Mustapa Ahyar Nasution : A Brief Study Of Intrinsic Elements In Habiburrahman El Shirazy’s Novel Ketika Cinta Bertasbih, 2009.


The first motive of reading literary is for pleasure or entartainment. Through literature we can easily acknowledge the vital part played in human affairs by writers, and who read the literary works will find knowledge of human affairs boadened and depened whether in the individual, the social, the racial or international sphere. The instrinsic elements of a novel are the elements that build the literary works itself. It can be found when someone reads a novel. Novel has certain major elements that connect each other in developing a story its unity. The unity of a novel will create a concrete novel. Novel has five istrinsic elements to develop the story. Namely, Theme, Plot, Setting, Points of View and Character. Without them, literature does not exist.

2.1 Theme

Theme Rene dan Austin, 1982 :93 can be viewed as the basic of a story or centaral basic idea of a novel. This central basic idea, which has been stated previously is used for expanding the story. In other word, the story will be “loyal” to follow the central Mustapa Ahyar Nasution : A Brief Study Of Intrinsic Elements In Habiburrahman El Shirazy’s Novel Ketika Cinta Bertasbih, 2009. basic idea. So, several events, conflicts, and the election of the instrinsic elements such as character, setting and plot are carried to reflect the basic idea of a novel. According to Stanton in Nurhiyantoro,1995:70 “Tema adalah makna sebuah cerita yang secara khusus menerangkan sebahagian besar unsurnya dengan cara yang sederhana. Kurang lebih dapat bersinonim dengan ide utama central idea dan tujuan utama central purpose . which means theme is a meaning of the story that especially explaines a big part of its elements in the simple way. It more or less can be called as the central idea and central purpose of a story

2.2 Plot

According to Stanton in Nurgiyantoro,1995:113 “Plot adalah cerita yang berisi urutan kejadian namun tiap kejadian itu hanya dihubungkan secara sebab akibat, peristiwa yang satu disebabkan atau menyebabkan terjadinya peristiwa yang lain. which means plot is a story that contents of chronology events, however, every events only occur as causality, one events was caused or cause the other events occur A story requires several times order. It is called Plot. It will concern about past time, the present time, and the future time, or the combination of the two different times. It can be arranged chronologycally in flashback moments depending on the author’s will. In other words, plot contains how the story runs connected with every events which come afterwards in a series. Conflict and climax are the most important things in the plot’s structure, both of them are the main elements of plot. Climax probably happens if there is a conflict. A Mustapa Ahyar Nasution : A Brief Study Of Intrinsic Elements In Habiburrahman El Shirazy’s Novel Ketika Cinta Bertasbih, 2009. conflict will become climax or not, finished or not, in many ways will be influenced by the attitude. And the author’s main purposes in building the conflicts approriate with the demand and the coherence of the story. According to Foster in Nurgiyantoro,1995:113 “Plot adalah peristiwa- peristiwa cerita yang mempunyai tekanan pada adanya hubungan kausalitas” which means plot is event that have pressure and causality To understand plot is not easy. The reades should have sensitivity of though, feeling, serious, and critic. Plot is classified into three major parts. They are plot baed on the criterion of time order, plot based on the criterion of number, and plot based on the criterion of contents.

2.3 Character