The Kinds of Instructional Media

commit to user 48 printed text, an audiotape, a training service, a TV program, an instructor’s talking along with many other physical means are all considered media. Meanwhile, Briggs 1970 in Sadiman 2007: 6 writes media is all of physical means that can provide function to encourage students to learn. Asosiasi Pendidikan Nasional National Education AssociationNEA has its own definition of media. Media is a form of communication whether in printed form or audiovisual and its devices. Media should be able to be manipulated, observable, audible, and readable. Whatever boundaries given, there is similarity between those boundaries that media is all of things that can be used to deliver message from the sender to the receiver in order to stimulate thought, feeling, attention and interest of the students to build a learning process.

2. The Kinds of Instructional Media

There are many kinds of instructional media usually used in teaching and learning process. According to Smaldino 1996: 9, there are six types of media used in learning and instruction as follows: a. Text The most commonly used medium is text. Text is alphanumeric characters that may be displayed in any format-book, poster, chalkboard, computer screen, and so on. commit to user 49 b. Audio Audio includes anything you can hear-a person’s voice, music, mechanical sounds running car engine, noise, and so on. It may be live or recorded. c. Visuals Visuals are regularly used to promote learning. They include diagrams on a poster, drawing on a chalkboard, photographs, graphics in a book, cartoons, and so on. d. Motion media Motion media are media that show motion, including videotape, animation, and so on. e. Manipulatives One set of material often not considered media are real objects and models. Manipulatives are three dimensional and can be touched and handled by students. f. People The sixth and the final category of media is people. These may be teachers, students, or subject matter experts. People are critical to learning. Students learn from teachers, other students, and other adults. According to Newby 1996: 17, the kinds of instructional media with attributes and examples will be described in the following table: commit to user 50 Instructional Media Key attributes Example Real objects and models Actual item or three dimensional representation A living animal. A plastic model of the human eye. Text Written words Biology textbook Written material from an electronic encyclopedia. Video Moving pictures Instructional video on the procedures to insert memory chips in a computer. Video on how to seek shelter during a tornado. Audio Sound Audio CD of an inspirational speech. Audiotape of directions for completing a process. Graphics visuals, slides, overhead transparencies Pictures, line drawing, maps Projected overhead transparency of the state of South Carolina. Map of the organizational structure of a school corporation. Multimedia Combination of various media forms Computer program on comparative culture that incorporates pictures, textual descriptions, native music, and short commit to user 51

3. The Teaching Material in Bilingual Education

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