The Analysis of the Theme

Mustapa Ahyar Nasution : A Brief Study Of Intrinsic Elements In Habiburrahman El Shirazy’s Novel Ketika Cinta Bertasbih, 2009. A novel maybe uses more than one point of view. The author can change the point of view from one technique to another in a story that he made. All of them depend on the author’s creativity, how he uses the techniques to reach the effectiveness of telling story in order to give impression to the readers. The uses of this point of view in a novel maybe use the third person with technique “he” as omniscient person and “he” as observer, or first person with technique “I” as main character and “I” as peripheral character, or maybe a mixture od first person and third person all at once.


3.1 The Analysis of the Theme

Mustapa Ahyar Nasution : A Brief Study Of Intrinsic Elements In Habiburrahman El Shirazy’s Novel Ketika Cinta Bertasbih, 2009. Ketika Cinta Bertasbih is about life including how to make priority before doing some action, and love. There are two theme found in this novel 1.Life The main character is Kairul Azzam, he is 28 years old. He is an indonesian collage student in Al Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt. He takes 9 years to finih his study. Usually it needs 5 years. This happened because his father died and Azzam becomes patriarch otomatically. He is doing business in creating tempe and meatball in Cairo to defray himself and his family in Indonesia Khairul azzam has three litlle sisters and his mother, Azzam is the one people who has to help them. He does business in creating tempe and metball in Cairo. Because he is more focus at his business ,then his performance goes down . A fiew time he can’t pass the exam so that he has been nine years in Cairo. but he has been graduated for the bachelor degree. “ Saya ini bukan selebritis kok dik, saya ini cuma penjual tempe dan bakso di Cairo. Sungguh. Kebetulan diantara yang sering pesan bakso saya adalah ayahnya Eliana dan Eliana itu sendiri. Ayahnya Eliana iu kan dubes Indonesia di Mesir, jadi saya kenal baik dengan ayahnya Eliana jelas Azzam panjang lebar. Tadi itu Eliana tidak serius dia cuma bacanda Rahman,148 ............................................................................................ .................................................................................................................. Sejak jam tiga pagi Lia dan ibunya telah bangun dan menyiapkan segalanya menyambut kepulangan Azzam. Hati Azzam gemetar padahal rumahnya masih seratus matar lagi , tapi ia sepeti mencium bau Mustapa Ahyar Nasution : A Brief Study Of Intrinsic Elements In Habiburrahman El Shirazy’s Novel Ketika Cinta Bertasbih, 2009. wangi ibunya. Ibu yang sangat di cintainya, telah sembilan tahun berpisah lamanya. Matanya basah. Di ujung dua matanya air matanya meleleh Rahman, 124 2. Love One day the ambassador’s daughter invites Azzam to take a part in Indonesian traditional food and culture day in University of Alexandria. The Ambassador’s daughter is Eliana. This moment made Eliana falling in love with Azzam. But Azzam prefer choosing Anna Althafunnisa although Azzam never meets Anna Althafunnisa before and then Anna Althafunnisa was pruposed marriage by Furqan. Furqan is Azzam’s best friend. The other side, Furqan has big problem. He has HIV AIDS in his body. He gets the virus because a mysterious Italian girl injects that virus when Furqan sleeps in Meridian Hotel, in Cairo. “Tiba-tiba Furqan menangis sendiri, ia teringat hari yang paling celaka dalam hidupnya yaitu ia terbangun dari tidurnya dan mendapati dirinya dalam keadaan yang sangat memalukan dan juga diteror dengan foto-foto dirinya bersama mis Italiana. Bencana itulah yang membuat Furqan positif mengidap penyakit HIV AIDS. Ia tau miss italiana yang menghancurkan hidupnya. Wanita itu memasukkan virus HIV AIDS melalui suntikan ketubuhnya. Dan terahir ia membaca hasil laboratorium yang menyatakan bahwa ia mengidap HIV AIDS. Dan ia berjanji kepada kolonel Fuad untuk tidak menyebarkan virus yang di deritanya Rahman,95

3.2 The Analysis of Plot