An analysis of code switching and code mixing on Skripshit novel written by Alit Susanto


A Thesis

Submitted to Letters and Humanities Faculty In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

The Degree of Strata One (S1)







SKRIPSHIT Novel Written By Alit Susanto. Thesis: English Letters Department, Faculty of Letters and Humanities, State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, August 2014.

This research is aimed to know code switching and code mixing problem that appears in the conversation of the Skripshit novel. It is also aimed to know the factors, functions, and types of code switching and code mixingon the novel.

The writer uses qualitative method where she analyzes to find out and classifies the code switching and code mixing. Then, for the conclusion the writer concludes the types, the factors, and the functions that implied of code switching and code mixing.

In this paper, the writer analyses about twenty dialogs using code switching and code mixing. She chooses the dialogs randomly which are interesting to be analyzed in each chapter. According to the data that have been analyzed. The writer found so many code cases in the conversation on the novel, it is caused Alit and friends always play their role as English Literature students who are expected to enjoy their informal conversation in their daily life in order to give the users feel comfortable, easy, and delightful. So, they always have variety theme and drift from one language to another.



another person nor material which to a substantial extent has been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma of the university or other institute of higher learning, except where due acknowledgment has been made in the text.

Jakarta, August 1st, 2014





First and foremost, praise is to Allah SWT, the Lord of the world. Thank for all of grace to the writer, for the chance to have a breath in every second, for giving her a wonderful life, for guiding her to finish this thesis. Peace and blessing of Allah may be upon the messenger of Allah, Muhammad SAW, his family and his companions.

The thesis is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Strata 1 (S1) of English Letters Department, Letters and Humanities Faculty, State Islamic University SyarifHidayatullah Jakarta.

In this circumstance, the writer would like to say thanks to her beloved parents Iskandar andHanifah , the great parents she has, who has always given support and full-financial during her study, for giving her everlasting loves, cares, and supports. Thank for their love, care, and pray in every step her life. The writer also wants to thank Mrs. SholikatusSa’diyah, M. Pd. As the writer’s advisor, for her time, guidance, kindness, wisdom, critics, correcting, and helping the writer for completing this thesis.

Thanks for all the meaningful people that help the writer doing this research. It would not be finished without their aids and supports. They are as follows:


vi during her study.

4. Her beloved sisters Zahrotul Addawiyah and Ismi Khumairoh for their supports.

5. Her close-mates Qomi, Marwan, Ovanda, Agung, Azka, Fitri and Mughni for their helps, supports, advises motivations, jokes, and knowledge. 6. English class-mates; Aminah, James, Yuni, Sharah, Unayah, Niam,

Hamdin, and KKN EKSIS Costivenessfor laugh, jokes, happiness, and a lot of unforgettablememories.

7. Her little sisters, Tata, Kiki, and Novi thanks for their supports, unforgettable memories, and jokes.

8. The librarians of Letters and Humanities Faculty, Librarians of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, and PKBB UNIKA Atma Jaya Library.

9. And all people who hearten her to finish this thesis that cannot be mentioned one by one, thanks for your kindness.

Jakarta, August 1st, 2014








A. Background of the Study...1

B. Focus of the Study...3

C. Research Questions...4

D. Significance of the Study...4

E. Research Methodology...4

1. Objective of the Research...4

2. Method of the Research...5

3. Instrument of the Research...5

4. Technique of Data Analysis...5

5. Unit of Analysis...6

6. Time and Place...6


1. Bilingualism and Multilingualism...7

A. Bilingualism...7

B. Multilingualism...9



6.Function of Code Switching and Code Mixing...21


A. Data Description...24

B. Data Analysis...26


A. Conclusion...48

B. Suggestion...49



CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION A. Background of The Study

In daily life people use language to communicate what they want to say. Language is very important as means of communication. Without language, the process of communication will not work. People are not able to get involved with their surroundings without using language and because of that, language has become a vital element in human life.

In addition, language is system sounds, words, and patterns, which is used by human to communicate thoughts and feelings.1 Language has already been defined differently according to various points of view. In general, it is defined as a means of communication by which people can communicate with others to transfer ideas, thought, feelings, attitudes or message.2 Besides it is also a major aspect that distinguishes human than any others creatures on earth. Yet when animals utter something, they do not mean talk but just an activity of producing sound.

Most Indonesian people are able to speak more than one language in their daily lives. People who can speak two languages are bilingual and if more than two languages called multilingual. As a result of having an ability of speaking several languages, people have a tendency to mix and switch their

1Oxford Advanced Learner‟s Dictionary, Fourth Edition : 1

995, p. 700. 2


languages. The tendency of mixing and alternation between two or more languages in a single conversation is called as code switching.

Bilinguals tend to code switch when their interculators are also bilinguals or multilinguals. The code switching can take place between or even within a sentence. The switch can involve a single word insertion from B language to A language, or switching between phrases and clauses within two languages or more than two languages3.

When a community consists of bilinguals it is called a bilingual community; and in the same way, when more than two languages are spoken in a community, we can call them as multilingual community. Today, bilingual and multilingual societies are very common in many parts of the world. Some countries like Singapore, India, Pakistan, Indonesia, China, Rusia, and the Philipines where is a large population speaking of different vernaculars are a few of the examples of multilingual communities.

Therefore, it is not wondered if we hear people use two or more languages while they are communicating with each other. And as a metter of fact, these people be considered as bilingual or multilingual. So it is important to know that code switching and code mixing is not negative phenomenon as a learning process of balancing the language that the person learns.

It is just a normal requirement of daily living that people speak several languages perhaps one or more at home, another in the village, still another for purpose of trade, and yet another for contact with outside world of wider


Francois Grosjean, Life With Two Languages, (Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1982). p. 3


social or political organization.4 And between bilingual speakers and speech communities differ as to the extent they paractice code switching in everyday life speakers, because some find themselves in situations where switching is possible or called for more often than other communities because norm for allocating languages to funtional dominans keeping them apart or allowing for mixed code are variable.5

The phenomenon of code switching and code mixing not only happen in oral communication but also in written such as novel in uses code switching and mixing on language conversation. They switch and mix a language and others commonly to show their presige in their community.

Based on the fact above, the writer chooses the Skripshit novel written by Alit Susanto published by Bukune in 2012 as a unit analysis. In this research, the writer finds so many code switching and code mixing cases in the dialogs of the novelthat can be analyzed.

B. Focus of the Study

In this study, the writer only focuses on the codes cases which are used in the parts of dialogue that have chosen random sample from each chapter based on the characters shared community in Skripshit novel published by Bukune in 2012 written by Alit Susanto.


Ronald Wardhaugh, An Introduction to Sociolinguistic, (Massachusett, Blackwell, 2004), p. 95.


Florian Coulmas, Sociolinguistics, The Study of Speaker’s Choice, (New York, Cambridge University Press, 2005), p. 111.


C. Research Question

Based on the background of the study above, therefore the research questions are:

1. What are the types of code switching and code mixing used by the characters intheir conversation on Skripshit novel written by Alit Susanto? 2. What are the factors that influence the code switching and mixing used by

the characters in the novel?

