Definition of Error Analysis

2. Types of Writing

Based on their sentence organization, there are three kinds of writing as follows: a. Descriptive writing is served to show and describe things. James A.W. Fefferman and John E.Lincoln, stated that “Description is writing about the way person, animal, or thing appears”. 28 b. Narrative writing; writing a narrative means telling a story. Narrative essays are told from a defined point of view, often the authors, so there is feeling as well as specific and often sensory details provided to get the reader involved in the elements and sequence of the story. c. Expository writing or exposition is used to give information, making explanation and interpreting meaning. In includes editorials, essay, informative, instructional material, and also it can informs, clarifies, defines, and analyze. According to Marjorie Farmer, there are four types of writing which can be done by the students. They are: a Expressive Writing Autobiographies, essays of opinion, diaries, letters, and memories are only a few of many forms of expressive writing. In fact, any writing is expressive if it c enters on the writer’s personal concerns, wishes, feeling, memories, or reactions. b Informative Writing Newspapers and magazines articles, laboratory reports, textbooks, biographies, and critical essays are different forms of informative writing. Actually, any writing can be called informative if its principal purpose is to explain, to describe, or to define in short to inform. 28 James A.W. Hefferman and John E.Lincoln, Writing A College Handbook, New York: W.W. Norton Company Inc, 1986, Second Edition, p.83. c Persuasive Writing Editorials, letters appealing for contribution, advertisements, and campaign speeches are all attempts to persuade. Any writing that is aimed at convincing its readers to adopt a certain idea or to take a certain action is persuasive writing. d Imaginative Writing Short stories, novels, plays, and poems are forms of imaginative writing. Imaginative is the product of the writer’s artful use of language to create images, characters, and incidents that move and entertain the reader. 29

3. Kinds of Writing

Generally, there are three kinds of writing; those are Free Writing, Controlled Writing, and Guided Writing as explained by experts below: a. Free Writing According to John Lagan; “Free Writing is just sitting down and writing whatever comes to your mind about a topic”. 30 This opinion also almost the same as Peter and Pat, they said that “Free Writing means writing privately and writing without stopping. Just write whatever words come to your mind or whatever you want to explore at this moment”. 31 It means that in free writing, the students just write anything what they want to write, without worrying about spelling or grammar, and do not stop until they run out of something to say in their writing. b. Controlled Writing Based on Ann Raimes ’ statement that “Controlled writing is all the writing your students do for which a great deal of the content and or form 29 Marjorie Farmer, Composition and Grammar II, New York: Laid Law Brother Publisher, 1985, p.39. 30 John Langan, Sentence Skills: Work Book for Writers, Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2003, p.17. 31 Peter Elbow and Pat Belanoff, A Community of Writers; A Workshop Course in Writing, 3 rd Ed, Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2000, p. 6.