Satire Limerick Parody Irony

14 essence as jokes, but riddles are commonly applied in a question-and-answer kind of conversations. There is an example Shade, 1996: Matt : How do you keep fish from smelling? Jenny : Cut off their noses. In this example, Jenny delivers a straightforward answer to Matt’s question. The answer is still plausible, but it slipped from the expected response and generates a comical sense.

d. Satire

This is a combination of humor and criticism, but still functions to provoke laughter. “A literary composition to ridicule vice of folly of the times, use of irony, sarcasm, invective, or wit” Shade, 1996. Satire often used to show criticisms toward the government of their bad governing, corruptions, power abuse, or the likes. In the practice, the humorous load of satire is generated by exaggerating or understating facts. Here is the example of satire, “an old lady was sent on a 10-day cruise paid for by her son. She wrote to complain: The food on this ship is absolutely awful. And such small portions ” Shade, 1996. There is an ironic criticism lies in the example that the food in a cruise ship could be awful and such small portions.

e. Limerick

A limerick is a humorous verse that has five lines with AABBA rhyme. Its name is derived from a place called Limerick, Ireland. This comical verse is actually taken from a song Limerick, but comedians often change the original lyric 15 to create humorous effect. This is an example of humorous version of a limerick Shade, 1996: There was a young lady called Bright, Who could travel far faster than light, She set off one day, In a relative way, And returned home the previous night. The humorous effect resides in last line of the song which depicts impossibility. When Bright sets off one day, since she could travel faster than light, she could return home the previous night.

f. Parody

Parody is a humorous reworking of a song, story, speech, poem, movie, play, or any work but still preserving the style and framework. It is frequently used for criticizing, mocking, or making fun of the original product. A popular example from the field of movies is the one entitled Meet the Spartans 2008, which is the humorous version of a kill-them-all film, 300 2007.

g. Irony

Irony uses words to express something that totally distinct from the actual intention or meaning. It is usually used when one speaks the opposite thing to what the one means and the hearer comprehend what the speaker says. Here is a line to exemplify an irony, “ the procrastinator ’ s meeting has been postponed ” Shade, 1996 . It is ironic when a group of procrastinators postpone a meeting, it could be painful just to wait for the meeting to finally happen. 16

h. Wit