3. What are the functions of code switching and mixing utilized by the characters on the novel ?

D. Significance of the Study

This research will help the readers in understanding of code switching and code mixing in bilingualism case as one of macrolinguistic and have some beneficiaries for those who want to study in depth about English. In addition, it also will be a reference for next research for who are interested in.

E. Research Methodology

1. The Objective of the Research

The objectives of the research are to understand the types of codes (switching and mixing), to know the functions of code switching and mixing, and also give the suggestion and conclusion on the codes (switching and mixing) that happened in the Skripshit novel written by Alit Susanto which is in study in sociolinguistics.


2. The Method of the Research

In this study, the writer uses the selected data from the novel as content analysis the research. It will be analyzed through qualitative method. In this method, the writer will describe the selected data which will answer the two research questions above. All the data will be described qualitatively without using any numerical system.

3. Instrument of the Research

In this research the writer uses her self as a main instrument to collect relevant data in many ways such as, reading and understanding the novel, marking some conversation that include in code switching or mixing, and look for the factors.

4. Technique of Data Analysis

In this research, the writer uses the descriptive analysis technique by using sociolinguistic approach which has a relation with relevant code switching and code mixing theory.

The data collections are done through several steps, they are; (a) the writer select the novel of bilingual which in codes (switching and mixing), (b) reading the novel, (c) finding code switching and code mixing in the conversation on the novel, (d) analyzing the data using the theory of sociolinguistics, involving code switching or code mixing to know the


terms of codes based on theories in the novel, and (e) writing a report of a study.

5. Unit of Analysis

The analysis unit of the study is the Skripshit novel publisher by Bukune 2012 written by Alit Susanto.

6. Time and Place

The research is started from the seventh semester on December 2012. Located at Adab and Humanity Faculty UIN SyarifHidayatullah Jakarta, PKBB Atma Jaya University Jakarta, and University of Indonesia Depok. In the academic year 2012-2013




1. Bilingualism and Multilingualism A. Bilingualism

Nowadays, people rarely use only one language, because most people are interested in the existence of differences in language, ethnicity, and culture in other countries. This fact can cause bilingualism because they practice two languages in their daily lives. Moreover, people who practice the two languages can be categorized bilingual.In other word, a bilingual is a person who has equal capability to use two languages fluency.

Rather than worrying about definition, it is more useful to consider

what is needed to describe the nature of an individual‟s bilingualism. Clearly,

the first element is to identify each of the languages. The second important feature is the way each language was aqcuired. It is useful to distinguish between mother tounge learning, second language learning, and foreign language learning. Each of these suggest different possible kinds of proficiency.

According to Subyakto and Nababan, there are two types of bilingualism in Indonesia. They are:

1. Bilingual who speaks regional language and Indonesian.

Some factors that influence the occurrence of bilingual that speaks regional language and Indonesian are:


a. Social interaction, like trade, socialization, school and office affairs,

b. A local language has position that not extremely different from Indonesian.

2. Bilingual who speaks Indonesian and one of the foreign languages like English, French, Dutch, Arabic, and so on.6

In describing of bilingualism of an individual, another set of differences is often evident in the performance of certain internal functions. Bilingual usually prefer one language for functions such as counting, doing arithmetic, dreaming, cursing, or praying silently.7 Another useful way to describe bilinguals is by describing the external functions they can perform in each language. Bilinguals have a repotire of domain-related rules of language choice. The home-school or home-work switch is probbably the most common, with one language learned at home from parents and the second learned at school and used to work. When there is a language shift in progress, certain traditional domains may remain favoured for the use of language.

Because domains are composite concepts, there is the possiblility of conflict and therefore marked choice between languages. Thus, two people who normally who speak the standard language at work might use their innate language there to signal either a change of role-relation (family member or friend rather than co-worker) or topic (a home or neighbourhood topic) while


S. Utari Subyakto dan Nababan, Psikolinguistik Suatu Pengantar, (Jakarta, Gramedia Puataka Utama, 1992), pp.92-93.



still being in the same location. At this point, the important notion is that bilinguals use of his or her two languages is likely to vary considerably according to domain.

B. Multilingualism

The ability to use three or more languages refers to multilingualism. According to Matthews, multilingual is having equal control of more than two native languages.8 Multilingualism is not unusual. In fact, multilingual societies are found in all parts of the world. It is possible for a person to know and use three, four, or even more languages fluently.

One example of a condition of language in multilingual society that exists in Singapore. Singapore is one of the multilingual countries, because this country has more than one language. It has more than two kinds of languages and Singaporeans have an ability to shift from one to others, as follows:

In a multilingual country like Singapore, the ability to shift from one language to another is accepted as quite normal. Singapore has four official languages; English, Malay, Mandarin, and Tamil. This is also the national language. However, the majority of it is populations are native speakers of Hokkien, a variety of Chinese. National policy promotes English as a trade language, Mandarin as the international

„Chinese‟ language, Malay as the language of the region and Tamil as


Peter Matthews, The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Linguistics, (New York, Oxford University Press, 1997), p. 235.


the language of one of the important minor ethnic groups in the republic.9

According to Hoffman10 there are two factors causing people to be multilingual:

1. Historical factors

a. Military conquests, occupation, secession and annexation. b. Political marriages and succession arrangements.

c. Colonization.

d. Migration and immigration, and e. Federation.

2. Contemporary factors a. Neocolonialism.

b. Present-day immigration and migration of labor. c. Language promotion, and

d. Internationalization.

Internalization on the second factors has close relationship with this study. Based on those factors, it can be concludes that internal cooperation and communication need English. Therefore, English is needed to be taught in school and higher education because English is an international language.


Ronald Wardhaugh, An Introduction to Sociolinguistic, (Massachusett, Blackwell, 2004), p. 100.


Charlotte Hoffman, An Introduction to Bilingualism, (London and New York, Longman Group Limited, 1991), pp. 158-163.


This shows that bilingualism and multilingualism are caused by educational background.

2. Language Choice

People all over the world use language as medium to communicate with one another. In communicating, not only the people need to transfer their ideas, feelings or thoughts, its also their concepts and preceptions of the relationship between themselves and others. According to Ervin Tripp, someone who joined in different social situation normally has repotire such as alternative speech which can change depending on situation.11

Communicative repotire in a community also includes varieties of interaction strategies that exist in that community. Any one speaker also has variety of codes and styles from which to choose, but is it very unlikely any individual is able to produce the full range different subgroups of the community may understand and use different subsets of its available codes. The varieties of interaction strategies can make someone choose and change his language. Ervin tripp presents four main factors that account for change in code of variety.

1. The setting and the situation (time and place), such as home, school, etc.

2. The participants in the interaction, such as sex, age, status, etc. 3. The topic of conversation, such as law, politic, economy, etc.


Francois Grosjean, Life With Two Languages, (Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1982). p. 127.


4. The function of the interaction, such as greeting, apologies, etc.12 Janet Holmes explains, those are several social factor that affect someone to choose the language included in:

1. Social distance. How well do they know each other, what is the social distance between the participants. Familiy, starangers, or friends.

