Technique of Data Analysis

or 19.4. There is also hyperbole category with 16 items or 17.2, metaphor category with 6 items or 6.4, and metonymy category with 1 items or 1.1. However, the researcher didn‘t find litotes, oxymoron and irony in the novel. In the novel, the author mostly used figurative language to describe the situation or the setting of the story, to describe what the characters look like, and to describe the character‘s feelings, so the reader can imagine what the character looks like, what expression the character make when they are angry, sad, etc., what the situation or the setting of a place where the story happens look, etc.

4.2 The Discussion of the Finding

This section discusses the analysis of types of figurative language and the contextual meaning of each figurative language. The explanation is described below. There are 93 sentences that used figurative language found in in the novel entitled The Heroes of Olympics, Book Three: The Mark of Athena written by Rick Riordan. The researcher only took six sentences for each type of figurative language as the data representative to be described in this section. For metonymy, the researcher only gave one sentence for each type as the data representative. These figurative languages were listed and classified based on Leech‘s theory about the types of figurative language. The researcher would discuss 5 types of figurative language found in the novel. There are: Personification, Simile, Metaphor, Hyperbole, and Metonymy.

4.2.1 Personification

Personification means giving human characteristics to an object. Actually, personification is the transfer of human characteristic to an object, animal, or abstract idea. It makes the animals and the inanimate objects talk or behave as humans do. In the novel, the author mostly used inanimate object that is personified, by attributing human traits and qualities to it. For example: the author gives wind human ability, heart to do human activity, etc. Below are some examples of sentences using personification that are taken from the novel. Excerpt 1: Annabeth‘s heart did a gymnastics routine. Data 7, p.11, line 15 From the situation based on the novel, Annabeth and friends is in journey to Rome. When the Argo II arrives at Camp Jupiter, Annabeth looks down in the valley where the legion reinforcements are half-way to the city and she scan someone‘s face. She is so surprised that it is Percy. She sees that Percy is walking towards the ship with his arms around two other kids like they were best buddies —a stout boy with a black buzz cut, and a girl wearing a Roman cavalry helmet. Percy looked so at ease, so happy. He wore a purple