Research Method Data and Data Source


3.1 Research Method

Research method is one of the important things of scientific studies in analyzing the problems. In this thesis, some theories and opinion are applied. Research method which is used in this research is Library Research, that is by reading and studying some books also research findings concerned with the topic of the problem. According to Nawawi 1991: 30, the activity of library research is conducted by collecting the data from some literatures, either in library or in other places. We can also use the documentation materials, magazines, newspaper, and so on, which are written as Nawawi 1991:30 says, “Penelitian kepustakaan yaitu suatu penelitian yang dilakukan dengan menghimpun data dari berbagai literatur, baik di perpustakaan maupun di tempat-tempat lain. Literatur yang dipergunakan tidak terbatas hanya pada buku-buku, tetapi dapat juga berupa bahan-bahan dokumentasi, majalah-majalah, koran- koran, dll. berupa bahan tertulis. Dari literatur tersebut dapat ditemukan berbagai teori, hukum, dalil, prinsip-prinsip, pendapat, gagasan-gagasan, dll. yang dapat dipergunakan untuk menganalisa dan memecahkan masalah yang diselidiki .” Library Research is a research done by collecting data from many kinds of literature, whether in the library or any other places. Literature used is not only limited on books but also on magazines, newspaper, and other written documentation. Relevant studies are also used to support the analysis. From that literature, there are theories, priciples, opinion, ideas, etc. found within it which can be used to analyze and solve problems investigated. Universitas Sumatera Utara

3.2 Data and Data Source

Source of data that used in analyzing the verb phrase is a magazine. I choose Tempo Magazine that published in April, 21 st 2013. There are four articles chosen in doing the analysis. They are Bribery In Room 1201 page 14 – 18, Fingerprints on ID Cards page 20 – 21, Budget Master In Senayan page 22 – 23, New Threat From Obsolete Clause page 31 -34. Four articles of the magazine could represent the whole of magazine in helping me to find the kinds of verb phrase.

3.3 Data Collecting Method