2. Status relationship between people. Social identitiy from listener who got mixed up with the conversation.

3. Social role. Typical role relationship, for example, doctor-patient, teacher-student.

4. Setting and dimension of formality. For example, in Singapore, English is more frequently selected code for official transaction,

regardless of the speaker‟s ethnicity.

5. Function. What is the language is being used for? Is the speaker asking a favor or giving orders to someone.13

Basically, language choice is the sequences of speech act composition which has structure and object. If speech act becomes a social phenomenon in certain situation even when in one particulary direction, speech act tends to be

an individual phenomenon, phsycological and affected by linguistic‟s ability

of the speaker when someone express their mind, idea, and though. It is influanced by combinating of spesific times, settings and role relationship.


Ibid, p. 128. 13

Janet Holmes, An Introduction to Linguistics, 2nd ed, (England, Pearson Education Limited, 2001), p. 1.


3. Code Switching and Code Mixing

Code switching and code mixing are well known traits in the speech pattern of the average bilingual in any human society the world over. Code switching is a very important aspect of bilingualism, and only of late has it received the unbiased attention of research. McLaughlin distinguishes code switching and code mixing. He says that code switching as language changes occurring across phrase or sentence boundaries and code mixing takes place within sentence and usually involves single lexical items.14 The code can be a variety that related to the element of language like sentence, clause, phrase and word which have the limitation because the code is choosen by the speaker based on his or her neccessity in communicating. So, language can be identified as a code.

According to Chaer and Leonie Agustina quoted Appel‟s perception

about code switching definition.

Apple (1976) mendefinisikan alih kode sebagai gejala peralihan

pemakaian bahasa karena berubahnya situasi.15

Apple defined code switching as the phenomenon of language use changing because of the change of the situation.


Charlotte Hoffman, An Introduction to Bilingualism, (London and New York, Longman Group Limited, 1991), p.110.


Abdul Chaer dan Leonie Agustina, Sosiolinguistik Perkenalan Awal (Jakarta: Rineka Cipta, 2004), p. 107.


According to Abdul Chaer, code switching is going to happen because of the differences of language between an individual or community of speech where is happening around.

Alih kode yaitu beralihnya penggunaan suatu kode (entah bahasa ataupun ragam bahasa tertentu) kedalam kode yang lain (bahasa atau

ragam bahasa yang lain) karena alasan tertentu.16

Code switching is the change of code using (even language or variety of language) to the other code (language or variety of language) because of spesific reason.

Bilinguals often switch between their two languages in the middle of a conversation. These code-switches can take the palce between or even within sentences, involving phrases or words or even parts of words. Transitional phenomenon of code switching is due to the use of language change in the situation but may also occur between a wide-variety and styles contained in a language.17The switching of words is the beginning of borrowing, which occurs when the new word becomes more or less integrated into the second language. One bilingual of individual using a word from language A in languages B is a case of switching, but when many people do, even speakers of B who do not know A are likely to pick it up. Especially if the pronounciation and morphology have been adapted, we can say the word has been borrowed.


Abdul Chaer, Linguistik Umum (Jakarta: Rineka Cipta 1994), p. 67. 17

Abdul Chaer & Leonie Agustina, SosiolinguistikPerkenalan AwalEdisiRevisi (Jakarta, PT Rineka Cipta 2004), p. 108.


There are various kinds of code switching. Immigrants often use many words from their new language in their old language, because many of the people they speak to know both languages. In this situation bilingual often develop a mixed code. In such a case, we might want to distinguish between code switching of the two languages in the mixed variety.

For a bilingual, shifting for convenience (choosing the avaliable word or phrase on the basis of easy ability) is commonly related to topic. Showing

the effect of domain differences, a speaker‟s vocabulary will develop

differentially for different topics in the two languages. Thus, speakers of a language who have received advanced education in a professional field in a second language will usually not have the terms in their native language.

The selection of a language by a bilingual, especially when speaking to another bilingual, carries a wealth of social meaning. Each language becomes a virtual guise for the bilingual speaker, who can change identity as easily as changing a hat, and can use language choice as a way of negotiating social relations with an interculator.

The bilingual individual thus provides a rich field for sociolinguistic study. A full understanding of bilingualism, however, depends on a deeper understanding of the nature of the speech communities in which they operate.

4. Types od Code Switching and Code Mixing

Based on Wardhaugh‟s theory code switching is classified into three kinds. There are situational code switching, metaphorical code switching, and


conversational code switching which called as intra-sentential code switching or code mixing. Each type related to each factor of code switching namely participant, solidarity (affective function), status, and topic.

The first type is situational code switching. Situational code switching is related to the factors of code switching that are participant, solidarity, and status. Situational code switching occurs when the language used change according to the situation in which the conversation find themselves. They speak one language in one situation and in different one.18 Situational code switching described about arrival of a nes person and status relation between people or the formality of their interaction. For example, some new switches

from English to Maori to greet his or her friend, the Maori‟s greeting is an

expression solidarity. So, a code switch may be related to a particular or addressee.19

Methaporical code switching occurs with in a single situation, but adds meaning to such components as the role relationship, which is being expressed. According to Bloom and Gumperz which is quoted by Hudson, methaporical code switching is where the choice of language that determines the situation. Furthermore, Wardhaugh says metaphorical code switching is a change of topic requires a change in the language used we have. The


Roland Wardhaugh, An Introduction to Sociolinguistic, 4th ed, (Massachusetts, Blackwell Publisher, 2004), p. 103.


Janet Holmes,, An Introduction of Linguistics, 2nd ed. (England, Pearson Education Limited, 2001), p. 41.


interesting point here is that some topics may be discussed in either code, but the choice of code adds the distinct flavor to what is said about the topic.20

Intra-sentencial code switching or conversational code switching or code mixing according to Wardhaugh who enhances Gumperz‟s theory that conversational code switching which is also recognized as intra-sentencial code switching is a switch of code within a simple utterence without any associated change.21

5. The Factors Influencing Code Switching and Code Mixing

According to Holmes, there are four factors that may influence people to code switch, they are:

1. Participants, the participants that use code switching to his or her

partners because they have certain will and goal. If a group of people are talking in one language and non-speakers enters, they will switch code or topic or both. Viewing from the personality of the participant, there are will and goal of code switching such as the speaker who wants to change the situation without any information in time and space.22

For example:

A : well i‟m glad to mett you. Ok?

B : andale pues (ok swell), and do come again. Mm?

(Switch between Spanish and English)


Op.cit, p. 103. 21

Ibid, p. 108. 22

Janet Holmes, An Introduction of Linguistics, 2nd ed. (England, Pearson Education Limited, 2001), p. 42.


By using the Spanish tag, M signaled to A that she recognized the relevance of their shared ethnic background to their future relationship. The tag served a solidarity marker between two minority ethnic group

member‟s whose previous conversation has been entirely in English.

2. Solidarity (affective function). A speaker may similary to another

language as a signal of group membership and shared etchnicity with an addressee. Even speaker who is not very proficient in a second language may use brief phrases and words for his purpose.23

For example :

(The Maori is in calibri. The translation in small capitals). Sarah : i think everyone‟s here except Mere.

Jhon : she said she maight be a bit late but actually i think thats her arriving now.

