The student’s role

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c. The student’s role

In the teaching learning activities, the students are required to be active in the classroom. They are actively engaged to try to make them to understand each other, even when their knowledge of the target language is not sufficient. The students reach individual understanding by actively paying attention to the teacher’s explanation, asking questions, and presenting material after discussing. “Kalo disekolah kami, siswa itu diharapkan untuk menjadi seorang Thinker, enquirer, behavior, attitude n akhlak mulia” Interview with teacher AS on Thursday, April 29 th 2010. What the teacher AS said is related to what the students are expected to be. Being a thinker means the students have to think about the material which will be given. When the teacher gave information about the next meeting, the students should read or search the topics. By doing this activities, the students are expected to ask question when they get difficulty in understanding material. In term of the use of the language in the classroom, the students often used Indonesian language in asking question. When they got problem in understanding the material, they would ask the teacher by using Indonesian language. “Kalo tanya sama bu guru, aku masih pakai bahasa Indonesia,mbak. Tapi kalo jawab pertanyaan harus pakai bahasa Inggris. Kan soalnya bahasa Inggris.” Interview with student MR on Thursday, June 10 th 2010. What student MR said is in line with what teacher AN said. She stated that: commit to user 68 “Kalo anak belum bisa menggunakan bahasa Inggris 100 ya. Jadi mereka kadang menggunakan bahasa Indonesia, tapi jika ungkapan- ungkapan lain seperti ingin meminjam buku, ingin ke kamar mandi, mereka biasa menggunakan bahasa Inggris. Kita juga ada hari khusus bahasa Inggris. Jadi pada hari itu anak harus menggunakan bahasa Inggris. Kalo seandainya mereka bertanya dalam bahasa Indonesia, biasanya guru tidak akan menjawab. Dari situ diharapkan agar anak mau belajar lebih tentang penggunaan bahasa Inggris” Interview with teacher AN on Monday, May 30 th 2010 When the researcher was observing the teaching-learning activity, the researcher noticed that the teachers tried to make the students to be active in the classroom. They gave the students some guidance and directions, and the students tried to understand what the teacher meant. It was not easy for them to show such expressions as asking questions, communicating with their friends, etc. They had to understand the material by asking the teacher or consulting with the dictonary. The students should know the language form and meaning or content knowledge. “Kalo kesulitan, sebelum tanya ke teacher aku buka kamus dulu.” Interview with DF on Wednesday, June 16 th 2010

d. The syllabus model

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