Modern Muslim scholars coming from feminist, woman’s struggle. They refuse many verses which interpret patriarchy, and arise some reason that

3. Modern Muslim scholars coming from feminist, woman’s struggle. They refuse many verses which interpret patriarchy, and arise some reason that

support of balancing both of man and woman. Both of them have same right in every aspect.

To close this paper, this study gave some suggestions as follow:

1. Reading the literature is not only for spending our lea sure time, but we can get so many message from it, because in literary works the author wants to

convey something useful and valuable for the reader. Usually it consists of moral, education, religion, and soon.

2. Being a religious is permitted in Islam. Such as, the way how to manage a family, and the way how to lead a husband of a wife are some rules in Islam. It also proven in the Holy Qur’an. Every Moslem has to obey what the Holy

Qur’an said as their guidance of life.


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