Sarah : you‟re right. Kia ora mere mai. Kei te phea koe?

(hi Mere, come in. How are you?)

Mere : kia ora hoa. Kei te pai. Have you started yet?

(hello my friend, I‟m fine).

In the conversation above, code switching appears with English as the main language and Maori is code switching language. People sometimes switch code within a domain or social situation. When there is some obvious change in the situation, such as the arrival of a new person, it is easy to explain the switch. Mere is Maori and although the rest of the



meeting will be conducted in English, Sarah switches to Maori to greet Mere. The Maori greeting is an participant of addresse.24

3. Status. A switch may also reflect a change in the other dimensions, such

as the status relationship between people or the formality of their interaction. More formal relationship, which sometimes involve status differences too, such as doctor-patient, administrator-client, or techer-student. Friendly relationship involving minimal social distance, such as neighbour or friend.25

For example :

(Bokmal in italic. Ranamal is not)

Jan : hello petter. How is your wife now?

Petter : oh she‟s much better thank you Jan. She‟s out of hospital and convalecing well.

Jan : that‟s good i‟m pleased to hear it. Do you think you could

help me with this pesky form? I’m having a great deal of

difficulty with it.

Petter : of course. Give it there...

This conversation took place in somewhere of Hemnesberget, between two neighbour, Jan and Petter. Nothing appears to change except the topic of discussion and with it code. In fact the change of topic here symbolizes a change in the relationship between men. They switch from their roles as neighbours to their roles as bureaucrat and member of


Janet Holmes, An Introduction of Linguistics, 2nd ed. (England, Pearson Education Limited, 2001), p. 41.



the public. They switch from a personal interaction to a more formal transaction.26

4. Topic. According to Holmes, people may switch code within a speech

event to discuss a particular topic. Bilingual often find it easier to discuss particular topics in one code rather than another. For many bilinguals certain kinds of referential contetnt are more appropriately or more easily expressed in one language than the other. For example:

(the chinese is in calibri. The translation is in small capitals)

A group of Chinese students are discussing Chinese costumes.

Li : people here get divorce too easily. Like exchanging faulty goods. In China it is not the same. Jia gou sui gou, jia ji sui ji.

(if you have married a dog, you follow a dog. If you have married a chicken, you follow a chicken.)

This partly because they have learn the vocabulary of their studies in English, so they do not always know the word like „morpheme‟ in Cantonese. In these example the switches not only emphasise the precise message content, they also signal ethnic identitiy. In other words they have an affectives as well as a referential function.27


Janet Holmes, An Introduction of Linguistics, 2nd ed. (England, Pearson Education Limited, 2001), p. 43.



6. Functions of Code Switching and Code mixing

Saville-Torike explains the functions of code switching and code mixing: a. Group identification.

b. Solidarity. c. Distancing.

d. Redefinition of a situation.

e. Soften or strengthen request command.

f. Saying something different languages in order to intensify or eliminate ambiguity.

g. Humorous effect in two indicate that are referentially derogatory comment is not to be taken seriously.

h. Direct quotation, which may range from stereotypical imitative speech in joking to learned citations in Latin or Greek.

i. Ideological statement, as in the case of Mexicans Americans referring to New Mexico as Neuvo Mexico [mehiko], or Texas as [Tehas], in an otherwise English sentence.

j. Lexical need, either if the speaker knows the desired expression only in one language, or if formulaic expressions in one language cannot be satisfactorily translated into the second, Insya Allah for example, if we speak to someone else with English use this word, we still use it by its original language; Arabic.

k. To exclude other people within hearing if a comment is intend for only for a limited audience.

l. Avoidance strategy, either if certain forms are incompletely learned in one of the languages, or if one language requires (usually because of paranormal selection) or a social status distinction one does not wish to make. For this reason, many native speakers of Javanese find Bahasa Indonesia a useful post-independence; democratic alternative. m. Repair strategy when the speakers realize they have been using

inappropriate code.

Whatever specific functions are served by code switching within a community, it adds to the verbal strategies that speakers have their command, and is to be recognized as a dimension of communicative.28


Muriel Saville-Torike, The Ethnography of Communication: an Introduction, (UK: Basil Blackwell, 1982), p. 62.



A. Data Description

Generally, Skripshit tells about how the intricacy of the struggle of a

student in completing the thesis in order to achieve a bachelor‟s degree. The

figures are: Alit Susanto (Alit) as a main figure and also the author of Skripshit novel, Dicko as his best friend, Agil as his friend since they have entered the college and Nancy as Dicko‟s girlfriend.

In this paper, the writer analyzes about twenty character‟s dialogs that use code switching and code mixing. She chooses the dialogs randomly which are interest to be analyzed. Here are the narrations and dialogs which will be analyzed in this paper:

1. Alit : Ending-nya gue gak lulus-lulus mata kuliah tertentu, dan terpaksa ngulang lagi dan lagi. Iya, hidup ini memang keras, tapi hidup ini enggak kejam kok. Itu semua tergantung dari bagaimana cara kita menghadapinya. (p.5 line 4)

2. Alit : Gue Cuma heran, kenapa sampai ada orang yang mau mengakhiri hidupnya Cuma gara-gara gak lulus SNMPTN?! That’s the worst joke I’ve ever heard! Orang macam itu mungkin berfikir bahwa SNMPTN adalah tujuan terakhir orang tua mereka melahirkan, membesarkan dan mendidik mereka. (p.9 line 5)


3. Alit : Hari pertama gue kuliah, benar-benar unforgettable… parahnya hal itu masih ngefek sampai sekarang, gak ada cewe yang mau gue pacarin gara-gara gue di cap maling celana dalam, damn! (p.27 line 16)

4. Alit : Cinta itu seperti sihir yah, bisa merubah hal yang gak mungkin, menjadi mungkin. Diko seorang cowo yang antisosial dan sangat tidak suka disaingi, bisa dengan ikhlas mengajarkan apapun yang dia tahu kepada seorang yang dia cintai. Tanpa lagi memikirkan persaingan maupun kerugian. Yeah, love is not selfish but people do. (p.49 line 14)

5. Dicko : liiittt, aku dapat nomer hape nancy, liit!! Aku kaget banget! Aku bener-bener yakin dia itu jodohku.

Alit : hahaha selamat yah! So what are you gonna do with that

number? Will you give her call tonight? (p. 50 line 1)

6.Dicko : hey, you know dudetadi pagi aku bawain sarapan buat Nancy. Alit : ciyee, great progress dude! (p. 55 line 1)

7. Alit : Iya gue tau, but you have to know, girls are unpredictable! Lo gak bakal bisa nebak gimana perasaan mereka the only thing you

have to do is obey their rules. Kalo dia minta lo gak hubungin dia

dulu, yaudah ikutin aja. (p. 58 line 17)

8. Nancy : Aku baru sadar, aku masih terlalu sayang sama dia. Aku gak mau nyakitin kamu lebih dalam lagi. Diko, please just forget me


you deserve better. Im really sorry… but you can’t replace him. Sorry. (p. 64 line 1)

