Description of Setting Source of Data

commit to user 54 method. Brumfit and Michell 1995: 1 in “Research in the language Classrooms” say that descriptive research will aim at providing as accurate account as possible of what current practice is how learners do learn, how teachers do teach, what classroom do look like, at the particular moment in the particular place. According to Seliner and Shomany 1989: -, descriptive research involves a collection of techniques used to specify, delineate or describe naturally occurring phenomena without experimental manipulation. Elliot and Kratochwill 1999: 34 state that descriptive study is a research in which the investigator examines and reports things the way they are in an effort to understand and explain them. That is why the research is qualitative descriptive research. Qualitative descriptive research is a method choice when straight descriptions of phenomena are desired.

B. Description of Setting

The writer observed the implementation of bilingualism in the teaching-learning activities at International Standardized School by involving herself directly in the teaching and learning activities of the fourth grade students of SD Negeri SBI Gemolong in the 20092010 academic year. The school is located at Gemolong, Sragen, Central Java. The writer conducted the research from Maret to Mei 2010. commit to user 55

C. Source of Data

According to Lofland as quoted by Moleong 2004: 112, sources of data in qualitative research are words and events, while the additional data can be documents or others. The research data in this study were collected in the form of information about the implementation of bilingualism in the teaching-learning activities in SD Negeri SBI Gemolong in the 20082009 academic year. The implementation was viewed from the use of the Indonesian and English language as the instructional language used by the teacher in teaching and by the students. It was also viewed from the communication between the teacher and the students and among the students themselves in the teaching-learning process. The writer observed whether they could communicate well by using Indonesian and English language as the instructional language in daily teaching-learning process and whether the students could reach the understanding of each material taught by bilingual language. The sources of the data in this research included events, informants, and documents. 1. Event The event is in the form of teaching-learning activities in the classroom. It was conducted in the fourth year of SD Negeri SBI Gemolong. 2. Informant commit to user 56 The writer took two teachers of International Standardized School in SD Negeri SBI Gemolong, who conducted Mathematics and Science classes as the key informants to be interviewed. The writer also took some students of International Standardized School in SD Negeri SBI Gemolong to be interviewed as informants. 3. Document The documents in this research are all those concerning the implementation of Bilingualism in the teaching-learning activities at International Standardized School in SD Negeri SBI Gemolong, such as lesson plan, the syllabus model, and instructional materials.

D. The Technique of Collecting Data

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