To know whether each test items were too difficult, too easy or fair, the difficulty index of the test items were analyzed by using Facility Value formula from Heaton 1988:178. The result of the analysis informed that the difficulty index of the test items was in the range of 0.59 until 0.68. Heaton 1988:178 says that a test item which has the range from 0.30 until 0.70 is categorized as fair. It means that the test items in the try out test were already good, since all the items belonged to fair items. The detail results of difficulty index were written on Appendix L. Further, the time allocation of the test was categorized appropriate. The reason is all the students were able to do the test given within the provided time, so the test items of the posttest were the same as those in which administered on the try out test.

3.6 Data Analysis Method

The scores of posttest obtained by the research respondents both in experimental group and control group was used as the primary data in this research. In this quasi-experimental research the researcher needed to compare the mean score of the experimental group which was taught narrative text reading comprehension by Predict Locate Add Note Strategy and the mean score of control group which was taught as same as experimental by using 3P Presentation, Practice and Production. In comparing the posttest scores, the researcher applied Independent Sample T-Test formula with 5 significances level through SPSS. Generally, people use a level of significance in terms of percent, for example by 5 , or 0.05, or less than the value to reject the null hypothesis H0. This value has the intention that the difference or the relationship between variables is likely to happen by accident five times out of 100. The magnitude of the probability of 0.05 is historically an arbitrary choice and has been widely accepted in the world of research. Besides, the other consideration that the researcher chose this 5 significance level was the confidence level of this researcher was 95 of the decision to reject the null hypothesis H0 is right. Another consideration is related to the sample size. The less the level of significance, the researchers needed the bigger data. Conversely, the more the level of significance, the viewer data the researcher needed. This quantity can be calculated using the formula or use a sample size determination table.


This chapter presents the conclusion of the research findings and the suggestion for the English teacher, the students and the future researchers. The points are explained in this following part.

5.1 Conclusion

Based on the result of the data analysis, the hypothesis verification, and discussion in the Chapter 4, it can be concluded that there was a significant effect of using Predict Locate Add Note strategy on the Eleventh Grade students’ narrative text reading comprehension achievement at SMAN 1 Jombang in the 20152016 academic year. It was proved by the value of the significant 2-tailed was 0.028 in which less than 0.05 0.028 0.05. Further, the mean score of the experimental group was 83.87 in which higher than the mean score of control group in which 78.43 83.87 78.43. it meant that the experimental group which was treated by Predict Locate Add Note strategy did better than the control group.

5.2 Suggestions

Because of the significant effect of Predict Locate Add Note strategy in teaching reading class especially on narrative text, the researcher proposes some suggestions to some people below. 5.2.1 The English Teacher It is suggested to the English teachers of SMAN 1 Jombang to apply Predict Locate Add Note strategy as a strategy to teach reading class. Regarding the previous research findings that this strategy can be applied in any reading course study, such as Science, English, and many others. Particularly for English Reading class, this strategy not only can be used for fiction text but also for non- fiction text in line with one of the proponent of this strategy, Cohen and Cowen 2008:219. They state that PLAN is a four-step strategy that is used to increase 58