Background of Study A sociolinguistics analysis of code mixing on Nine Summer Ten Autumns novel by Iwan Setiawan


A. Background of Study

Language becomes more flexible means of communication as it shared by all people in a given culture. They can express their messages, ideas, thoughts, and feelings to other more effectively and efficiently than other means of communication as they are only used in certain situations. 1 When we know language, you can speak and be understood by others who know that language. This means you have the capacity to produce sounds that signify certain meanings and to understand or interpret the sounds produced by others. We are referring to normal-hearing individuals. 2 Some of them are multilingual who are multilingual who are proficient to use three language, national language and other regional language or international language. 3 The variety of language is due to the geographical spread of language or social factors that create variation in sounds, words, and grammar. In the presence of variety of language is to encourage people to learn more than one language thus create bilingualism and multilingualism. Sociolinguistics concerns also with an inevitable phenomenon, as a result of bilingualism or multilingualism, how the members of a society create new code by adopting and combining 1 Muhammad Farkhan, An Introduction to Linguistics, Jakarta: UIN Jakarta Press, 2006, p. 9. 2 Victoria Fromkin, An Introduction to Language, US: Heinle, 2003, p. 4 3 Muhammad Farkhan, op .cit . p. 138. 2 some of elements from more two or more language. 4 When many members of society can speaks more than one language, switching between two or more languages in the same conversation is a common phenomenon. People sometimes switch code within a domain or social situation. People are usually forced to select a particular code whenever they choose to speak and they may also decide to switch from one code to another or to mix code. The code we choose to use on a particular occasion is like to indicate how we wish to be viewed by others and code switching and mixing may be very useful. A speaker may similarly switch to another language as a signal of group membership and shared ethnicity with an address. Even speakers who are not very proficient in a second language may use brief phrases and words for this purpose. In many countries, regional variation is not simply a matter of two dialects of a single language, but a matter of two or more quite distinct and different languages., for example, Indonesia as archipelagoes countries with different tribes has hundreds of regional languages vernacular as their first languages used in every day communication. Nowadays, as everything becomes more sophisticated. English has become a language that many people in Indonesia speak in their daily communication. Therefore, Indonesian people are not monolingual but bilingual who are capable of using their first language and the national language, Bahasa Indonesia as their second language. Most speakers command several varieties of any language they speak, and bilingualism, even multilingualism is the norm for many people 4 Ibid. 3 throughout the world rather than unilingualism. People, then are usually required to select a particular code whenever they choose to speak and they may also decide to switch from one code to another or to mix codes even within sometimes very short utterances and thereby create a new code in a process known as code-switching. 5 Code switching can arise from individual choice or be used as a major identity marker for a group of speakers who must deal with more than one language in their persuits. 6 We can use code switching and code mixing in daily conversation between one person to other or etc. Code mixing is seldom found within formal situation. There is no right expression in such condition; it is need to use the word or expression from foreign language; in written language. Sometimes the purpose of this code mixing is to exhibit the education or the status.The characteristic of code mixing marked by the relationship between the role and the language function, the role means who is using the language, while the language function means what is the aim wanted by the speaker with the speech. The other relaxation or informal situation. In this thesis the writer is interested in analyzing the kinds of codes and the functions of codes which used by the figures on the novel Nine Summer Ten Autumns. This novel is a part of Indonesian novel. The novel is the chick literature a novel about a dreams in Indonesia using New York as background setting of this novel. In Nine Summer Ten Autumns novel there is 5 Ronal wardaugh, An Introduction To Sociolinguistics 6 th , UK: William Blackwell, 2010, p. 98. 6 Ibid, p. 99. 4 Indonesia-English code switching and code mixing. The writer chooses Nine Summer Ten Autumns as the subject of this paper because Nine Summer Ten Autumns has different story than other and it based on true story about the struggle to make a dreams come true its one of best seller novel which can inspiring the reader.

B. Focus of the study