9. Alit : Lo pikir lo bisa beli apa itu kecerdasan? Lo picik! Lo pengen ke Australia? Usaha dong! Percuma juga lo lulus tes TOAFL dengan bantuan gue dan elo bisa lanjut kuliah di Australia, tapi kelak lo disana Cuma bisa diem kaya orang gagu, bukanya mirip mahasiswa. Disana lo malah lebih mirip bekatan belom makan tau! That’s pathetic! You should consider about your self before

you judge othes. (p. 75 line 18)

10. Alit : Gue sendiri gak ngerti bakal sampe kapan siklus ini terus berjalan. Its wasting time and energy. But I belive this is just a chapter of my life. I just need to go on… keep doing my best, and let god do the rest…. (p. 80 line 4)

11. Alit : finally, gue sadar ternyata ngadepin anak-anak sekolah itu gak segampang yang gue kira. Ada aja yang bikin gue emosi, marah, setress, cape. (p. 111 line 1)

12. Alit : Jadi sebelum ke pet shop, gue pun membuat semacam bagan yang berisi syarat-syarat untuk menetukan hewan apa yang pantas hidup bareng gue. (p. 119 line 20)

13. Alit : Akhirnya, demi nama kemanusiaan tuh kura-kura sekarang diasuh sama eyang. Iya dia masih hidup sampe sekarang. He is the luckiest one among the previous pets I’ve ever had. (p. 121 line 16)


14. Alit : Dan kalau sampe gue katauan ngelepastuh tulisan, pak Bakrie janji gak bakal ngisi nilai matematika gue di rapor. And he’s

always serious about what he said. It sucks dude!.( p. 146 line 21)

15. Alit : Penyebabnya bisa banyak, biasanya faktor orangtua yang terkesan

„menyetir‟ kemana mereka kudu melanjutkan pendidikannya.

Meskipun sebenarnya anak itu enggak suka. But how they can refuse while they know that their parents pay for their study. (p. 155 line 11)

16. Alit : Komunikasi dengan orangtua itu penting apalagi menyangkut masalah pendidikan. Buat yang masih SMA. Lemme tell you,

college is totally different with school. (p. 155 line 16)

17. Alit : Tapi, biasanya sih kursi di kantor-kantor kanada rollernya di bagian kaki, so it won’t make noise when you drag it up. If you find

such situation ada trik simpelnya buat mengatasi masalah ini. (p.

166 line 11)

18. Alit : Untuk menyikapinya, lu kudu ngerti gimana cara ngetesnya, and

here are some tips for you who wants to „ngeles‟. (p. 173 line 10)

19.Alit : anjriit..tadi dijalan gue hampir ketabrak mobil pick-up gara-gara remnya blong men!

Dicko : waduh, tapi lu nggak apa-apa kan men! (p. 191 line 14)

20. Alit : grow up girls… for your information, cowok itu lebih suka cewek yang dewasa, pembawaanya tenang dan keibuan. So, yang merasa masih suka lebay, buanglah sifat itu jauh-jauh. Biar


cowok-cowok terpesona dengan kedewasaan kalian. (p. 195 line 15)

The writer uses Roland Wardhaugh‟stheories to identifies the type of code switching and code mixing, and identifies the functions of codes (switching or mixing) using Saville-Troike‟stheories. The writer also uses other supporting theory related to code switching and mixing that relevance.

B.Data Analysis

The purpose of the study is to find out the type, the functions of codes switching and mixing and the factors that influence code switching and code mixing based on related theories. In this sub chapter, the writer analyzes the dialogs which use code switching and code mixing. The writer gives the number of data 1 until data 20 separatedbetween one situation from another situation.

In determining the types of code switching or code mixing and the factors that influence, the writer focuses to the context that involved in the narrations and dialogs on the novel.


Data 1 This is one statement when Alit feels how difficult in completing the thesis in order to achieve a bachelor degree. (p. 5)

Alit : Ending-nyague gak lulus-lulus mata kuliah tertentu, dan terpaksa ngulang lagi dan lagi. Iya, hidup ini memang keras, tapi hidup ini enggak kejam kok. Itu semua tergantung dari bagaimana cara kita menghadapinya.

Situational Metaphorical

_ √

Participant Solidarity Status Topic

_ _ √ √

Note:  Status : Showing his self as an experience  Topic : Giving the advance to the reader

Function: Strengthen request command


As we know in this dialogue identifies ascode mixing. Because Alit uses

an English word “ending…..” to start his story, then he mixes with Bahasa

“…..gue gak lulus-lulus…..”. In this dialogue, Alit speaks one situation, in informal conversation and intimate relationship with the reader. The dialogue above is identified as metaphorical mixing, because the topic of conversation does not change and they talk in one situation and informal situation.

In this metaphorical mixing dialogue, related status as showing his self as an experience and topic as giving the advance to the reader. Alit uses the word “ending”-nya as strengthen request command to mixes his conversation spontaneous to tell the reader that he did not pass a few lessons.


Data 2 This is one statement when Alit feels weird when so many students are suicide when they fail in their examination. (p. 9)

Alit : Gue Cuma heran, kenapa sampai ada orang yang mau

mengakhiri hidupnya Cuma gara-gara gak lulus

SNMPTN?! That‟s the worst joke I‟ve ever heard!Orang

macam itu mungkin berfikir bahwa SNMPTN adalah tujuan terakhir orang tua mereka melahirkan, membesarkan dan mendidik mereka.

Situational Metaphorical

_ √

Participant Solidarity Status Topic

_ _ √ _

Note:  Status : Alit feels weird as a student Function: Group identification and solidarity


Based on McLaughlin‟s statement about code switching and mixing, when Alit combines both languages he already uses codeswitching, cause in the first clause he uses Indonesian language “…..gue cuma heran…..” but in the second clause he switches into English language “…..that‟s the worst joke I‟ve ever heard…..” and he switches again into Indonesian language.

The dialogue above is identified as metaphoricalswitching, because the topic of conversation does not change and they talk in one situation and informal situation. There is other participants has the same social-economic status, age level and language skill in this dialogue.

In this dialogue, which related metaphorical switching is status as Alit feels weird as a student. There for Alit switch his language as


groupidentification and solidarity because the participants talk in one community as the reader.

Data 3 This is one statement when Alit enter the class for the first time and get the embarrassing experience. (p. 27) Alit : Hari pertama gue kuliah, benar-benar

unforgettableparahnya hal itu masih ngefek sampai sekarang, gak ada cewe yang mau gue pacarin gara-gara

gue di cap maling celana dalam, damn!

Situational Metaphorical

_ √

Participant Solidarity Status Topic

_ _ √ √

Note:  Status : alit tells his bad experience  Topic : telling his unforgettable moment

Function: Humorous effect


Acode mixinghas been found in Alit‟s statement because in that sentence

he uses Indonesian language “…..hari pertama gue kuliah…..” then he mixes

English language in the middle of conversation with word “unforgettable”

then he mixes again into Indonesian language “…..parahnya hal itu masih

ngefek…..” and he mixes again with English language at the end of the dialog

with word “damn”. Based on McLaughlin‟s criteria, if a person uses a word

or a phrase from another language, he has mixed.

