The Characteristics of Good Bilingual Learner

commit to user 45 Students have the role to emphasize understanding in teaching-learning process. What they do during teaching-learning process should aim to support their understanding in learning.

6. The Characteristics of Good Bilingual Learner

Stern 1974 in Anthony 1991: 149 explores the topic of the good language learner that is those who progressed well in learning another language, by means of studentteacher interviews, battery of personality tests and classroom observations. On the basis of these they have drawn up a list of positive strategies and personality traits. a. Positive strategies: 1 A personal learning style or positive learning strategies 2 An active approach to the learning task 3 A tolerant and outgoing approach to the target language and its speakers 4 Technical know-how about how to tackle a language 5 A methodical flexible approach, developing the new language into an ordered system and constantly revising this system 6 Constantly searching for meaning 7 Willingness to practice 8 Willingness to use the language in real communication 9 Self-monitoring and critical sensitivity to language use commit to user 46 10 Development of the L2 more and more as a separate reference system and learning to think in it b. Personality traits: 1 An element of insight and self-awareness; 2 Frustration tolerance; 3 A low anxiety level self reliance; 4 A high level of achievement and motivation perfectionism, goal consciousness; 5 A social integrative orientation; 6 Task orientation professionalism, technical know-how; 7 Cognitive flexibility adaptability, lack of rigidity Based on Foster, Rado, and Lewis 1983: 228-229 good learners, are those who achieved well in both languages described as; a. Having an active interest in language, that is being linguistically aware b. Having a strong ethnic language family background c. Accepting their bilingualism positively d. Judging their language skills in the ethnic language as quite good e. Having a sympathetic orientation to the ethnic culture f. Matching parents’ retention of ethnic identity to some degree g. Achieving well at school h. Demonstrating good study skills, motivation and study habits in the ethnic language and in English commit to user 47 i. Showing interest in reading bilingually, viewing films and TV in the ethnic language. j. Being active in clubs and sport k. Favoring tertiary education and the higher professions l. Are well known by teachers m. Having intellectually oriented parents who think critically and judge living conditions in more abstract terms n. Having parents who are acquainted with the school The inventories of strategies and characteristics are not intended to be exhaustive. Nevertheless, they could serve as a useful reference list when exploring ways of promoting bilingual learning.

E. Teaching InstructionalInstructional Media 1.

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