Focus of the study Research Question Significances of the Study Research Methodology

4 Indonesia-English code switching and code mixing. The writer chooses Nine Summer Ten Autumns as the subject of this paper because Nine Summer Ten Autumns has different story than other and it based on true story about the struggle to make a dreams come true its one of best seller novel which can inspiring the reader.

B. Focus of the study

In this research the writer focuses on the analysis of the types of code mixing which are applied in the dialogues and about interference that are used by characters of the novel.

C. Research Question

Based on the background of study above, therefore the research question in this study can be summarized as follows: 1. What are the types of code mixing used by the figures in their conversation on Nine Summer Ten Autumns Novel ? 2. What interferences if there is any that happened in the dialogues used by the characters in Nine Summer Ten Autumns Novel ?

D. Significances of the Study

This study can give more information about code mixing and interference. The analyzes this study is expected to have advantageous for the readers who have the desire to know about phenomenon of code mixing and interference in conversations. 5

E. Research Methodology

1. Objective of the Research The objectives of the study are to describe the types of code mixing and about intereference which used by the figures in the conversations of the Nine Summer Ten Autumns Novel. 2. Method of the Research In this research, the writer uses qualitative method which relies on verbal data and non numerical description as fundamental analysis and problem solving for this research. Through this method the writer tries to explain about what types of code mixing and about interference which found in Nine Summer Ten Autumns novel. 3. Instrument of the Research The research uses qualitative method. The main instrument is a data card which found by reading and analyzing the data. This research use the relevant theories that relate to the code mixing that support this research. 4. Technique of Data Analysis There are the steps of data collection as follows : a. Reading and understanding the whole material as a source of data in many times. b. Making notes or marks the data that including of code mixing. c. Analyzing and explain the data to know code mixing and interference that happens. 6 To analyze the data the writer uses content analysis technique with the descriptive analysis technique and supported by the theories which relevant of code mixing. The data from the novel are compiled by reading and selecting needed data. Then the writer classifies the data which ones belong to code mixing. 5. Unit of Analysis The analysis units of this study is Nine Summer Ten Autumns novel by Iwan Setiawan published by Gramedia Pustaka Utama, in 2011. 6. Time and Place of study This research has been started since May 2013 up to September 2014 at English Letters Department. The Faculty of Adab and Humanities, State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. 7 CHAPTER II THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK

A. Sociolinguistics