Teaching the key vocabulary

R: S: Kalau mau mencari informasi tertentu dari teks, masih dibaca secara keseluruhan? Do you still read the whole text to find the specific information? Enggak Miss. Pakai strategi supaya cepat carinya. Kalau mau mencari, ingredients, tidak perlu dibaca seluruh teks, cukup melihat bagian-bagian tertentu saja. Jadi gak lama bacanya. No, I do not. I use the strategy, and that will be quick. If I want to find the ingredients I just need to read a particular part. It will not take too long to read. AppendixInterview Transcript 8 From the students’ responses above, it can be seen that the students was able to read efficiently. It is because the use of semantic mapping involves the use of efficient strategies namely scanning and skimming. The students also got the benefit of using another reading strategy, namely skimming. It can be seen from the interview transcript below. R: S: Galan, sekarang kalau mau mengetahui intisari dari teks masihkah dibaca semua teksnya? Galan, if you want to know the gist of the text, do you still read the whole text? Sudah tidak mbak, kan sudah belajar pakai strategi. Cukup baca bagian tertentu aja, misalnya bagian awal paragraph atau bagian awal dan akhir dari teks. I do not do it anymore. I have learned the reading strategy. I just need to read some parts of the text. For example in the beginning of each paragraph or in the beginning and the end of the text. AppendixInterview Transcript 8 After learning how to use proper reading strategies, the students spent less time to read and comprehend the text. Reading strategies helped the students to read texts efficiently.

e. Asking the Students to Guess the Meaning of the Words

In order to facilitate the comprehension of a text, vocabulary knowledge is extremely important. If students do not understand the meanings of the words they encounter in a context, their comprehension of the context is likely to fail. To develop reading fluency and increase reading efficiency, guessing the meanings of words from context is significantly useful. During the study the students were taught to guess the meaning of words from context. It can be seen from the following quotation. While reading the text, there were students who asked the meaning of some words from the text. The researcher asked them to guess the meaning of the words. The researcher asked the students to reread the sentences in which the unknown words exist and reread the sentences before and after the words. AppendixField Note 2 New words presented in isolation are hard to learn but words in context help the students to deduce meaning from context and they see how new words are used grammatically in a sentence. To continue reading without interruption, guessing meanings of words from context is a useful skill.

3. Reflection

After conducting actions in Cycle I, the researcher and the collaborators discussed the actions in Cycle I. They discussed it based on the data that had been gathered. In order to fulfill the democratic validity, the researcher took the data not only from the researcher herself, but also from the students and collaborators. The data were gathered from the observation during the actions. Interviews with the students and collaborators would also be the important data that the researcher