The Weaknesses The Strengths and Weaknesses of Bilingualism in Teaching Learning Activities

commit to user 76 Second, in bilingual education, the students have better skills in learning English than other schools which only use one language as the medium of instruction. During teaching learning activities, the teachers always gave the students material, either tasks or note, in English. They also tried to make communication with their students in English. It showed that they were making every effort so that in the future the students are able to communicate in English fluently and help them to cope with global competition and cooperation. Third, teachers in bilingual education are required to be creative and open minded. It means that the teachers should avoid delivering the materials in conventional techniques. In International Standardized School, where the researcher did the research, the teachers delivered the materials in English, so they attempted to make the materials interesting. Before the teacher gave the explanation about the topic they taught, they asked the students to make a simple experiment or a simple practice about the topic. It was done to make the students understand the concept of the topic that they had just learned. By doing this, the teacher expected the students to become active and enthusiastic in the teaching learning activities. In choosing and giving materials, the teacher must be careful. Although the materials were taken from internet or international source, such as My Pals text book from developed country Singapore, they must be suitable with the curriculum used and the students’ need.

b. The Weaknesses

Besides the strengths, there are also some weaknesses in implementing bilingualism in the teaching learning activities in the International Standardized commit to user 77 School. First, bilingualism creates students’ confusion towards the lesson. When the teachers taught some materials in English, there were some students who still did not understand what the teachers were teaching. It can be seen from the result of the survey that the researcher took 20 students randomly, 45 of the respondents understood the material delivered in English, while 55 did not understand. It made the teachers to have to explain twice or three times until the students understood. Second, bilingual education produces the low learning achievement of the students. For the students who have the difficulty of understanding the material delivered in English, they should study hard by themselves to make a good mark in any test or exercises. Based on the observation that the researcher did, when the teacher gave a simple quiz in English, where the material had been given from the last meeting, most of the students got bad mark. Actually, the students understood the concept of the material for the quiz but they just did not know how to answer the question in English. Third, teachers of bilingual class should be a bilingual person, who masters Indonesian language and English well, but in fact the teachers still lack of using English in communicating with the students. The teachers did not pay attention to the language the teacher and the students used. The teachers concerned more on the concept of material rather than on the language. It can be seen from the observation, that the teachers did not correct the students’ utterances when the grammar was not correct. It is not appropriate since the objective of this program is to produce the outcomes having international commit to user 78 standard. If the students are expected to have international standard, they should pay attention to their language.

B. Discussion

In the research finding, the researcher discusses some research findings concerning with the implementation of bilingualism in the teaching learning activities in International Standardized School, SD Negeri SBI Gemolong, which was observed from many dimensions. In order to justify the research finding, the researcher discussed it with the other relevant references. In International Standardized School, teachers are required to use English as the instructional language. It is not easy for the teachers to use English fully in delivering materials, so the teaching learning activities are conducted in bilingual program. The bilingual program is using L1 Indonesian language and L2 foreign language “English” to learn content of subject matter, in this case Mathematics and Science. In this research context, the teaching model which is carried out in the bilingual program is bilingual transitional education. When the teachers taught the materials, they used partial English rather than full English. It is in line with Krashen 1997, who states that bilingual transitional education shows the use of language partially. The longer time teachers use English, the greater amount of the vocabulary the students get. Bilingual teaching in some subjects matter, Mathematics and Science, has purpose to prepare the students to have International standard and global competitiveness ability. During the teaching learning activities, teachers taught the materials in English. They also gave the students tasks and note in English.

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