The Linguistic Functions of Womens Language

Tag question in conversation has aimed to: 1. Give the addressee freedom, not forcing him or her to go along with the speaker. 2. Make small talk, trying to elicit conversation from the addressee. 3. Ask ones opinion in polite way in discussing personal feeling. 4. Avoid asserting herself in strong way thereby to avoid coming in conflict with the addressee. 3. Rising Intonation on Declaratives. Rising intonation on declaratives is used when the speaker seeking for confirmation, though at the same time the speaker may be the only one who has the requisite information. 4. The Use of Empty Adjectives. The use of empty adjectives is to show the speakers approbation or admiration for something. 5. The Use of Precise Color Terms. Women use the precise color terms because it is related to their specific interest. When women prefer to use the precise color term it intends to show that she is good in their own field. 6. Hypercorrect Grammar. Hypercorrectness in grammar is related to the politeness in utterance and aloofness of the relationship between the speaker and addressee. Once uses hypercorrect grammar to show politeness and at the same time create the distance to the addresses. 7. The Use of Intensifiers. The use of this term is more frequent in women than men language, though certainly men can use it. 8. Super-polite Form. Super-polite form is related to the hypercorrectness in grammar. It is often suggested that politeness be developed by societies in order to reduce friction in personal interaction. 9. Avoidance of Strong Swears Words. The difference between using strong swears words lies in how forcefully one says how ones feels choice of particle is a function of how strongly one allows oneself to feel about something, so that the strength of the emotion conveyed in a sentence corresponds to the strength of the particle. 10. The Use of Emphatic Stress. The use of emphatic stress is to emphases ones judgment on something. Women who are concerned more one feelings and effective functions use emphatic stress to show the positive politeness to the addressee.

2.3.4 Men vs Women Linguistic Behavior

According to Holmes, 1992 that men and women speak not exactly the same way. The use of linguistic variation in language is closely related to the sex of the speaker. She said at least four different explanations were suggested. The first appeals to the social class and its related status for explanation. The second refers to women role in society, the third to women status as a subordinate group, and the last to the function of speech on expressing masculinity. 1. The social status explanation. Women use more standard speech form than men because they are more status- conscious than men. Women are more aware of the fact that the way they speak signals, their social class background or social status in community. Standard speech form is generally related with high social status. Women use more standard form as a way of claiming status. Women generally lack of status in society, it is suggested, and some try to acquire by using standard speech form and reporting that they use even more of these form than they actually do. 2. Women role as guardian of society value Women as designated the role of modeling correct behavior in the community. It is certainly not true at all, some example from the interaction between a mother and her child are likely to be very relaxed and informal, and it is in relaxed informal context that vernacular forms occur most often in every speech. Standard form is typically associated with formal and less personal interactions. 3. Subordinate group must be polite In the society women are categorized as subordinate group. Women must avoid offending men and they have to speak more politely than men. Women do not use standard forms only in order to protect their face, but also to respect people whom they are talking to. It is consistent with the fact about women sensitivity to their addressees. 4. Vernacular forms express machismo Standard forms tend to be associated with female value and femininity. Some linguists have pointed to the association of standard forms with female teachers and the norms they impose in the classroom with the suggestion that the boy may reject this female domination, and the speech forms associated with it, more strongly than girls. A preference for vernacular forms may be reaction to what is perceived as overly influential female norms. Vernacular forms that being learned since we were children usually used by the men to express masculinity and toughness. The converse of this claim is because standard form is identified with female values and femininity and have more prestigious rather than the vernacular forms.

2.3.5 Miscommunication between Women and Men

Based on Coates, 1986, she said that women and men have different characteristic when they have miscommunication in their conversation, as the follow: 1. In all-women groups, women often discuss one topic for half an hour or more; they share a great deal of information about themselves and talk about their feelings and their relationships.