Pengaruh Brand Community Trust terhadap Brand Community Pengaruh Brand Community Commitment terhadap Repurchase Intention Pengaruh Brand Community Commitment terhadap Word-of-Mouth Of

2. Pengaruh Brand Community Trust terhadap Brand Community

Commitment Variables EnteredRemoved b Brand Community Trust a . Enter Model 1 Variables Entered Variables Remov ed Method All requested v ariables entered. a. Dependent Variable: Brand Community Commitment b. Model Summary ,475 a ,226 ,222 ,46087 Model 1 R R Square Adjusted R Square St d. Error of the Estimate Predictors: Constant, Brand Community Trust a. ANOVA b 11,352 1 11,352 53,445 ,000 a 38,870 183 ,212 50,222 184 Regression Residual Total Model 1 Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Predictors: Const ant, Brand Communit y Trust a. Dependent Variable: Brand Community Commit ment b. Coeffi ci ents a 2,137 ,279 7,649 ,000 ,471 ,064 ,475 7,311 ,000 Constant Brand Community Trust Model 1 B St d. Error Unstandardized Coef f icients Beta St andardized Coef f icients t Sig. Dependent Variable: Brand Community Commitment a.

3. Pengaruh Brand Community Commitment terhadap Repurchase Intention

Of Brand Variables EnteredRemoved b Brand Community Commitment a . Enter Model 1 Variables Entered Variables Remov ed Method All requested v ariables entered. a. Dependent Variable: Repurchase of Brand b. Model Summary ,464 a ,215 ,211 ,48967 Model 1 R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Est imat e Predictors: Constant , Brand Community Commit ment a. ANOVA b 12,050 1 12,050 50,258 ,000 a 43,879 183 ,240 55,929 184 Regression Residual Total Model 1 Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Predictors: Const ant, Brand Communit y Commitment a. Dependent Variable: Repurchase of Brand b. Coeffici ents a 2,019 ,290 6,963 ,000 ,490 ,069 ,464 7,089 ,000 Constant Brand Community Commitment Model 1 B Std. Error Unstandardized Coef f icients Beta Standardized Coef f icients t Sig. Dependent Variable: Repurchase of Brand a.

4. Pengaruh Brand Community Commitment terhadap Word-of-Mouth Of

Brand Variabl es EnteredRemoved b Brand Community Commitment a . Enter Model 1 Variables Ent ered Variables Remov ed Method All requested v ariables entered. a. Dependent Variable: Word of Mouth of Brand b. Model Summary ,128 a ,016 ,011 1,07030 Model 1 R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Est imat e Predictors: Constant , Brand Community Commit ment a. ANOVA b 3,466 1 3,466 3,025 ,084 a 209,632 183 1,146 213,098 184 Regression Residual Total Model 1 Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Predictors: Const ant, Brand Communit y Commitment a. Dependent Variable: Word of Mouth of Brand b. Coeffici ents a 2,124 ,634 3,351 ,001 ,263 ,151 ,128 1,739 ,084 Constant Brand Community Commitment Model 1 B Std. Error Unstandardized Coef f icients Beta Standardized Coef f icients t Sig. Dependent Variable: Word of Mouth of Brand a.

5. Pengaruh Brand Community Commitment terhadap Constructive