In this case, Alit mixes his language identified as metaphorical mixing, because the topic of conversation does not change and they talk in one


situation and informal situation. And for the factors that influence the dialogue are status as Alit tells his bad experience and topic as telling his unforgettable moment.

Alit mixes his language as humorous effect in different language in order

to explain how unforgettable Alit‟s experience is. In the next sentence he uses

English language at the end of the dialogue as humorous effect too. He tells that how embarrassing experience he gets in the first of entering the class.

Data 4 This is the statement by Alit when Dicko fall in love

with Nancy, and everything‟s on Dicko are change. (p.


Alit : Cinta itu seperti sihir yah, bisa merubah hal yang gak mungkin, menjadi mungkin. Diko seorang cowo yang antisosial dan sangat tidak suka disaingi, bisa dengan ikhlas mengajarkan apapun yang dia tahu kepada seorang yang dia cintai. Tanpa lagi memikirkan persaingan maupun

kerugian. Yeah, love is not selfish but people do.

Situational Metaphorical

_ √

Participant Solidarity Status Topic

_ _ √ √

Note:  Status : Alit tells what love is  Topic : Dicko is falling in love Function: Strengthen request command


Alit uses Indonesian language “…..cinta itu seperti sihir…..” in his

statement, then he switches his language to English language “… is


McLaughlin‟scriteria about code switching and code mixing, Alit uses

codeswitching in his dialogue.

This dialogue is identified as metaphorical switching, because he talks in one situation (setting, have intimate relationship, and informal conversation). The topic of their conversation does not change as Dicko falling in love and

status as Alit tells what love is. Alit changes his language to

strengthenrequestcommand to tell the reader that love is blind.

Data 5 The dialog happens between alit and Dicko. In this dialog they are discussing about Nancy.(p. 50)

Dicko : liiittt, aku dapat nomer hape Nancy, liit!! Aku kaget banget! Aku bener-bener yakin dia itu jodohku.

Alit : hahaha selamat yah!So what are you gonna do with that

number? Will you give her call tonight?

Situational Metaphorical

_ √

Participant Solidarity Status Topic

√ _ √ _

Note:  Participant: Alit and Dicko

Status : discussing about Nancy‟s


Function: Solidarity


Alit uses Indonesian language “selamat yah!...” in his statement, then

he switches his language to English “…, what are yo gonna do…..” till the

end of dialogue. Based on McLaughlin‟s criteria about code switching and code mixing, Alit uses code switching in this conversation.


This conversation is identified as metaphorical switching, because they talk in one situation (setting, have intimate relationship, and informal conversation). The topic of their conversationdoes not change. The factors identified are participant as Alit and Dicko and status as discussing about

Nancy‟s number.

The function of code switching in this dialog as solidarity,that he wants to intensify Dicko in obtain Nancy by getting her number and calls her.

Data 6 The dialog happened between Dicko and Alit. In this dialog, they are talking about the progressing between Dicko and Nancy‟s relationship. (p. 55)

Dicko : hey, you know dude, tadi pagi aku bawain sarapan buat nancy.

Alit : ciyee, great progress dude!

Situational Metaphorical

_ √

Participant Solidarity Status Topic

√ √ _ √

Note:  Participant : Alit and Dicko  Solidarity : greeting to Alit  Topic :talking about Dicko

approachment to Nancy

Function: Solidarity


In the begining of the dialogue Dicko starts the conversation by enthusiastic greeting to Alit and also telling what he has done to Nancy this morning in a single utterence. So, from his greeting he switches English language into indonesian language as code switching.


The type of this switch is metaphorical switching because the situation (setting, intimate level and formality level) does not change and also not change the topic, they still talkabout Nancy. They speak in informal situation and have an intimate relationship. Dicko greeting in the begining of dialog is

solidarity, Dicko wants to say hello to his best friend Alit and telling a story

about Nancy, beside solidarity there also participant as Alit and Dicko and

topic as talking about Dicko approachment to Nancy.As the function Dicko

switches his statement as solidarity because Alit must be attention about his story.

Data 7 This is one statement when Alit and Dicko are lunch and

they are talking about Nancy‟s changing lately. (p. 58)

Alit : Iya gue tau, but you have to know, girls are unpredictable!

Lo gak bakal bisa nebak gimana perasaan mereka the only

thing you have to do is obey their rules. Kalo dia minta lo gak hubungin dia dulu, yaudah ikutin aja.

Situational Metaphorical

_ √

Participant Solidarity Status Topic

√ _ _ √

Note:  Particant : Alit and Dicko

 Topic : giving advance to Dicko about the girls

Function: Strengthen the topic


Alit tries to give advance to his best friend Dicko who confuse with his girl lately. It shows codeswitchingbecause Alit speaks different language in a


single utterance. The code switching between Indonesian into English language which Alit did was considered to express his opinion as a man.

Alit does not changes the topic, the situation (setting, formality level, and intimate level) does not change. So this statement uses

metaphoricalcodeswitching. The factors that influence in this utterance are

participant as Alit and Dicko and topic as giving advance to Dicko about the

girls. Based on Saville-Troike theories, Alit switches both languages to

strengthenthetopic that the girls are unpredictable.

Data 8 This is one of statement when Nancy realize that she cannot loves Dicko because she still in love with her ex. (p. 64)

Nancy :Aku baru sadar, aku masih terlalu sayang sama dia. Aku

gak mau nyakitin kamu lebih dalam lagi. Diko, please just

forget me you deserve better. Im really sorry… but you can‟t replace him. Sorry.

Situational Metaphorical

_ √

Participant Solidarity Status Topic

√ _ √ √

Note:  Participant : Nancy and Dicko

 Status : Nancy still in love with her ex  Topic : Dicko has been refused by Nancy

Function: Strengthen request command


In this dialogue, there are two clauses used by Nancy to express her feeling, the first language is Indonesian language to express his feeling from


clause “…..please just forget me…..”. According to this statement, the writer analyzes that Nancy uses codeswitching in this dialogue.

The dialogue is identified as metaphoricalcodeswicthing because the situation (setting, intimate lavel, and formality level) topic, or participant (language skill, age level, social economic status) does not change in this statement. The factors in this dialogue are participant as Nancy and Dicko,

status as Nancy still loves her ex, and topic Dicko has been refused by Nancy.

Nancy switches her language to strengthenrequestcommand language in order to tell the truth to Dicko about her feeling.

Data 9 This is Alit statement when he getting mad with Suci After TOEFL test, because he thinks Suci were not serious and rely on him on the test. (p.75)

Alit : Lo pikir lo bisa beli apa itu kecerdasan? Lo picik! Lo pengen ke Australia? Usaha dong! Percuma juga lo lulus tes TOAFL dengan bantuan gue dan elo bisa lanjut kuliah di Australia, tapi kelak lo disana Cuma bisa diem kaya orang gagu, bukanya mirip mahasiswa. Disana lo malah

lebih mirip bekatan belom makantau! That‟s pathetic! You

should consider about yourself before you judge others.

