Data and Data Source Data Collecting Method Data Analysis Method


3.1 Research Design

There are some steps which the writer taken in the process of thesis writing. They are as follows: 1. The writer will collect the data from other theses: Dardanila 1985, Rakyan 1986 and Wahab 2008. 2. The writer will make the prefix in English and Gayonese as the main object of the analysis which are analyzed form aspect of form, distribution, function and meaning. 3. The writer will contrast them and make a general conclusion from the analysis.

3.2 Data and Data Source

The data taken from previous theses which the topics are related to this writing. They are: 1. Dardanila 1985 titled Perbandingan Afiksasi Bahasa Gayo Dialek Gayo LUT dengan Afiksasi Bahasa Indonesia and Drs. H. M. Salim Wahab 2008 titled Tata Bahsa Gayo Lues. From these theses, the writer took the prefixes in Gayonese as the data . 2. Rakyan. 1986 titled Suatu Analisis Kontrastif Afiksasi Bahasa Inggeris dan Bahasa Banten. From this thesis, the writer tokk the prefixes in English as the data. Universitas Sumatera Utara

3.3 Data Collecting Method

In collecting data, the writer uses library research. Library research as the method of research is applied in this thesis to find some relevant theories that support the writing especially from all references deal with Contrastive Analysis. The writer collects the data from books and previous theses related to English and Gayonese Language Prefixes.

3.4 Data Analysis Method

The data found then analyzed based on contrastive analysis. Qualitative Descriptive method is applied in the process of analysis because the writer needs to describe the data more deeply. As quoted from Burhan Bungin’s book: “Penelitian kualitatif adalah penelitian yang dilakukan dengan keterbatasan sasaran penelitian tetapi kedalaman data kualitas data tidak terbatas. Semakin berkualitas data yang dikumpulkan, semakin berkualitas penelitian tersebut.” Qualiative Researsh is the research done with the limitation of goals but unlimitation of qualified data. The writer also apply the descriptive method to describe the fact as the way it is to the readers. This thesis also is simply about fact-finding. Nawawi 1993 :31 states that Qualitative Descriptive is a research method that is an effort to solve a problem or a condition or an event as the way it is. In other words, this method is simply about fact finding. Universitas Sumatera Utara “ Penelitian ini terbatas pada usaha mengungkapkan suatu masalah atau keadaan atau peristiwa sebagaimana adanya sehingga bersifat sekedar untuk mengungkapkan fakta fact finding Universitas Sumatera Utara CHAPTER IV THE ANALYSIS OF PREFIXES IN ENGLISH AND GAYONESS 4.1 ENGLISH 4.1.1 Form