The Technique of Collecting Data

commit to user 56 The writer took two teachers of International Standardized School in SD Negeri SBI Gemolong, who conducted Mathematics and Science classes as the key informants to be interviewed. The writer also took some students of International Standardized School in SD Negeri SBI Gemolong to be interviewed as informants. 3. Document The documents in this research are all those concerning the implementation of Bilingualism in the teaching-learning activities at International Standardized School in SD Negeri SBI Gemolong, such as lesson plan, the syllabus model, and instructional materials.

D. The Technique of Collecting Data

The techniques of collecting the data which were applied in this research are as follows: 1. Interview Moleong says that interview is a conversation with certain purposes which is done by two parties, the interviewer and the interviewee 2002: 135. Additionally, Allison, et al. 1996: 25 says that interview is a face to face situation in which the researcher set out to elicit information or opinion from a subject. By this technique, the writer made an interview with the teachers of Mathematics and Science in International Standardized School class. The topic of the interview was about the implementation of Bilingualism commit to user 57 used in the teaching-learning activities at International Standardized School in SD Negeri SBI Gemolong in the 20092010 academic year. The interview was conducted from April to May 2010. 2. Observation Alison, et al. say that observation is observing and recording of events or circumstances in which the writer is present 1996: 26. Johnson and Christensen 2000: 147 define two different types of observation. First is laboratory observation and second is naturalistic observation. Laboratory observation is the observation done in the laboratory or other setting set up by the researcher, while naturalistic observation is the observation carried out in the real world. In this study, the writer used naturalistic observation. The writer also did a class observation. The observation was conducted from May to June 2010. 3. Document Analysis According to Sutopo 2002: 69 written documents are sources of research, which often have important role in qualitative research. Further, he explains that document is used in research because of some reasons: document is source of research, which is stable, rich and supported; it is as evidence to a testing and it has natural characteristic so it is appropriate to qualitative research. commit to user 58

E. Trustworthiness

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