Situational Metaphorical

_ √

Participant Solidarity Status Topic

√ _ √ √

Note:  Participant : Alit and Suci

 Topic :Alit getting mad what Suci have done to him



Based on McLaughlin‟s criteria,code switching is if language change occuring across phrase or sentence boundaries. So in this dialogue Alit uses

codeswitching, when he getting mad with Suci he switches his language from

Indonesian into English language in the end of dialogue.

The type of this switch is metaphoricalswitching, because the situation (setting, intimate level, and formality level) does not change and also he does not change the topic. The factors that influence in this dialogue are status as Alit and Suci, and topic as Alit getting mad with suci have done with him. Alit switches his language to make strengthen request command to makes Suci change her bad character.

Data 10 This one statement when Alit feels the saturation of the cycle that never changed in his life (p. 80)

Alit : Gue sendiri gak ngerti bakal sampe kapan siklus ini terus

berjalan. It‟s wasting time and energy. But I believe this is

just a chapter of my life. I just need to go on… keep doing my best, and let god do the rest…

Situational Metaphorical

_ √

Participant Solidarity Status Topic

_ _ √ √

Note: Status : Alit shows that he was bored with the situation

 Topic : illustrate the real life



This statement identified as codeswitching, because in the first sentence he uses Indonesian language, then he switches to English. Based on Roland Wardhaugh theories, this statement identified as metaphoricalswitching, because it happens in one setting, in the informal situation. The topic of conversation does not change either when he talks about his monotone cycle. And the factors that influence in this dialogue are status as Alit shows that he was bored with the situation, and topic as illustrate the real life.

One of twelve function of code switching by Saville-Troike is because Alit was not comfortable with this situation. He has no capacity to speak about his delayed graduation.

Data 11 This is Alit‟s statement when he realizes that teaching the students is not as easy as back the hand. (p. 111) Alit : finally, gue sadar ternyata ngadepin anak-anak

sekolah itu gak segampang yang gue kira. Ada aja yang bikin gue emosi, marah, setress, cape.

Situational Metaphorical

_ √

Participant Solidarity Status Topic

_ _ √ √

Note:  Status : Alit shows his self as informant  Topic : Alit tells that teaching is not easy



According to McLaughlin, in this dialogue identifies as codemixing

because in the first word Alit uses English “finally…..”, then he mixes with

Indonesian phrase “…..gue sadar…..”.

The situation in this dialogue does not change, he talks in one setting, informal conversation and intimate relationship, it can be concluded that this dialogue identifies asmethaporical code mixing.There are two kinds‟ factors that influence metaphorical code mixing in this case. First isstatusbecause Alit shows his self as informant.Second is topic in this dialogue is still focus about his emotional feeling. The function of this mixing is as strengthen request command, He gives an explanation about how hard teaching the student is.

Data 12 This is one statement when Alit planning to buy a pet and he makes some list to makes sure what he want to buy. (p. 119)

Alit : Jadi sebelum ke pet shop, gue pun membuat semacam bagan yang berisi syarat-syarat untuk menetukan hewan apa yang pantas hidup bareng gue.

Situational Metaphorical

_ √

Participant Solidarity Status Topic

_ _ _ √

Note:  Topic : Alit wants to have a pet

Function: Lexical need



In this dialogue Alit uses codemixing, because basically uses Indonesian

language “…..jadi sebelum ke…..” but the next he switches to English word

“… shop…..” and after that he switches again into Indonesian language. So, based on McLaughlin‟s theory codemixing takes place within sentence and usually involves single lexical items.

Based on Roland Wardhaugh theories, this dialogue is identified as

metaphoricalcodemixing because in this dialogue situation (setting, intimate

level and formality level) the topic is about having new pet. The participant (age level, social economic status, and language skill) there are not changes. Based on Salville-Troike‟s theories about code switching and code mixing

functions, Alit uses phrase “pet shop” is for lexical need because Alit knows

the desired expression only in one language.

Data 13 This is one statement when Alit feels bored with his pet and he plans to leave the tortoise to his grandmother. (p. 121)

Alit : Akhirnya, demi nama kemanusiaan tuh kura-kura sekarang diasuh sama eyang. Iya dia masih hidup sampe

sekarang. He is the luckiest one among the previous pets

I‟ve ever had.

Situational Metaphorical

_ √

Participant Solidarity Status Topic

_ _ _ √

Note: Topic : Alit tells that his pet is the luckiest one Function: Redefinition of a situation



In this dialogue, Alit uses codeswitching; because his statement uses

Indonesian phrase “…..akhirnya, demi nama kemanusiaan…..” then the next

clause he switches his language to English language “…..he is the luckiest…..” till the end of dialogue.

The switch identified as metaphoricalswitching, because the situation (setting, formality level, and intimate level), topic or participant (language skill, age level and social-economic status) does not changes in this dialogue. The factor that influence metaphorical switching is topic that Alit tells the reader that his pet is the luckiest one. The switches function as

redefinitionofsituation to express how luckiest pet that he ever had.

Data 14 This is one statement when Alit get a punishment from his teacher and he have to use writing board until bell is

ringing. (p. 146)

Alit : Dan kalau sampe gue katauan ngelepas tuh tulisan, pak Bakrie janji gak bakal ngisi nilai matematika gue di

rapor. And he‟s always serious about what he said. It sucks


Situational Metaphorical

_ √

Participant Solidarity Status Topic

_ _ √ _

Note:  Status : Alit notice that Mr. Bakrie was a serious man



Based on McLaughlin‟s theories, this dialogue uses codeswitching because in the first dialogue, Alit uses Indonesian language phrase “…..dan kalo gue sampe…..” and after that he switches his language into English

“…..and he always serious…..” till the end of dialogue.

The type of this switch is metaphoricalswitching because the situation (setting, formality level, and intimate level), topic or participant (language skill, age level and social-economic status) does not change in this dialogue. The factor that influence in this dialogue is status because Alit notice that Mr. Bakrie was a serious man. Alit switches his statement

tostrengthenrequestcommand to tell the reader that Mr. Bakrie always be

serious whatever he said.

Data 15 This is one statement of Alit when he thinks many students are drop out from the college because of wrong direction. (p. 155)

Alit : Penyebabnya bisa banyak, biasanya faktor orangtua yang terkesan ‘menyetir’ kemana mereka kudu melanjutkan pendidikannya. Meskipun sebenarnya anak itu enggak

suka. But how they can refuse while they know that their

parents pay for their study.

Situational Metaphorical

_ √

Participant Solidarity Status Topic

_ _ √ _

Note:  Alit plays a role as the author



Based on McLaughlin‟s criteria, in this dialogue Alit uses codeswitching because in the first clause he uses Indonesian language then the second clause he switches into English language.

Based on Roland Wardhaugh theories, this statement is identified as

metaphoricalswitching. (Setting, formality level, and intimate level), topic or

participant (language skill, age level and social-economic status) does not changes in this dialogue. Thefactor that influence is status it because Alit plays a role as the author. Alit uses code switching to strengthen his opinion that the parents and child relationship should be good enough.

Data 16 This is one statement when Alit gives a solution for the students who will not get a wrong direction in the future. (p.155)

Alit : Komunikasi dengan orangtua itu penting apalagi menyangkut masalah pendidikan. Buat yang masih SMA. Lemme tell you, college is totally different with school.

