The Features of Mens Language

Coates 2003 investigated conversation among groups of men with different ages and belonging to different social classes, however they have commonalities in which gender is constructed. The conversation involved only male gender. She indentifies four of the characteristics of mens language: 1. Stereotypically Masculine Topics. When two or more men gather and start to conversation, their topic is not far from masculinity, such as: dealing with cars, modern technology, drinking, and travel. Might be they also talk about some business. The masculine topics are usually talks about general topic. 2. Men Only. In the conversation between men and men, there would be only men. The topic in conversation might be about their life story, how good another man in achieving something to be natural mens conversation. The absence of women and other womens related matter is highlighted as a disturbing aspect of hegemonic masculinity in that maintains an ideology where men are all important and women are all invisible. 3. Great Attention on Detail. Coates said that men had a propensity to pay attention to detail in their conversation. A story of man struggling to get away from two bad guys will be a lot more than just punching, kicking, stabbing or else, but short of explaining the whole detail of place, smell and atmosphere of the scene. 4. Elaborate to Use of Taboo Words. The folk linguistic believe that men swear more than women and use more taboo words is widespread. It is heard masculine to use taboo words. These words seem to be created for men to use, and only men. However, the usage of taboo words in particular drops dramatically in mix sex conversation. Based in Coates, the characteristics all intended to accomplish dominant value of masculinity, which include emotional restrain, ambition, achievement and competitiveness. Coates explains how sometimes alternative masculinities expressing, for example: vulnerability are voiced, but these are silenced by peer pressure. She also argued that hegemonic masculine discourses are homophonic and misogynistic and tend to avoid self- disclosure.

2.3.3 The Linguistic Functions of Womens Language

In the other hand, Lakoff also proposed the function of women linguistic features, there are: 1. Hedges. The function of hedges in womens speech, such as: 1. To mitigate the possible unfriendliness or unkindness of a statement that is, where it is used for the sake of politeness 2. To show speakers uncertainty about what she is staying, or cannot vouch for the accuracy statement. 3. As an apology for making an assertion, because the speaker does not want to assert herself strongly. In other words, hedges are used to weaken the strength of assertion. 2. Tag Question Tag question in conversation has aimed to: 1. Give the addressee freedom, not forcing him or her to go along with the speaker. 2. Make small talk, trying to elicit conversation from the addressee. 3. Ask ones opinion in polite way in discussing personal feeling. 4. Avoid asserting herself in strong way thereby to avoid coming in conflict with the addressee. 3. Rising Intonation on Declaratives. Rising intonation on declaratives is used when the speaker seeking for confirmation, though at the same time the speaker may be the only one who has the requisite information. 4. The Use of Empty Adjectives. The use of empty adjectives is to show the speakers approbation or admiration for something. 5. The Use of Precise Color Terms. Women use the precise color terms because it is related to their specific interest. When women prefer to use the precise color term it intends to show that she is good in their own field. 6. Hypercorrect Grammar.