Pronoun Analysis The Grammatical Features

Pronoun they has two references. The pronoun could be referred to both government and society. In the first and second excerpts, they refer to the government. The existence of government is proven by the actions of selling weapons to both countries and framing and jailing the reds. On the other side, the existence of society in proven by being affected of the government’s action, pushing. It shown in the third excerpt. The reference determines the position of Anti-Flag in doing protest. The use of pronoun they to refer government indicates Anti-Flag as in-group. There is a notion that Anti-Flag talks to society about government. However, Anti-Flag is out-group when pronoun they refer to society. It is because Anti-Flag do not count themselves as an affected group of government’s action, pushing. The ideologies disclosed from the excerpst are anti-authoritarianism. The anti-authoritarin capitalism conveyed in the first excerpt while the ideology of anti-authoritarian natinalism conveyed in the second and third excerpts.

4.1.2 The Lexical Features

The lexical features relates to the words or vocabulary. In composing protest song, the speaker certainly has to choose the appropriate word to show their intention. It is significant to be analyzed because Goatly 2000 and Fairclough 1995 assert that the vocabulary, which the media song lyrics select, has the potential to construct a representation. In other words, the words support the actuality of the ideology. The words in the song lyrics help to identify the ideology. Thus, the emergence of the ideology in the song lyrics is provable. The analysis begins with identifying the vocabulary used in each song lyric. The word choice might lead the analysis to the ideology conveyed by Anti-Flag. The song consists of some signal words that support the song title. The analysis of the lexis will be done on some excerpts of the songs. They are shown in the tables below. Table 4.15 Excerpts of Word-Choice 1 No. Song Titles Special Terms S2. Kill the Rich: Billionaire, the riches, getting rich by selling weapons, S6. Got the Numbers: The corporate run government, big business S5. Stars and Stripes: U.S tax dollars, native insurgence, U.S corporate interest, multinational companies. S7. Watch the Right: Corporate welfare, big business, social divisions, feds in your back pocket, capitalist machine, the poor, tax-man, the few. S8. What’s the Difference: Corporate politicians, pay workers, free trade, multinational’s money. S9. Class Plague: bill rights, stop corruption capitalism, S10. Protest Song: The bourgeoisie, proletariat blood S11 Tearing Down the Borders: multi-national company, war profiteering rich, S13. Depleted Uranium is a War Crime: War profiteering S14. No Borders, No Nations: Corporate masters, corporations of the world, profits. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Below are the excerpts of the signal words. They will be analyzed to find out the social actor represents in the song lyrics. 1 A billionaire chatting with his friends. They’ve gotta stop and laugh S2.C1. 2 The riches plot, control your thoughts, to make you blame yourself. S2.C3. 3 The rich are rich because they’re smarter than me S2.C. 4 Behind locked doors in session, world sponsored corporate politicians S8.C5. 5 Corporate masters live in their chess pool of extreme wealth and excess S14.C4. 6 Social divisions encouraged by the few S7.C9. 7 A moneymaking scheme led by war-profiteering S7.C8. In extract 1, 2 and 3, the terms ‘billionaire’ and ‘the rich es’ are two synonyms that refers to a group of people who has a large amount of money or valuable possessions CALD3. The term ‘corporate’ used in corporate politicians 4 and corporate masters 5 related to word, ‘corporation’ which means “a large company or group of companies that is controlled together as a single organization” CALD3. The social actor represents a masters and politicians. This point clearly states the identity of capitalist. They invest a large amount of money in a business and hope to get more back. The term, the few, in 6 has meaning of “some, or a small number of something” CALD3. It refers to a social actor as the small part of the state who uses the authority to construct hierarchically the social divisions or social classes: the superior and the inferior. In 7, the term used is ‘war profiteering’. It refers to “a person who takes advantage of a situation in which other people are suffering to make a profit, often by selling at a high price goods which are difficult to get” CALD3. Those words describes people with power and position: government, the rich and the corporation. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI For the standard of comparison, a term, ‘the poor’ is stepped forward. It is to represent the society. A clause below is given as the extract.

8. The poor are giving you the screw S7.C12

The term, the poor definitely is the inverse of the terms above. It refers to a group of people having little money andor few possessions CALD3. Not only economically called as the poor but hierarchically in social division, they are inferior too. All of the extract of the special terms shows how the authoritarianism works through the capitalism. The authoritarian government gain profit and gives loss for society. Table 4.16 Excerpt of the Word Choice 2 No. Song Titles Special Terms S1. You’ve Gotta Die for Your Government: Gulf war vet, “subject test group: Gulf battle field troops, first world war veterans, General Eisenhower, radiation, agent orange, guinea pigs.US souls. S2. Kill the Rich: A war like a party, for moral, burn a flag – gonna hang, brainwashed nationalism. S3. Red, White and Brainwashed: Flag-control, patriotic slaves, mind programs, the red, the white and the blue. S6. The Machine Kills Fascists: Value, fights, for a moral, fucking fascists, racist, Nazi, mindless nationalism, right wing rhetoric, punk scene, republican convention, this machine. S13. Depleted Uranium is a War Crime: Crime the ends of bullets, depleted uranium, a greedy gang of liars, a money-making scheme, agent orange and Vietnam, Uncle Sam. The identity of government considered as the fascist through the special terms such as General Eisenhower S1.C, fucking fascists S6.C, racist S6.C, Nazi S6.C, right wing S6.C, republican convention S6.C, a greedy gang of liars S7.C, war profiteering whores S7.C, and Uncle Sam S7.C below. 9 First World War veterans slaughtered by General EisenhowerS1.C5 10 This machine kills fucking fascists S6.C6. 11 You don’t have to be a Racist S6.C7a 12 You don’t have to be a Nazi, fuck S6.C7b 13 You spew your right wing rhetoric when we got your attention S6.C9 14 You’ve mistaken the punk scene for the republican convention S6.C10 In extract 9, the use of ‘General Eisenhower’ is as the model of the American president brutality. During his presidency, Eisenhower managed Cold War-era tensions with the Soviet Union under the looming threat of nuclear weapons. He sent many troops to the war. The term “fascists” used in 10 and “racist” and “Nazi” in 11 and 12 have similarity. It is about the belief of being extremely proud for the race. Fascist is “someone who extremely proud of country and race, and in which political opposition is not allowed”. Racist is “someone who believes that other races are not as good as their own and therefore treats them unfairly”CALD3 while Nazi is “someone who is cruel or who demands an unreasonable degree of obedience, or someone who has extreme and unreasonable beliefs about race”CALD3. The negative side of those beliefs is the adherents are passionate to fight for their race even to die for. The next term, “right wing” in 13, the “republican” in 14 shared about the political beliefs. The right wing is a traditional opinion that believes on low taxes, private ownership of industry property, less help for the poor. The republican belief is about cutting the government spending and eliminating the