The Characteristics of International Standardized School

commit to user 12 pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan, facilities and basic facilities standard standar sarana dan prasarana, management standard standar pengelolaan, financing standard standar pembiayaan, and assessment standard standar penilaian, as minimum operation indicator added by the X indicator as key plus operation indicator: 1 Adaptation Adaptation contains elements between SNP and one of the members of OECD andor other developed countries which has certain excellence in educational field, believed to have reputation of quality which is internationally acknowledged and also the graduates have international competitiveness ability. 2 Adoption Increasing or deepeningreinforcingexpansion certain elements which do not exist in eight elements of SNP by keeping contrive toward educational standard of OCED’s member andor other developed countries.

3. The Characteristics of International Standardized School

a. Perspective Characteristics It is very crucial for organization or institution to determine the vision. The vision will be the guide and the aim of the organization or institution. Bush and Coleman 2006: 21 explain the vision to describe the wanted future of organization. It is related to the aims of school or college, which is expressed in commit to user 13 received values and explains the wanted guides of organization. Bush and Coleman 2006 : 23 copy from Block’s opinion that vision is ideal future in ideal condition. The vision of SBI is creating Indonesian’s smart citizens who have internationally-competitive ability. This vision represents indirectly the picture of the educational purpose which is carried out in International Standardized School. b.Quality Assurance Characteristics 1 International Standardized School Graduates International Standardized School has not only capabilities nationally, but also in any aspects internationally. It is shown by acquisition of Indonesian national educational standard and key abilities which are needed to face globalization era. The characteristics of International Standard School’s outputoutcomes are as follows: a SBI graduates are able to continue their education abroad; b they are able to work in international institutions andor other countries; and c they are able to achieve medal in international competition. 2 The Teaching Learning Process The characteristics of teaching learning process at the International Standardized School are as follows: a pro-change, it means the teaching process can develop the creation, innovation, logical reasoning, and experimentation to find something new, a joy of commit to user 14 discovery; b implementing active learning, creative learning, and joyful learning model, student centered; reflective learning, active learning; enjoyable and joyful learning, cooperative learning; quantum learning; learning revolution; and contextual learning, where all of them have international standard; c implementing teaching process in Information and Technology principle for every subject; d teaching learning activities use English language or bilingual, especially science subject, math subject, and technology subject; e evaluation process uses the model of evaluation from excellent school of the OECD’s member andor other developed countries; f in carrying out The International Standardized School, it must use International Standardized Management, that is implementing and reaching ISO 9001 Version 2000 or the prior one or ISO 14000, and having good relationship with the sister school of International Standardized School abroad. 3 The Input The characteristics of International Standardized School Input are: a having the accreditation from one of the members of OECD or other developed countries; b the passing grade is higher than national passing grade; c at least 20 of the teachers are S2S3 graduate from A-accredited universities and the teachers master English language actively; d new students intake are selected strictly through screening of the report result in elementary school, school final exam, commit to user 15 Scholastic Aptitude Test SAT, health, and interview. New student of International Standard School has excellent quality which is shown by his IQ, EQ, ESQ, and great talent.

B. The Nature of Bilingualism 1. The Definition of Bilingualism

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