Dealing with work Dealing with others Dealing with one self SKENARIO TUTORIAL

27 RUBRIK INSTRUMEN PENILAIAN TUTORIAL Blok : Nama: Tutorial : NIM: Petunjuk Pengisian :  Berilah nilai terhadap anggota kelompok Anda sesuai dengan petunjuk rubrik penilaian skor 1-4  Diperbolehkan memberikan nilai dengan pecahan desimal misal 3,5 No Aspek yang diobservasi Skenario 1 Skenario 2 Skenario 3 Skenario 4

1. Dealing with work

2. Dealing with others

3. Dealing with one self

Jumlah Skor Nilai Akhir Minikuis Tanda tangan Tutor Nama Tutor Rumus Nilai Akhir NA : 28 Rubrik Penilaian Tutorial Aspek Kriteria Skor Dealing with work - Pada pertemuan pertama mahasiswa memperlihatkan pengetahuan hasil belajar tentang topik terkait. Pada pertemuan kedua, mahasiswa membawa minimal 2 text books dan 2 jurnal sesuai kasusskenario - Pada saat diskusi, mahasiswa mampu menunjukkan kemampuan sesuai materi yang telah dipelajari - Aktif mengungkapkan ide-ide terkait topikkasus brainstorming - Berpartisipasi aktif dalam kelompok minimal 3 x dalam masing-masing langkah : 3,4, dan 7 - Memberikan tanggapan terhadap pendapat anggota kelompok 4 Terdapat 3 – 4 kriteria pada kelengkapan materi dari 5 kriteria yang terpenuhi 3 Terdapat 2 kriteria pada kelengkapan materi dari 5 kriteria yang terpenuhi 2 Terdapat 1 kriteria pada kelengkapan materi dari 5 kriteria yang terpenuhi 1 Dealing with others - Bekerjasama dalam tim - Menjadi pendengar yang baik - Mampu berperan sebagai ketuasekretarisanggota dengan baik - Mampu membuat kesimpulan dari hasil diskusi - Komunikasi dengan santun 4 Terdapat 3 kriteria pada kelengkapan materi dari 5 kriteria yang terpenuhi 3 Terdapat 2 kriteria pada kelengkapan materi dari 5 kriteria yang terpenuhi 2 Terdapat 1 kriteria pada kelengkapan materi dari 5 kriteria yang terpenuhi 1 Dealing with ne self - Mampu mempertahankan pendapatnya disertai dengan sumber-sumber yang valid - Mampu memberikan tanggapan atau masukan pada pendapat anggota lain - Mampu merefleksikan hasil diskusi - Mampu meningkatkan kemampuan sesuai masukan dari tutor - Datang tepat waktu - Berpenampilan syar’i 4 Terdapat 3 – 4 kriteria pada kelengkapan materi dari 6 kriteria yang terpenuhi 3 Terdapat 2 kriteria pada kelengkapan materi dari 6 kriteria yang terpenuhi 2 Terdapat 1 kriteria pada kelengkapan materi dari 6 kriteria yang terpenuhi 1 29


Scenario 1 General Learning Objective: After completing the tutorial process, the students are able to analyze the effect of hormones in the urinate process Students’ task: Make question as many as possible related to the scenario Method of study: Small Group Discussion SGD employing the seven jumps step. A man 22 years old went to the mountain for vacation. The cold condition made him diuresis for more than twelve times during 6 hours eventhough no drinking. When he went back to the city, he drank much than before because hot climate but he didn’t urinate more oliguria. He asked to his friend as a nurse, and his friend said that phenomenon happened because of body hormon. He said “Allohu Akbar” 30 MINIMAL THEORETICAL QUESTION AND ALTERNATIVE ANSWER 31 Scenario 2 General Learning Objective : After completing the tutorial process the students are able to understand nursing care patient with nephrolithiasis Students task: Make question as many as possible related to the scenario Method of study: Small Group Discussion SGD employing the seven jumps step. A man, 65 years old was admitted in surgical wards because of pain in during urinate since 3 days ago. That patient said he had been smoked for 10 years and drank little fresh water every day. He also suffer from pain with scale 8, continuous abdominal pain in his right lower quadrant. Physical assessment resulted pain in his right kidney percussion. Laboratory examination: BP 12090 mmHg, RR 20xmenit, P 90xmenit, T 36,5 o C, Hb 13,8 gr, albumin=3,7 mgdL. USG examination showed nephrolitiasis in his right kidney. 32 MINIMAL THEORETICAL QUESTION AND ALTERNATIVE ANSWER 33 Scenario 3 General Learning Objective: After completing the tutorial process the students are able to analyze nursing care plan patient with BPH Students task: Make question as many as possible related to the scenario Method of study: Small Group Discussion SGD employing the seven jumps step. A man, 68 years old was admitted to the surgical ward. He complained pain during urinate since one week ago, incomplete urinate, drips and took a long time to urinate. Results of USG showed prostate enlargement. Patient was diagnosed BPH. TURP was conducted 6 hours ago. Urine catheter was inserted. The patient had irrigation with NaCl 1000 cc, 60 dropsminute. Nurse measured the fluid balance and observed the color of the discharge. Patient did not pray because he confused if it was appropriate to pray when having catheterization. 34 MINIMAL THEORETICAL QUESTION AND ALTERNATIVE ANSWER 35 Scenario 4 General Learning Objective: After completing the tutorial process the students are able to analyze nursing care plan fluid and nutrition nursing management of patient undergoing hemodialysis HD Students task: Make question as many as possible related to the scenario Method of study: Small Group Discussion SGD employing the seven jumps step. A man 45 years old had been doing renal replacement therapy hemodialysis for 2 years caused by end stage renal disease. According to that patient and the nurse there, at his first year, the patient should only got hemodialysis twice a week. From the evaluation, body weight gain always 3 kg, ureum dan creatinin level always high, and patient couldn’t control his meal and drink, so the doctor gave new hemodialysis prescription for 3 times per week. Now, the patient condition like dry and dark colour in his skin, abdominal ascites, body weight pre hemodialysis 75 kg, body weight post hemodialysis 73 kg with body height 160 cm, blood pressure 180100 mmHg, pulse 80xminute, RR 16 xminute, Albumin level 2.5, Hb 9 gdL, Hematocrite 39,6, Ureum 100 mgdl, Creatinin 13,30 mgdL. His wife said that until now her husband still can’t manage for eating and drinking, so she consulted to the nurse about fluid and nutritional management for patient with hemodialysis, and also how to motivate her husband for keeping his pray. 36 MINIMAL THEORETICAL QUESTION AND ALTERNATIVE ANSWER 37