Situational Metaphorical

_ √

Participant Solidarity Status Topic

_ _ √ √

Note:  Status : Alit plays his role as the author  Topic : giving advance

Function: Strengthen request command


Alit provides solutions to students who wish to enter college with majors they want rather than forcing parents. Then he switches his language from


Indonesian “…..komunikasi dengan orangtua…..” to English “…..lemme tell

you…..”. Based on McLaughlin‟s criteria, Alit uses codeswitching.

The situation does not change he talk in one setting, informal conversation, and intimate relationship. The topic in this dialogue focuses on the majors and forcing parents. The speakers have same age; have same language, skill, and no differentiation in social-economic status between them. Because of that this dialog is identified as metaphoricalswitching.

The factors that related in this dialogue are status as Alit plays his role as the author and topic as giving advance. Alit uses this switching

tostrengthenrequestcommand to describe that the school and the college are

totally different.

Data 17 This is one statement of Alit when he tells some wired tricks in his book for the readers (p. 166)

Alit : Tapi, biasanya sih kursi di kantor-kantor kan ada

rollernya di bagian kaki, so it won‟t make noise when you

drag it up.If you find such situation, ada trik simpelnya buat mengatasi masalah ini.

Situational Metaphorical

_ √

Participant Solidarity Status Topic

_ _ √ _

Note:  Status : Alit shows his self as a informant

Function: Humorous effect


Alit uses codeswitching from Indonesian language to English when he


Wardhaugh‟stheories, this statement is identified as metaphoricalswitching. The situation (setting, formality level, and intimate level), topic or participant (language skill, age level and social-economic status) does not change in this statement.

The factor that identified in this dialogue is status because Alit shows his self as an informant. This switches function as humorous effect;he gives an explanation about how to fart in public place.

Data 18 This is one statement of Alit when he gives some ridiculous tips for eternal students. (p. 173)

Alit : Untuk menyikapinya, lu kudu ngerti gimana cara

ngetesnya,and here are some tips for you who wants


Situational Metaphorical

_ √

Participant Solidarity Status Topic

_ _ √ √

Note:  Status : Alit shows his self as an informant  Topic : Alit gives direction to the reader

Function: Humorous effect


Based on McLaughlin theories, Alit uses codeswitching in this dialogue, because in the first dialogue, Alit uses Indonesian language then he switches

into English language “and here are some tips” then he switches again into

Indonesian language “…..ngeles…..”. The topic in this conversation does not


participant (language skill, age level and social-economic status) does not change in this dialog. And any other participant has some social-economic, status, age, and language skill in this dialog. So in this dialog uses


The factors that influence in this dialogue are status as Alit shows his self as an informant and topic as Alit gives direction to the reader. Alit uses code switching as humorous effect, he gives an explanation about dodging.

Data 19 The dialog happens when Alit tells to his best friend Dicko what he just experienced. (p. 191)

Alit : anjriit..tadi dijalan gue hampir ketabrak mobil pick-up

gara-gara remnya blong men!

Dicko : waduh, tapi lu nggak apa-apa kan men!

Situational Metaphorical

_ √

Participant Solidarity Status Topic

_ _ √ _

Note:  Status : Alit notice to Dicko what just happened to him

Function: Group identification and solidarity


In this moment, Alit uses a combination of Indonesian phrase “…..anjriit, gue baru aja ketabrak…..” with English word “…..pick-up…..” and “men!”.

Dicko mixes phrase “lu gak apa-apa kan?” with “men!” Based on

McLaughlin‟s theories in this case is called codemixing because they mix word or phrases that different language in one sentence.


The situation does not change, they talk in one place in one social level (informal) and any other participant has the same age and a same social-economic status. So in this dialog uses metaphoricalswitching. The factors that influence in this conversation is status as Alit notice to Dicko what just happened to him.

Alit and Dicko use English language as groupidentification and

solidarity. They are still in one community of students English literature

which uses English and Indonesian language

Data 20 This is one statement of Alit when he tells what really

men‟s like woman looks like. (p. 195)

Alit : grow up girls… for your information, cowok itu lebih suka

cewek yang dewasa, pembawaanya tenang dan keibuan. So,

yang merasa masih suka lebay, buanglah sifat itu jauh-jauh. Biar cowok-cowok terpesona dengan kedewasaan kalian.

Situational Metaphorical

_ √

Participant Solidarity Status Topic

_ √ _ √

Note:  Solidarity : Alit gives attention to the girls  Topic : giving advance

Function: Solidarity


Alit uses English “grow up girls…..” in his statement, then he switches his

language to Indonesia. Based on McLaughlin‟s criteria about code switching and code mixing Alit uses codeswitching in this dialogue. And Alit also uses


codemixing in his statement. There is word “……..” while he uses Indonesia language.

This dialogue identified as metaphoricalswitching, because Alit talks in one situation (setting, formality level, and intimate level), the topic of thedialogue does not change. There is any other participant who has the same language skill, age level, and social-economic level while they discuss about the topic. The functions in this dialogue aresolidarity as giving attention to the girls and topic as giving advance.

Alit uses code switching and code mixing in this dialogue as solidarity as an advance for the girl who still childish to change their character, because man only like the mature girl.




A. Conclusion

Most of this analysis is code switchingwhere they change the languages in same utterances while in same conversation. It involves the alternate use of two languages or linguistic varieties within the same utterance or during the same conversation.

The most frequent factors of code switching and code mixing is status, because the characters also reflect a change in their dimensions such as their status relationship between people to formality of their interaction.

Strengthen request command is the most frequent functions in this analysis, because Alit, Dicko and Nancy are often switches their languages. It comes because Alit and friends always plays their role as English literature students who are expected to enjoy their informal conversation in their daily life in order to give the users feel comfortable, easy, and delightful. So, they always have variety theme and drift from one language to another.


B. Suggestion

Based on the research, the writer would like to suggest to the readers of the novel to have more concern with to the text of the novel, because switching and mixing languages makes people confused in understanding it. By searching the meaning of code case playing attention to the context that the writer talking about, the points proposed by the curtains of the novel can be better understood.

The writer hopes that this study will be useful and gives some contributions for the readers and also the students of English Letters Department who are expected to have more knowledge about code switching and code mixing used by Skripshit novel.



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Alit Susanto, born in Seragen 01 October 1987. He is the author of Skripshit novel which realise on 03 march 2012. He was graduated from Dharma University of Yogyakarta in majoring English Education. He interested about humorous novel inspired by Radita Dika and Andrea Hirata. Alit Susanto also release another novel like Scitlicious and Relationshit.

Generally, Skripshit tells about how the intricacy of the struggle of a

student in completing the thesis in order to achieve a bachelor‟s degree. The

figures are: Alit Susanto (Alit) as a main figure, Dicko as his best friend, Agil as

his friend since they have been entered the college and Nancy as Dicko‟s


In this novel there are so many history about Alit experiences, previous story, and humorous story. He tells his experiences into the novel to suggest the reader that life is like a dot to dot, when tyou are thinking the things are a mess and not getting anywhere, you be may be on your way to creating a masterpiece.





























