The Background of the Study

some teachers taught grammar just by giving explanation and exercises. Of course it makes students less comprehension. It makes students less interested in grammar, and makes students bored. These problems are important to be solved so that students get more comprehension in material of grammar, and students think that grammar is an interesting sub skill. To help students solve these problems, we need other techniques which are more interesting in teaching grammar. One of the appropriate techniques to master the simple present tense is by drilling. There are a lot of drillings in teaching grammar. The writer would like to propose “Substitution Drills”. Substitution drills require the students to put a vocabulary word or phrase into a sentence, conjugate a verb tense, or otherwise substitute one language part with another. Substitution drillings, in which the teacher uses cue words words, pictures, numbers, names, etc. to get individual students to mix the examples of the new pattern. 5 The students will repeat a sentence that gave the teacher and they can change a verb or subject into a sentence. It will motivate the students to make them more actively and understand in the pattern of simple present tense. Based on the problems discussed previously, the writer decides the title of this “Skripsi” “Developing Students’ Ability of the Simple Present Tense through Substitution Drills A Classroom Action Research at Seventh Grade of SMPN 6 Depok”.

B. The Limitation of the Study

To make this study easier to understand, the writer tries to limit the problems to Substitution Drills as the technique that the writer analyses in this research. The writer limits the subject matter to the Simple Present Tense. The Simple Present Tense was taught to the seventh grade students of SMPN 6 Depok and developed students’ ability in the simple present tense through substitution drills. 5 Richards C. Jack and Theodore S. Rodgers, Approaches and Methode in Language Teaching, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986, p. 41.

C. The Statement of the Problems

Based on the background above, the writer plans to analyze the use of substitution drills in teaching Simple Present Tense at seventh grade of SMPN 6 Depok. The main problem of this research can be formulated as follows: 1. “Can substitution drills develop students’ ability in Simple Present Tense in seventh grade of SMPN 6 Depok?” 2. “How can substitution drills develop students’ ability in Simple Present Tense?”

D. The Objectives of the Study

According to statement of the problem above, the objectives of the study are: to know how substitution drills can improve students’ understanding in the simple present tense, and to develop students’ ability in using the simple present tense through substitution drills.

E. The Significance of the Study

The results of this research is expected to be useful for the English teacher of SMPN 6 Depok, it gives the alternative solution in teaching simple present tense. Next, for students, will give an input to the students, so that they can improve their ability in simple present tense.

F. The Method of the Research

In doing the research, the writer uses Classroom Action Research CAR. Furthermore this research will use at least two cycles that consist of four stages: planning, acting, observing and reflecting for each cycles. The writer collaborates with English teacher of SMPN 6 Depok. In data collecting, the writer tries to combine both qualitative and quantitative data to get accuracy. It means that this research will use observation, interview, field note, and testing technique. For the observation, the aspect that is observed is the activity when the students learn simple present tense. It is included their participation in substitution drills activity. Whereas, for the testing the writer will use pre-test and post-test to measure the development students’ ability in the simple present tense through substitution drills at seventh grade of SMPN 6 Depok.

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