster. 2007. Merriam-Webster’s Collaborative English Dictionary.

Webster. 1994. Merriam-Webster’s Encyclopedia of Literature. Massachusetts. Merriam-Webster Incorporated.




1.1 Background of study

People all of the world have ever dreamed about imagination that is full of fantasy to happen in the real life. Interestingly, through literature, people can contribute their imagination to achieve what they want in their life. Further, according to Meyer (1990:3), “One of the most important values of literature is that nourishes our emotional lives.” Definitely, from that statement, people can maintain their emotion, passion and love to be one as unity of part of human nature. Ultimately, those senses of literature will emerge the reason why people want to read literature.

The reason why everyone reads literature is because it offers pleasure and illumination. Furthermore, literature represents people’s culture and tradition. By reading literature, people can share the idea and feeling. Literature attempts to bring something important about life and it appeals most to the aesthetic imagination to the readers’ creative efforts. In addition, people can get the information for truth and to asses people in order to get the real human life situation. According to Connolly (in Koesnosoebroto, 1988:1), “We read because of a hunger information, or amusement, or solace, because an appetite for truth that seem to grow by what it feeds on.” At the same point, literature obtains the purpose for entertainment, enjoyment and also agitation.

There are many kinds of literary work such as novel, drama, poem, poetry and so on. Literary work can be told as a branch of literature dealing with words as raw material for producing a story in meaningful sense. So, literary work emerges as



imaginary thing to gain the framework of vision of the author’s feeling. Those understanding cause the readers intensively to read literary works as well as possible. According to Meyer (1990:11), reading literary works responsively can be an intensively demanding activity. Furthermore, by reading literary works, the people can observe, analyze or consider whether the actions, which have been done by characters in the stories, are favorable or not. One of literary works product is novel.

Novel is a long narrative prose fiction. Novel tells us the reflection of human life as a simple miniature. Indeed, novel tells something that usually happens in our daily life. So, by reading novel, the readers will know surely about problems in human life and the problem solving as the key of life. As the description of human imitation, novel plays the significant role for the readers, especially how to comprehend it.

The writer chose the novel of “The Eagle Has Landed” because it was the popular novel that was published over thirty languages. It is about Kidnapping Winston Churchill. Besides, this novel was a successful book, having sold nearly 26 million copies since it was first published in 1975.

The writer is interested in analyzing “The Eagle Has Landed” because it has an interesting story about conspiracy which has been done by Germany to kidnap Winston Churchill as the big portion of this story. As a matter of fact, Churchill had the most important role in World War II as the prime minister of England and it was the most powerful ally in the world.


3 1.2 Statement of the problem

Here are the statements of the problem that need to be answered in this study: 1. What is the purpose of the conspiracy done by Germany to kidnap Winston


2. What is the impact of the conspiracy done by Germany to kidnap Winston Churchill on paratroopers?

3. What is the type of conspiracy theory used by Germany to kidnap Winston churchill?

1.3 Purpose of the study

Derived from the statement of the problem above, it can be formulated of the purpose of the study as follows:

2. To know the purpose of the conspiracy done by Germany to kidnap Winston Churchill.

3. To know the impact of the conspiracy done by Germany to kidnap Winston Churchill on paratroopers.

4. To know type of conspiracy used by Germany to kidnap Winston Churchill

1.4 Significance of the study

The writer of this thesis hopes that this study can be useful for the readers and especially for the students of English Department who concern on this study. The students of English Department will get the knowledge of study. It is hoped that the thesis will be able to help the students in literature subject, especially in novel



through reading and comprehending well. For the researcher itself, it can add the knowledge and elicit the result of analyzing the theory of conspiracy.

1.5 Scope and limitation

In this study the researcher just focused on analyzing Jack Higgins’ Novel “The Eagle Has landed.” The researcher also limits this study on the conspiracy done by Germany because conspiracy is the major problem in this novel and Germany shows their conspiracy the most.

1.6 Definition of key terms

In this thesis the researcher needs to explain some definitions of key terms related to the study in order to avoid misunderstanding and ambiguity.

1. Analysisis a description about necessary part of a matter especially from book that has purpose to get knowledge of the matter clearly.

2. Conspiracy is a secret mission between two or more persons in an

organization or group to carry out an illegal or harmful act.

3. Winston Churchill was a prime minister of England from 1940 to 1945 in the era of Second World War and was known as British Politician.

4. Novel is a fictitious tale or narrative, longer than a short story, having some degree of complexity and development of characters; it is usually organized as a time sequence of events, and is commonly intended to exhibit the operation of the passion, and often of love (Webster in collaborative International Dictionary of English, 2007).



5. The eagle has landed is the title of the novel which is being analyzed in this study. It tells us the conspiracy to kidnap Winston Churchill. (Jack Higgins, 1976)

6. Jack Higgins is the author of some bestselling novels such as Eye of The

Storm, The President’s Daughter etc. He was born in Newcastle, England July 27, 1929 (ht t p:/ / w w w .scint illa.ut w ent gert / higgins/ pic/)

7. The Eagle Has Landed is an international bestseller novel about the

outstanding plot to kidnap Winston Churchill (A Bantam Book published in June 1975 by arrangement with Holt, Rinehart and Winston).